Fiji cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 20 January 2025.

Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Fiji. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 2187 places in Fiji that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Fiji is Suva.

2203140NaicabecabeNaicabecabe,Naithambethambe,Nasesara,Nuku nukuFJEasternLomaiviti Province-17.76832178.765690Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11190106NaraviraviNaraviraviFJWesternRa Province-17.52668178.104610Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11231566Wainatava SettlementWainatava SettlementFJCentralNamosi Province-18.04551178.068940Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2196805VavalagiVavalagi,VavalangiFJNorthernMacuata Province-16.3112179.448050Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11812728Nainima SettlementNainima SettlementFJNorthernMacuata Province-16.4246179.174310Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2194290YanucaYanuca,YanuthaFJEasternLomaiviti Province-17.76534178.781780Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11104188KorovouKorovouFJWesternBa Province-17.64752177.661220Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11104477Waibogi SettlementWaibogi SettlementFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-18.14446177.473890Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2199407NggeleniNggeleniFJWestern-17.11667177.250Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11244756Waivora SettlementWaivora SettlementFJCentralTailevu Province-17.78377178.437710Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2202225NamoalaNamoalaFJ-18.61667179.883330Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2195401WainawaqaWainawangga,WainawaqaFJCentralNaitasiri Province-17.98954178.288480Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2202429NabilaNabila,NambilaFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-17.87006177.270920Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11499789Nakorovou SettlementNakorovou SettlementFJNorthernBua Province-16.80058178.62940Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2196877VatutadovaVatutadova,VatutandovaFJNorthernMacuata Province-16.42732179.278230Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11618462Valetokoni SettlementValetokoni SettlementFJNorthernMacuata Province-16.23482179.722970Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2199943DelaitogaDelaitoga,NdelaitongaFJCentralNaitasiri Province-17.82623178.312530Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11705909Veidomoni SettlementVeidomoni SettlementFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.75534-179.727560Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11104732Vucilevu SettlementVucilevu SettlementFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-18.22869177.782860Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2203309NailagaNailaga,NailangaFJWesternBa Province-17.50894177.661110Pacific/Fijipopulated place
4035782WaciwaciWaciwaci,WathiwathiFJEasternLau Province-18.2401-178.784380Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2197270VairamaVairamaFJRotuma-12.48847177.103820Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2202042NadoiNadoi,NandoiFJCentralRewa Province-18.10983178.558160Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11706561BaniBaniFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.46623-179.939230Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11244859Namarikutu SettlementNamarikutu SettlementFJCentralTailevu Province-17.78374178.413370Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11596429Loloi SettlementLoloi SettlementFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.79761179.999880Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11243259Waila SettlementWaila SettlementFJCentralNaitasiri Province-18.02802178.519150Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2202936NakaugaseleNakaugasele,NakaungaseleFJEasternKadavu Province-18.95235178.378620Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2201621NaririNarir,NaririFJWesternRa Province-17.59627178.107750Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2195250WaiqanakeWaingganaki,WaiqanakeFJCentralRewa Province-18.13446178.369280Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2201412NaseaNaseaFJNorthern-16.41667179.366670Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2200600NaveyagoNaveyago,NaveyangoFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-17.96505177.648190Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11436809Namuanaira SettlementNamuanaira SettlementFJEasternKadavu Province-18.96967178.42880Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2200998NatoaikaNatoaikaFJCentralNaitasiri Province-17.95059178.454170Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2198848RokovuakaRokovuakaFJWesternRa Province-17.63649178.260280Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2198734SanasanaSanasanaFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-18.11283177.326390Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2202241NamekaNamekaFJCentralNaitasiri Province-17.84918178.40250Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11104117Vunayasi SettlementVunayasi SettlementFJWesternBa Province-17.86931177.411050Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11611184Naganivatu VillageFJCentral-17.96417178.440280Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2200960NatogadravoNatogadravo,Natongandravo,NatongandravuFJCentralTailevu Province-18.06181178.573050Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2202840NakoronawaNakoronawaFJEasternKadavu Province-18.9531178.379220Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2194253YaroFJWestern-17.73569177.175570Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11705884Naivitukituki SettlementNaivitukituki SettlementFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.77086-179.74540Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2204514LaucalaLaucala,LauthalaFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.74756179.123090Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11499090Vanuaseva SettlementVanuaseva SettlementFJWesternBa Province-17.29395177.107580Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2204304LomatiKaromaci,Koromathi,LomatiFJEasternLau Province-19.16423179.754150Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11812682Dramea SettlementDramea SettlementFJNorthernMacuata Province-16.4944179.426310Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2205063KavalaKaivala,KavalaFJEasternKadavu Province-18.96962178.413750Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11514841Lovonidalo