Belgium cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 19 January 2025.

Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Belgium. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 12421 places in Belgium that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Belgium is Brussels.

2793644La Ferrière SeptentrionaleBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.14.366670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2802871AvelgemAovelhem,Avelgem,AvelghemBEFlandersProvincie West-Vlaanderen50.776183.445029106Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2786967SchorvorstSchorvoirt,SchorvorstBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.308384.961610Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2787973RobechiesChimay (Robechies)BEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.07294.27763279Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2800949BrouckBEWalloniaProvince de Liège50.65985.200150Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2800874BruulBruel,BruulBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.847444.794020Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2787555RuisbeekBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.943274.565020Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2795480HondsnestHondnest,HondsnestBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.183334.383330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2790025NopstalBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.983334.866670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2791219MiauvaingBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.649373.569530Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2788995PierreuseBEWalloniaProvince de Liège50.333335.816670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2799272DoorntjeBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen51.216674.166670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2787722RorenRooren,Roren,RozenBEFlandersProvincie Limburg51.083335.666670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2785246Trieux PochauxTrieu Pochaux,Trieux PochauxBEWalloniaProvince de Namur49.97554.530540Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2802923Au PapeBEWalloniaProvince de Namur50.366674.766670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2787352Saint-PierreBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg49.903765.38751773Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2790967MolenhoekBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.112314.634870Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2796216HeihuizenHeihuisen,HeihuizenBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.285064.756190Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2799688De MerktDe Merkt,MerktBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.033334.60Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2789516OudendijkOudendijk,OudendykBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.354.30Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2795676HoekskenBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen50.966674.10Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2784627Villers-Notre-DameBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.618543.73587188Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2790265NeuperléNeuperle,NeuperléBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg49.816675.750Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2800877Brusselse VoorstadBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen51.033333.766670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2789609OseOose,Oossche,Ose,OsseBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen50.860653.65850Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2796406Haut HameauBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.633333.498440Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2797003Gros ChêneBEWalloniaProvince de Namur50.355.333330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2785024VarlabaisVarlabais,VarlaboisBEWalloniaProvince de Liège50.718865.081730Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2786956SchoudemonthoekBEFlandersProvincie West-Vlaanderen50.833332.683330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2786302SpeelbergBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.913214.777260Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2791403MeldertMeldertBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen50.934494.135042972Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2793120Le CasanBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.666673.533330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2785590ThiaumontThiaumontBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg49.715235.730561093Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2789736OosttaverneBEFlandersProvincie West-Vlaanderen50.783332.90Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2798240Fond de BendeBEWalloniaProvince de Liège50.424655.433280Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2802566BaucheBEWalloniaProvince de Namur50.335714.928270Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2798323FlamentBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.630884.147540Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2783458WonckBassenge (Wonck),WonekBEWalloniaProvince de Liège50.766875.63621468Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2790820MontenauMontenauBEWalloniaProvince de Liège50.358536.121250Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2798060Fourneau Saint-MichelBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg50.084125.340550Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2801450BornBornBEWalloniaProvince de Liège50.332916.117410Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2791647MartaimontBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg49.966675.750Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2793666LacuisineLacuisineBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg49.715895.31771684Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2789315PapeterieBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg49.683335.750Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2795755HillareHillaer,HillareBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen51.094663.968450Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2796314Hé de LonayHe de Lonay,He-de-Lonnay,Hé de Lonay,Hé-de-LonnayBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg50.25.683330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2797837GanzendriesBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen51.041393.700890Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2800208ColroyBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.545133.858260Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2791144MirwartMirwartBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg50.05655.26444122Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2799894DamerieBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.640213.663990Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2798426FayatFayat,Payat,TayatBEWalloniaProvince de Namur50.483334.650Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2783434WuinesWuines,WuynesBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.033764.611630Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2788296RechrivalRechirval,Rechival,RechrivalBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg50.006465.577860Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2791775MaraisBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.691183.797490Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2795609HogeHoge,HoogheBEFlandersProvincie West-Vlaanderen50.983333.033330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2796761Haie du CapitaineBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg50.116675.333330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
6957797Les QueuesBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.554.116670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2786128SteenkupBEWalloniaProvince du Brabant Wallon50.688134.096680Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2789422OverheembeekBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.94.366670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2791847MalempréMalempre,MalempréBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg50.281555.71444310Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2801483BoortmeerbeekBoortmeerbeekBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.979294.5744311570Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2796327HazewindekenHaesewindeken,Hazenwindeken,Hazevind,Hazewind,HazewindekenBEFlandersProvincie West-Vlaanderen50.989423.033190Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2795066ImpegemBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.858594.069140Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2798589ÉtheVirton (Ethe),Virton (Éthe)BEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg49.585.582081857Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2794247KloosterhoekBEFlandersProvincie West-Vlaanderen50.797033.440070Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2787690RossemBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.973734.280490Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2789358PaireuxBEWalloniaProvince de Namur50.216675.016670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2802006BieheideBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.377724.928710Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2799253DorneDorneBEFlandersProvincie Limburg51.044075.625860Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2794616KeeskorfBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.954.866670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2793242La SpècheBEWalloniaProvince de Namur504.983330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2796758Haie du RoeulxBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.495134.199710Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2797396GoorstraatBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.277945.100870Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2801294BouderetsBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.540393.400490Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2786378SomtetBEWalloniaProvince de Namur50.304054.65780Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2784304VrijhemVrijhem,VryhemBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen50.928073.788080Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2799166DriesDries,DriessenBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.867185.008410Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2789650OrbaisPerwez (Orbais)BEWalloniaProvince du Brabant Wallon50.637984.763521166Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2793915KruisheideBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant51.033194.254670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2798199Fonds des EauxBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.466674.20Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2796195HeikeHeike,Het Eyken,Het HeikeBEFlandersProvincie Antwerpen51.015594.415950Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2791990LuxiboutBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg50.266675.983330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2789811OombergenBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen50.898563.833440Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2787225SartiauBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.27514.210640Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2788393RambouchyBEWalloniaProvince du Luxembourg50.15.60Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2797287Grande ErhopeBEWalloniaProvince de Namur50.255.033330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2798469FarinetteBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.677513.433590Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2794693KarrestraatBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen51.1166740Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2785073VakenVaaken,VakenBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.966674.733330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2794249KloosterbosKlooster Bosch,KloosterbosBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen51.193313.83550Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2802849AwansAuans,Avan,Awan,Awans,a wang,awan,Αβάν,Аван,Ауанс,اوان,阿旺BEWalloniaProvince de Liège50.667745.463298612Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2793866KunselBEFlandersProvincie Limburg51.066675.40Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2802615Basse HermalleBEWalloniaProvince de Liège50.733695.685770Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2801298BouchegnetteBouchegnette,BouchegnietteBEWalloniaProvince du Hainaut50.563273.506260Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2792894LembekeBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen50.883333.716670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2800785BuchtenBugten,BuktenBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen51.033333.70Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2785101UlbeekWellen (Ulbeek)BEFlandersProvincie Limburg50.843675.30502880Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2786522SlarrinBEFlandersProvincie West-Vlaanderen51.053.066670Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2787900RoelBEFlandersProvincie Vlaams-Brabant50.864875.082330Europe/Brusselspopulated place
2783728WichelenWichelenBEFlandersProvincie Oost-Vlaanderen51.005263.9768311014Europe/Brusselspopulated place

