Democratic Republic of the Congo cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Last update : 20 January 2025.

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 36908 places in Democratic Republic of the Congo that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo is Kinshasa.

218640BogbanzeleCDNord-UbangiBusinga3.9943520.05750Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
214883KalomboCDKasaiIlebo-4.9666721.016670Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
218745BobendeCDMongalaBongandanga2.025221.43420Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
2311017VindevoghelCDBas-CongoKasangulu-4.6658315.154310Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
206532OsekaCDSankuruLodja-3.5148923.870Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
204366VurondoCDNord KivuOicha0.2868229.184560Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8435525ShekineneCDNord KivuWalikale-1.7937328.566970Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2315550IkalaCDMai-NdombeOshwe-3.1470219.061460Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
8239202KazaCDBas-UeleBondo4.3803223.096840Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
10219749MusambaCDHaut-KatangaKasenga-10.5157827.540850Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
10013935KazembeCDLualabaKapanga-8.4435522.605860Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8049195BafwanzengbaCDTshopoBafwasende1.3396826.305150Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8276266BambaCDKwiluGungu-5.7327818.746740Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
2312818MekoCDMai-NdombeKwamouth-3.3685216.204310Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
217852BugarulaBugarula,BugaruraCDSouth KivuIdjwi-2.0318629.068230Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
219357BatianguoCDTshopoVille de Kisangani0.4166725.30Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8285049KwendaCDKasai-CentralKazumba-6.9654522.012930Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
209210MbunzaCDHaut-UeleWamba2.4333328.316670Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8445874Kikongo-MupepeCDKwangoKenge-4.4955117.394120Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
218125BoromboroCDHaut-UeleWatsa3.3617329.184460Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8443146KingualaCDBas-CongoLuozi-4.3745214.332970Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
10134102KibomboCDHaut-KatangaMitwaba-9.0772827.411070Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2311412ShamwamfuCDKwangoFeshi-6.6792618.491180Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
203489YeliaCDTshuapaIkela-1.4523.183330Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
8447730ShakazezaCDKwangoKasongo-Lunda-7.4108518.616870Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
207609Mwata-KasangaKasanga,Mwata-KasangaCDLualabaKapanga-8.5494823.130710Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2312810Mentsanga-MatendeMatende,Mentsanga-Matende,Mentsange MatendeCDÉquateurLukolela-1.8666716.783330Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
10052299MukumbuCDLualabaLubudi-9.6644825.525260Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8327297KambudiangaCDKasai-CentralKazumba-6.3482221.869460Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
10052298TemboCDLualabaLubudi-9.6465625.505110Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
217649BushendoCDNord KivuRutshuru Territory-0.9333329.333330Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2312653MokomuCDMai-NdombeKiri-1.3666719.383330Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
205726SengeCDHaut-UeleDungu4.4960927.968990Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8143115TondelobaCDHaut-UeleWatsa2.7246229.784320Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
10052302KaniamaCDHaut-LomamiKamina-9.7187425.518850Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8024967MakeyaCDHaut-UeleDungu4.4530229.364370Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
209140MihandaCDSouth KivuKalehe-1.7861128.708060Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
9946318BaoCDTanganyikaManono-7.3242427.995380Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8283781Bena-GelekaCDKasai-CentralKazumba-6.1434722.380060Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2313373LukokoCDBas-CongoLuozi-4.9613613.882510Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
8440484KambumbaCDKasai-CentralLuiza-7.2585621.847520Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8144075BudzabeCDHaut-UeleFaradje3.2523130.257950Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2315569IfokuCDÉquateurIngende-0.4666719.60Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
211988LetaleCDTshopoOpala-0.5666724.233330Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8277333KalambayeCDKasaiLuebo-5.9042621.181620Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8145624JomuCDHaut-UeleWamba2.1375127.979590Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
217340DibandaCDHaut-LomamiKamina-8.1833325.583330Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
10022161Kinonga KiskeCDHaut-LomamiKamina-8.7998924.190360Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
204352WagindaCDTshopoBafwasende0.5166727.533330Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2311074TsutsuCDKwangoKasongo-Lunda-6.1479616.88740Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
216479GapiGakpi,GapiCDBas-UeleAngo4.8007826.465130Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
209707MandeCDHaut-LomamiKamina-8.099925.359550Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
211319LopiCDIturiAru3.0686730.234810Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8443177Losa-MbongoCDBas-CongoLuozi-4.6477114.005380Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
8277512KayembeCDKasaiLuebo-5.6343621.616780Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2313211MadjokoMadjukuCDMai-NdombeKutu-2.9247718.533340Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
8149850BondokweCDTshopoBanalia1.4564225.413620Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
387547NitalaCDSouth KivuMwenga-3.2608328.809440Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2314403KingombeCDKwiluBagata-4.2402717.351050Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
214398KangulubeCDLomamiLubao-5.3333325.516670Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8462228Mbal-A-MbalCDLualabaSandoa-9.0389423.971180Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8277742EbongoCDMongalaLisala2.9266121.443960Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
9946407MalembekaCDHaut-KatangaPweto-7.9439428.564140Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8235327BombisaCDSud-UbangiGemena3.0274619.642220Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
2312723MobekaCDÉquateurMakanza1.8906419.765570Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
214447KandoloCDManiemaKabambare-4.0064727.220650Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
10052377KalonzoCDHaut-LomamiKamina-9.7614825.279050Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
212997KilumbiCDTanganyikaKalemie Ville-5.3833328.950Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
203294ZamboyaCDBas-UelePoko3.2833127.170650Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8520574YanduyiTandui,YanduyiCDLomamiLuilu-7.6500423.710570Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
211982LiCDIturiDjugu1.8530.433330Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
11919498MambangoCDNord KivuBeni0.4880529.41280Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
219068BengbeCDBas-UeleAketi2.9560923.215420Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8252285KandangoCDBas-CongoMoanda-5.8045612.328720Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
8446705SemakenkiCDMai-NdombeKutu-3.0266318.269370Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
210149MabongondoCDBas-UelePoko2.4321526.505580Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
216402GbaleCDNord-UbangiMobayi-Mbongo4.1623921.669720Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
2315245KahunguCDKwiluGungu-5.9335719.570090Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
8462221KabumaCDLualabaSandoa-9.1426823.862280Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2312030NgiomeCDKinshasaKinshasa-4.8937815.664370Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
2593382KigalaCDBas-CongoMbanza-Ngungu-4.9894415.086940Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
10003194KalobweCDLomamiLubao-6.267525.357660Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
9077116KantandaCDHaut-LomamiKabongo-7.0699625.289430Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8433904SalamlotaCDKwiluBandundu-3.3528317.360980Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
10010995KalumbuCDTanganyikaKalemie Ville-6.8204428.630870Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8445790Bae-BaoCDKwangoKenge-4.3591617.683180Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
8022411BilikiCDHaut-UeleFaradje3.2861329.840150Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8250466LekelamwendoCDManiemaKasongo-4.0424926.313580Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
210370LusasaCDSouth KivuShabunda-2.9833327.183330Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8446825KelubiCDMai-NdombeKutu-3.1662918.362340Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
209810MalobaCDTanganyikaKabalo-6.2166727.016670Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
204557TusungutiCDSouth KivuKalehe-1.8058328.751670Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8462195SakasepaCDLualabaSandoa-9.3227423.523830Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
213182KihiluCDTanganyikaNyunzu-5.6666727.50Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
2311395ShasiwaCDKwangoFeshi-6.518.60Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
2316198BusongoCDKwiluBulungu-5.2470819.020750Africa/Kinshasapopulated place
206665OlembiaCDSankuruLodja-3.8666723.816670Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
10026542PongoCDHaut-LomamiBukama-8.7549425.932890Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
8283189ShakalulaCDKasaiKamonia-6.472520.72930Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place
212988KilunziCDTanganyikaManono-6.827.90Africa/Lubumbashipopulated place