SettlementLovonidalo SettlementFJNorthernBua Province-16.67352178.636830Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11191363NabouvaNabouvaFJCentralTailevu Province-17.71302178.373390Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11104313DakadakaDakadakaFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-17.92203177.372090Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2198750SabataSabata,SambataFJCentralSerua Province-18.11256178.072350Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11499792Bua Indian SettlementBua Indian SettlementFJNorthernBua Province-16.79263178.604040Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11405507Burelevu SettlementBurelevu SettlementFJEasternKadavu Province-19.11724178.141960Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2199672DrueDrueFJ-19.00427178.161420Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2204030MatainimoliMatainimoliFJCentralTailevu Province-18.0866178.602760Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2199399QelewaraNggelewara,QelewaraFJNorthernMacuata Province-16.2556179.617430Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11615805Vuniveata SettlementVuniveata SettlementFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.31653179.821160Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2200078DalomoDalomo,NdalomoFJWesternBa Province-16.78295177.525360Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2199146NubumakitaNubumakita,NumbumakitaFJWesternRa Province-17.64939178.149740Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2201485NasautokaNasautokaFJCentralTailevu Province-17.72617178.379690Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11706574BatutuBatutuFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.4683-179.985650Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2195669WaibalavuWaibalavu,WaimbalavuFJCentralNaitasiri Province-17.76605178.235650Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2200604NavetauNavetauFJNorthern-16.51667179.833330Pacific/Fijipopulated place
4036098MatokanaKoro-Ono,MatokanaFJ-20.68333-178.716670Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2201219NasovatavaNasovatavaFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-18.02155177.507170Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2197277VailekaVailaka,VailekaFJWesternRa Province-17.37894178.153290Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11594961Nakabuta SettlementNakabuta SettlementFJNorthernBua Province-16.88454178.937280Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11706057Wai SettlementWai SettlementFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.80305-179.859730Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2198406SeseSeseFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.37274179.78570Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2198667SaukamaSaukamaFJRotuma-12.52251177.087260Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2204298LobauLobau,LombauFJCentralNamosi Province-18.17335178.200590Pacific/Fijipopulated place
4035838VatoaVatoaFJEasternLau Province-19.82211-178.251370Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2196224VunindamoliVuni-ta-moli,VunindamoliFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.73561179.16060Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11313815Natacileka SettlementNatacileka SettlementFJCentralTailevu Province-17.59517178.493020Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2201625NarikosoNarikoso,NirikosoFJEasternKadavu Province-18.91728178.507340Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2201484NasauvereNasauvereFJCentralNaitasiri Province-17.88394178.078680Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2201575NasaibituNasaibitu,NasaimbituFJCentralTailevu Province-17.69575178.377030Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2203077Naivimagimagi SettlementNaivi Mangimangi,Naivimagimagi SettlementFJEasternKadavu Province-19.03452178.40520Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2204666KorovutoKorovuto,KorovutuFJWesternBa Province-17.82951177.376060Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2201486NasaucokoNasaucoko,NasauthokoFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-17.87351177.696310Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2197166Vagai SettlementVagai Settlement,VangaiFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.77125179.86520Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2199684DromunaDromuna,NdromunaFJCentralTailevu Province-18.00328178.689760Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2202814NakosoNakosoFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.71079179.302030Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2195925Vatuni SettlementVatuni Settlement,Vuthuna,Vutuma,VutunaFJEasternLomaiviti Province-17.81528179.434490Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11104072Kerebula SettlementKerebula SettlementFJWesternBa Province-17.80334177.435830Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11190000Naba SettlementNaba SettlementFJWesternRa Province-17.31698178.155310Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11595014Nawaisomo SettlementNawaisomo SettlementFJNorthernBua Province-16.82129178.889020Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2197519TuakoiTuakoiFJRotuma-12.51981177.068460Pacific/Fijipopulated place
4036058NalutuNalutuFJNorthern-16.08333-179.150Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11670364LautokaFJ-17.67571177.108960Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11104586Vatuyate SettlementVatuyate SettlementFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-17.89735177.781980Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2197136VanualevuVanualevuFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-17.73969177.95460Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2198296SolodamuSolodamu,SolondamuFJEasternKadavu Province-19.075178.119610Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11499758Namulomulo SettlementNamulomulo SettlementFJNorthernBua Province-16.98371178.688270Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2205122KanaceaKanacea,KanatheaFJNorthernCakaudrove Province-16.96929179.89540Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2197968TauTauFJWesternNandronga and Navosa Province-17.97012177.280790Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11313520Naqeledravia SettlementNaqeledravia SettlementFJCentralTailevu Province-17.76475178.494280Pacific/Fijipopulated place
11313841Nabuna SettlementNabuna SettlementFJCentralTailevu Province-17.62219178.505580Pacific/Fijipopulated place
2197682TiaFJ-12.5177.050Pacific/Fijipopulated place