**Exploring the Geographic Tapestry of Belgium: A Personal Journey**

Nestled in the heart of Europe, Belgium beckons with its rich history, cultural diversity, and picturesque landscapes. As a geographer embarking on a personal journey to unravel the mysteries of this enchanting country, delving into the data of its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates unveils a tapestry of geographic wonders waiting to be explored. Join me on an expedition as we traverse the diverse terrain and uncover the hidden gems of Belgium.

Introduction: Embarking on a Geographical Odyssey**

Belgium, often referred to as the "Crossroads of Europe," boasts a fascinating blend of Flemish and Walloon cultures, medieval towns, and vibrant cities. As a geographer, obtaining data on the cities of Belgium offers a gateway to understanding its urban dynamics, population distribution, and administrative divisions. Let us embark on a journey to uncover the geographical intricacies of this captivating land.

Exploring the Cities: From Brussels to Bruges**

Acquiring data on the cities of Belgium provides valuable insights into the country's urban landscape and historical significance. From the cosmopolitan capital of Brussels to the medieval charm of Bruges, each city tells a unique story of heritage, innovation, and resilience. Mapping out the regions and departments encompassing these cities offers a deeper understanding of Belgium's administrative structure and cultural diversity.

Mapping Latitude and Longitude: Navigating Belgium's Varied Terrain**

Obtaining latitude and longitude data for each city in Belgium allows geographers to navigate the country's diverse terrain and geographic features with precision. From the rolling hills of the Ardennes to the flat plains of Flanders, these coordinates serve as navigational markers for researchers, adventurers, and travelers seeking to explore Belgium's hidden treasures.

Discovering Natural Beauty: From Forests to Coastlines**

Beyond its urban centers, Belgium boasts a wealth of natural beauty and ecological diversity. Acquiring data on the latitude and longitude of national parks, forests, and coastlines enables geographers to study patterns of biodiversity, analyze the impact of human activity, and assess conservation efforts. From the dense forests of the Ardennes to the sandy beaches of the North Sea coast, each location offers a glimpse into Belgium's natural splendor.

Conclusion: Celebrating Belgium's Geographic Heritage**

In conclusion, Belgium stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of landscapes, cultures, and histories that define Europe. Through the lens of geography, we uncover a land of boundless beauty, cultural richness, and human ingenuity. As geographers, let us continue to explore, study, and celebrate the marvels of Belgium, ensuring its preservation for generations to come.

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Download data files for Belgium's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Geographical Insights into Belgium: A Data-Driven Approach

Belgium, a country at the heart of Europe, boasts a rich history, diverse cultural influences, and a geography shaped by both natural and human-made features. From the rugged Ardennes in the south to the flat coastal plains of Flanders in the north, Belgium offers a unique blend of landscapes that are both picturesque and economically significant. As a geographer, understanding the distribution of cities, regions, and departments within this complex geography is crucial to understanding how the country has developed and how it continues to evolve.