**Exploring the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Geographer's Perspective**


Venturing into the heart of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a geographer's journey is marked by a deep exploration of its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and complex socio-economic dynamics. As we delve into obtaining data on the country's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, we uncover a tapestry of geographical intricacies that shape the fabric of the nation.

Mapping the Regions and Administrative Divisions**

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, situated in the heart of Africa, is a land of vast rainforests, expansive savannas, and meandering rivers. Divided into provinces and territories, each region boasts its own unique geography, biodiversity, and cultural tapestry. From the dense jungles of Equateur and Tshuapa to the mineral-rich highlands of Katanga and South Kivu, mapping these diverse regions offers valuable insights into the country's spatial dynamics and natural resource distribution.

Exploring Urban Centers and Rural Communities**

Urban centers and rural communities serve as focal points for human settlement and economic activity in the DRC. The capital city, Kinshasa, located along the banks of the Congo River, stands as one of Africa's largest and most vibrant metropolises, teeming with life, commerce, and cultural diversity. Meanwhile, rural villages and remote hamlets dotting the countryside rely on agriculture, fishing, and trade for sustenance, maintaining traditional ways of life deeply rooted in local customs and beliefs. Exploring the interplay between urbanization and rural livelihoods sheds light on the socio-economic disparities and development challenges facing the DRC.

Obtaining Geographical Coordinates**

Acquiring accurate geographical coordinates for the Democratic Republic of the Congo's cities and towns is essential for cartographic mapping, navigation, and disaster management. By obtaining latitude and longitude data for each locality, geographers contribute to spatial analysis, infrastructure planning, and humanitarian aid efforts. From the bustling streets of Lubumbashi and Goma to the remote villages of Buta and Mbandaka, precise geospatial information enables better decision-making and resource allocation across the vast expanse of the DRC.

Preserving Cultural Heritage and Environmental Sustainability**

Preserving the cultural heritage and environmental sustainability of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is paramount for ensuring the well-being of its people and ecosystems. The country's rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions reflects centuries of interaction between diverse ethnic groups and indigenous communities. Moreover, efforts to conserve its natural resources, including forests, wildlife, and freshwater ecosystems, are essential for mitigating deforestation, biodiversity loss, and climate change impacts. By promoting community-based conservation initiatives and sustainable development practices, geographers play a crucial role in safeguarding the DRC's cultural heritage and ecological integrity for future generations.