**Exploring Fiji: A Geographer's Perspective**


Embarking on a geographical exploration of Fiji unveils a world of tropical beauty, cultural diversity, and ecological significance. As a geographer delving into the data of Fiji's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, we uncover a wealth of insights into the nation's spatial dynamics and natural heritage.

Mapping the Regions and Departments**

Fiji, an archipelago of more than 300 islands in the South Pacific Ocean, is renowned for its stunning landscapes and pristine beaches. Divided into administrative regions and departments, each island group offers a unique blend of geography, climate, and cultural traditions. From the volcanic peaks of Viti Levu and Vanua Levu to the coral atolls of the Lau Group and Yasawa Islands, mapping these regions provides invaluable insights into Fiji's diverse topography and ecological resources.

Exploring Island Communities**

Fiji's island communities, both urban and rural, serve as vibrant centers of cultural exchange and economic activity. The capital city, Suva, located on the southeastern coast of Viti Levu, is a bustling metropolis with a rich multicultural heritage. In contrast, remote villages scattered across the outer islands maintain traditional ways of life, relying on subsistence agriculture, fishing, and handicrafts for sustenance. Exploring these island communities allows geographers to analyze spatial patterns, demographic trends, and socio-economic development across Fiji's archipelago.

Obtaining Geographical Coordinates**

Acquiring precise geographical coordinates for Fiji's cities and towns is essential for navigation, disaster management, and resource planning. By obtaining latitude and longitude data for each locality, geographers contribute to mapping projects, emergency response efforts, and climate change adaptation strategies. From the urban centers of Suva and Nadi to the remote islands of Kadavu and Taveuni, accurate geospatial information facilitates better decision-making and infrastructure development throughout Fiji.

Preserving Marine Ecosystems and Biodiversity**

Preserving Fiji's marine ecosystems and biodiversity is critical for sustaining livelihoods, supporting tourism, and mitigating climate change impacts. The nation's coral reefs, mangrove forests, and marine protected areas harbor a rich array of flora, fauna, and cultural sites. Conservation efforts aim to protect these fragile ecosystems, promote sustainable fishing practices, and enhance resilience to climate-related threats. By collaborating with local communities, conservation organizations, and government agencies, geographers play a vital role in safeguarding Fiji's natural heritage for future generations.


In conclusion, navigating through Fiji's geographical wonders reveals a land of unparalleled beauty, cultural richness, and ecological importance. By obtaining data on its regions, island communities, and geographical coordinates, we gain valuable insights into the spatial dynamics and natural diversity of this South Pacific nation. Let us continue to explore, protect, and cherish Fiji's islands and marine ecosystems, ensuring a sustainable future for both people and nature.

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Download data files for Fiji's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Exploring Fiji’s Geography: A Geographer’s Insight into Cities, Regions, and Data

Fiji, an archipelago of over 300 islands scattered across the South Pacific Ocean, is a land of incredible natural beauty and geographic diversity. From its coral reefs and lagoons to its lush rainforests and volcanic peaks, Fiji offers a unique landscape for geographic analysis. As a geographer, understanding the distribution of its cities, regions, and natural features is essential for examining urban development, resource management, and the potential impacts of climate change on this island nation. With its growing digital infrastructure and open access to geographic data, Fiji also provides an opportunity for spatial analysis that can guide future planning and development.

Geographical Layout of Fiji: Cities, Regions, and Administrative Divisions

Fiji is divided into four main divisions: Central, Eastern, Western, and Northern. These divisions are further subdivided into smaller administrative regions that include cities, towns, and rural areas. While Fiji's cities are relatively small compared to global standards, they play a significant role in the country's economy, culture, and governance. The capital city, Suva, located on the southeastern coast of Viti Levu, is the largest urban center and the political and economic heart of Fiji.