To study Belgium in greater depth, acquiring accurate geographic data about its cities, including their regional divisions and exact coordinates, is vital. Data on the cities' latitude and longitude, as well as their regional affiliation, can provide insights into Belgium’s urban dynamics, regional disparities, and the spatial organization of its infrastructure. This data is indispensable for those engaged in urban planning, environmental management, and resource distribution.

Belgium’s Geography: A Landscape of Contrasts

Belgium is a country of contrasts in terms of its geography, with a blend of flat agricultural lands, dense forests, and bustling urban areas. To the north, the region of Flanders is characterized by flat terrain, fertile soil, and a coastline along the North Sea, which has historically played a major role in Belgium’s trade and commerce. In contrast, the southern region of Wallonia is dominated by the Ardennes mountains, creating a more rugged and sparsely populated landscape.

Belgium’s capital city, Brussels, is located near the center of the country and is not only the political heart of Belgium but also a crucial hub for international organizations like the European Union and NATO. The city’s location in a transitional zone between Flanders and Wallonia makes it a microcosm of the country’s diverse linguistic, cultural, and geographic influences. Other key cities like Antwerp, Ghent, Liège, and Bruges each play important roles in Belgium’s economy and cultural life, with their locations being shaped by both historical and geographic factors.

Mapping the Cities of Belgium: Regional and Administrative Divisions

Belgium is divided into three regions: Flanders, Wallonia, and the Brussels-Capital Region. These regions are further subdivided into provinces, and within these provinces are municipalities, which include the cities and towns of the country. This administrative structure is essential for understanding the spatial organization of Belgium, as each region has its own linguistic, cultural, and economic characteristics, and cities within these regions have distinct roles.

For instance, cities in Flanders, such as Antwerp and Ghent, are known for their historical trade significance and contemporary economic importance, while cities in Wallonia, like Liège and Namur, are more industrial and historically linked to the coal and steel industries. Brussels, as the political and administrative center, serves as a melting pot of both Flemish and French-speaking populations, illustrating the linguistic diversity that defines the country.

By obtaining detailed data on Belgium’s cities, regions, and departments, one can analyze how urbanization has shaped the country’s economic activities, population distribution, and infrastructure development. This data also allows for better planning and resource management, ensuring that both urban and rural areas are adequately serviced and developed.

Latitude and Longitude: Pinpointing Belgium’s Cities for Precise Analysis

Latitude and longitude data are critical for accurately mapping Belgium’s cities and regions. By obtaining the exact coordinates of cities such as Brussels, Antwerp, and Charleroi, geographers and urban planners can create precise geographic models that help in assessing accessibility, connectivity, and the distribution of resources. These coordinates provide a way to visualize how cities are connected, both by physical infrastructure such as roads and railways, and by economic and social networks.

The geographic coordinates of each city in Belgium also allow for the study of environmental factors and the potential impacts of climate change. For example, understanding the location of coastal cities like Ostend in relation to rising sea levels, or the positioning of cities in the Ardennes in relation to flood zones, can help with disaster preparedness and environmental management.

While the specific latitude and longitude of each city are not provided in this article, these coordinates are essential for creating geographic models, analyzing urban development, and assessing regional vulnerabilities. They serve as the foundation for any study or project that requires detailed spatial analysis.

Flexible Data Formats for Greater Usability: CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML

To maximize the utility of Belgium’s geographic data, it is important to offer it in various formats that can be easily accessed and utilized by different types of users. By making the data available in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, it can be integrated into a wide range of tools, applications, and research projects.

CSV and SQL formats are particularly useful for urban planners, researchers, and policymakers who need to manage large datasets, perform spatial analysis, and generate reports. These formats allow users to query, filter, and analyze geographic data based on different criteria, such as population size, infrastructure needs, or economic activity. CSV files are easy to work with in spreadsheet software, making them accessible to a broad audience.

JSON and XML formats, on the other hand, are ideal for developers and those working with geographic information systems (GIS) or web applications. These formats support dynamic mapping, real-time data updates, and integration into interactive platforms, providing greater flexibility in how the data is used and visualized.

By offering Belgium’s geographic data in these various formats, it ensures that the data can be applied in a broad array of fields, from academic research to urban development, environmental management, and beyond.

Conclusion: Leveraging Geographic Data for Belgium’s Future

Belgium’s geography, with its diverse regions, cities, and administrative divisions, offers a wealth of insights into the country’s urbanization, economic development, and environmental challenges. By obtaining comprehensive data on the cities, regions, and departments of Belgium, including their precise geographic coordinates, geographers and urban planners can gain valuable insights into the spatial organization of the country and the factors that shape its growth.

Latitude and longitude data is essential for conducting detailed spatial analysis, while formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML ensure that the data is accessible and usable across a range of applications. With the right geographic data, Belgium can better plan for sustainable growth, improve infrastructure, and manage its resources efficiently, ensuring that it remains a thriving, dynamic nation at the heart of Europe.

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