In conclusion, navigating the geographical complexities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo reveals a nation of immense diversity, resilience, and potential. By obtaining data on its regions, urban centers, and geographical coordinates, we gain valuable insights into the spatial dynamics and human-environment interactions shaping the country's past, present, and future. Let us continue to explore, document, and preserve the unique heritage and natural beauty of the DRC, fostering understanding, resilience, and sustainable development for all its inhabitants.

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Download data files for Democratic Republic of the Congo's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Exploring the Geography of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Geographer's Perspective on Urban and Regional Data

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a vast and diverse country located in central Africa, known for its dense rainforests, immense river systems, and rich natural resources. From a geographer’s standpoint, the DRC offers an exceptional opportunity to study the spatial arrangement of its cities, regions, and the natural features that influence its development. The complexity of the DRC's geography, combined with its diverse urbanization patterns, makes it an intriguing subject for geographic analysis and a rich source of data.

The Structure of the DRC: Understanding Cities and Regions

The DRC is divided into 26 provinces, each containing multiple cities and administrative divisions. These provinces, with their distinct geographical and cultural identities, are crucial for understanding the organization and governance of the country. Major cities like Kinshasa, the capital, and Lubumbashi, the industrial hub, are not only central to the country’s economy but also to its urbanization processes.

Each province has its own administrative structure, which includes districts and further subdivisions. Understanding the arrangement of these cities and regions is essential for anyone seeking to comprehend how the country is organized both politically and geographically. The interplay between rural areas and urban centers also provides insight into patterns of migration, infrastructure development, and resource allocation across the country.

The vast size of the DRC means that different regions face different geographical challenges. The eastern provinces, for example, are heavily influenced by the Great Lakes region and mountainous terrain, while the western and southern parts of the country are dominated by expansive savannahs and river basins. Understanding the regional divisions and their geographical characteristics can help reveal how natural features influence settlement patterns, economic development, and social structures in the DRC.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping the Cities of the DRC

Accurate geographical coordinates are essential for understanding the spatial relationships between cities and regions in the DRC. Latitude and longitude data enable precise mapping, allowing geographers and urban planners to assess the distance between cities, plan infrastructure projects, and understand regional connectivity.

By obtaining latitude and longitude data for each of the cities in the DRC, it becomes possible to gain a clearer understanding of how cities are distributed and how they relate to one another within the country’s vast expanse. For instance, Kinshasa’s position along the Congo River is central to its role as the country’s political and economic capital, while cities like Kisangani and Bukavu play important roles in the northeastern and eastern parts of the DRC, serving as hubs for trade and local governance.

Geographical coordinates also allow for better planning in terms of transportation networks, resource distribution, and urban expansion. The DRC’s topography, with its river systems, forests, and mountains, creates both opportunities and challenges for urban development. Accurate location data helps to analyze how cities interact with their natural environments and how geographical factors influence their growth.

Accessing DRC’s Geographical Data in Flexible Formats

For those interested in conducting in-depth geographic analysis of the DRC, obtaining data on the country’s cities, regions, and geographical coordinates in various formats is crucial. The availability of data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML allows for flexibility in how the data can be utilized and analyzed.

CSV files are ideal for those who need to organize and manipulate city data in spreadsheet applications, enabling users to filter, sort, and analyze cities based on different criteria like population size or economic activity. SQL is particularly useful for users who need to work with larger datasets stored in databases, as it allows for efficient querying and analysis of spatial data. For developers working with geographic information systems (GIS) or web-based platforms, JSON and XML formats are flexible and easy to integrate into custom systems, making it possible to build dynamic maps or other applications for analyzing the DRC’s cities and regions.

The advantage of these formats lies in their adaptability for different types of users, from academic researchers to urban planners to developers. Whether it’s for conducting a demographic study, analyzing transportation patterns, or creating detailed maps for development projects, these formats ensure that the data can be easily customized for a wide range of applications.

Unlocking the Potential of the DRC’s Geographic Data

The vast and varied geography of the Democratic Republic of the Congo presents a wealth of opportunities for geographers, urban planners, and researchers to explore. By obtaining detailed data on the cities, provinces, and their geographic coordinates, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of how the country is structured and how its cities are interconnected.

Whether you are interested in the historical development of cities like Kinshasa, the impact of natural features on urbanization, or the distribution of resources across regions, the ability to access precise geographical data is essential for effective analysis. With data available in flexible formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, this geographic information can be integrated into various systems and tools, allowing for detailed analysis and more informed decision-making.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a country rich in geographical complexity and diversity. By unlocking the potential of its geographic data, researchers and planners can better understand how its cities, regions, and natural landscapes interact, leading to a more comprehensive view of the country’s development and future growth.

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