The other major cities, including Lautoka, Nadi, and Labasa, are spread across the two main islands—Viti Levu and Vanua Levu—each serving distinct roles. Lautoka, located on the western coast of Viti Levu, is a major industrial hub, especially for sugar production. Nadi, also on Viti Levu, serves as a key tourist and transportation gateway, housing Fiji’s international airport and numerous resorts.

Understanding how cities are distributed across Fiji’s regions provides important insights into the country’s spatial dynamics, from the concentration of urban activities to the role of rural areas in agriculture and resource extraction. Additionally, the geography of the islands, influenced by volcanic activity and ocean currents, shapes the settlements, infrastructure, and economic activities on each island.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Fiji’s Cities

Obtaining the precise latitude and longitude coordinates of cities across Fiji is essential for geographers looking to explore the country’s spatial relationships and geographical patterns. By knowing the exact coordinates of cities such as Suva, Lautoka, and Nadi, researchers can map the country’s urban development, evaluate accessibility, and analyze the distribution of infrastructure and resources.

The latitude and longitude data allow geographers to explore how cities are connected by land and sea, and how their geographical positioning influences trade routes, tourism, and regional development. For instance, Suva’s location on the southeastern coast makes it a strategic port and cultural center, while Lautoka’s position on the western side of Viti Levu places it closer to Fiji’s key agricultural areas.

The precise coordinates of each city are also critical for disaster management and climate change studies. With rising sea levels posing a significant threat to many low-lying coastal areas in Fiji, understanding the geographical positions of cities and their vulnerability to natural hazards such as storm surges or flooding is an essential part of planning for climate resilience.

Accessing Fiji’s Geographical Data in Multiple Formats

For those seeking a deeper understanding of Fiji’s cities and regions, access to detailed geographic data is essential. The ability to obtain this data in multiple formats—CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML—ensures flexibility and accessibility for a wide range of users, from researchers and planners to developers and policymakers.

CSV (Comma Separated Values) is an ideal format for organizing data in a table that can be easily manipulated and analyzed using spreadsheet software. This format allows users to sort and filter data based on various attributes such as city population, geographical location, and regional affiliation. SQL (Structured Query Language) is perfect for working with larger datasets stored in relational databases. SQL allows for complex queries, enabling users to extract specific geographic information or run spatial analyses to identify patterns across Fiji’s cities and regions.

For developers and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) specialists, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) are flexible formats that can be integrated into custom applications, mapping tools, and data visualizations. These formats are widely used in the creation of interactive maps, where users can explore Fiji’s cities, their regions, and their environmental features in real-time.

Accessing geographic data in these various formats ensures that users can adapt the information to meet their specific needs, whether for research, infrastructure planning, environmental management, or digital applications. The ability to manipulate and integrate this data makes it an invaluable resource for understanding Fiji’s geography and supporting sustainable development initiatives.

The Significance of Geographic Data for Understanding Fiji

The geographic data of Fiji provides essential insights into the country’s development, urbanization, and environmental challenges. By obtaining detailed data on the cities, regions, and geographical coordinates of the islands, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of how geography influences the economy, infrastructure, and the everyday lives of the Fijian people.

With precise geographic data in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, users can conduct in-depth analyses of spatial patterns, evaluate the impacts of climate change, and plan for urban and rural development. The ability to study the distribution of cities, the proximity of settlements to natural resources, and the connectivity of infrastructure networks provides crucial information for decision-making.

For urban planners, this geographic data helps inform the development of sustainable infrastructure projects, ensuring that urban areas grow in a way that respects the natural environment. For environmentalists and climate scientists, the data allows for modeling future scenarios related to sea level rise, natural resource depletion, and the preservation of biodiversity.

Ultimately, geographic data for Fiji offers a pathway to better understanding the country’s challenges and opportunities. Whether used for academic research, government policy, or business development, this data plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Far South Pacific archipelago, ensuring that its unique natural beauty is preserved while fostering economic growth and development.

By unlocking the full potential of Fiji’s geographic data, geographers, planners, and researchers can help guide the country toward a more sustainable and resilient future, based on evidence-driven decisions and geographic insights.

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