Kyrgyzstan cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format
Last update : 20 January 2025.
Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Kyrgyzstan. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 2406 places in Kyrgyzstan that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Kyrgyzstan is Bishkek.
Geoname_ID | City | Alternate_Name | Country_Code | Region | Sub_region | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Population | Timezone | Fcode_Name |
8221034 | Dzhayylma | Dzhajylma,Dzhayylma,Zhajylma,Джайылма,Жайылма | KG | Chüy | 42.83355 | 73.6561 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527571 | Novovoznesenovka | Novo Konstantinovka,Novo-Boznesenovka,Novo-Voznesenovka,Novo-Voznesenskoye,Novovoznesenovka,Valerianovskoye,Ново-Бознесеновка | KG | Issyk-Kul | 42.58707 | 78.74621 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527971 | Ken-Bulun | Ken-Bulun,Keң-Bulun,Кен-Булун,Кең-Булун | KG | Chüy | 42.87274 | 75.13178 | 728 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | |
1528836 | Aral | Aral,Kommunizm,Арал | KG | Talas | 42.53677 | 72.66051 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8137715 | Tësh | Kara-Dar’ya,Kara-Dar’ya,Tesh,Tjosh,Tyosh,Tësh,Tөsh,Тёш,Төш | KG | Jalal-Abad | 40.87202 | 72.66084 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8137666 | Baj-Munduz | Baj-Munduz,Internacional,Internatsional,Бай-Мундуз,Интернационал | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.04869 | 72.81866 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8281268 | Tashtobe | Tash-Dөbө,Tashtobe,Таш-Дөбө,Таштобе | KG | Naryn | 42.03071 | 74.77697 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8383614 | Kapchygay | Kapchygaj,Kapchygay,Капчыгай | KG | Batken | 39.8855 | 70.52527 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8197799 | Chonshar | Chonshar,Choңshar,Чоншар,Чоңшар | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.36342 | 74.08849 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8143933 | Syrt Vtoroy | Syrt Vtoroj,Syrt Vtoroy,Сырт Второй | KG | Osh | 40.42372 | 72.1894 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527472 | Sargata | Sargata,Саргата | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.73412 | 73.2011 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8233018 | Kara-Oy | Kara-Oj,Kara-Oy,Кара-Ой | KG | Chüy | 42.69273 | 75.26779 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528237 | Kaindy | Kaindy,Kajyңdy,Кайыңды | KG | 41.5 | 76.38333 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | |||
1527080 | Ulukent | Ulukent,Улукент | KG | 41.76667 | 73.18333 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | |||
8376192 | Kara-Tumshuk | Kara-Tumshuk,Qora-Tumshuq,Кара-Тумшук | KG | Batken | 40.20648 | 71.04278 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8221265 | Kaldyk | Kaldyk,Калдык | KG | Chüy | 42.87177 | 73.7544 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528340 | Erkintoo | Ehrkin-Too,Erkintoo,Эркин-Тоо | KG | 40.45 | 73.3 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | |||
1528823 | Arkit | Arkit,Arkyt,Аркит,Аркыт | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.80927 | 71.96192 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8232317 | Oktyabr’skoye | Kalygүl,Oktjabr’skoe,Oktyabr’skoye,Oktyabr’skoye,Калыгүл,Октябрьское | KG | Chüy | 42.76795 | 75.27235 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8310345 | Dashman | Dashman,Дашман | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.35157 | 73.0123 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8178288 | Kel’më | Kel’me,Kel’mjo,Kel’më,Kөlmө,Кельмё,Көлмө | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.04038 | 73.22071 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8139611 | Khoshchan | Khoshchan,Хошчан | KG | Osh | 40.35024 | 72.61589 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
11134206 | Zarbalik | Zarbalik | KG | Osh | 40.63789 | 72.90865 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8272923 | Kichinechar | Kichinechar,Кичинечар | KG | Jalal-Abad | 42.0805 | 72.36318 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1514609 | Altynamach | Altynamach,Алтынамач | KG | 41.85 | 72.63333 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | |||
1540830 | Orto-Saz | Orto-Saz,Орто-Саз | KG | Naryn | 41.44285 | 76.05547 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527959 | Kerege-Tash | Kerege-Tash,Кереге-Таш | KG | Issyk-Kul | 42.51846 | 78.58621 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528634 | Chatbazar | Budennyy,Budyonnoy,Budyonnöy,Budënnyy,Chat-Bazar,Chatbazar,Чат-Базар,Чатбазар | KG | Talas | 42.48394 | 72.5692 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8178305 | Podgornoye | Podgornoe,Podgornoye,Podgorpoe,Подгорное,Подгорпое | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.10934 | 73.26143 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8174022 | Progres | Progres,Прогрес | KG | Osh | 40.78694 | 73.33336 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8138083 | Koy-Tash | Koj-Tash,Koy-Tash,Кой-Таш | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.07884 | 72.9773 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8174066 | Kara-Kolot | Kara-Kolot,Кара-Колот | KG | Jalal-Abad | 40.97409 | 73.36091 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527044 | Uzunbulak | Uzunbulak,Узунбулак | KG | Naryn | 42.13045 | 75.26734 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8063980 | Atay Ogonbaev | Atay Ogonbaev,Dzhergetal,Джергетал | KG | Talas | 42.45808 | 72.35051 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8281762 | Teskey | Teskej,Teskey,Тескей | KG | Chüy | 42.12658 | 74.0118 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8406263 | Imeni Sidorova | Imeni Sidorova,Имени Сидорова | KG | Osh | 40.27618 | 74.46399 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8178287 | Uch-Malay | Uch-Malaj,Uch-Malay,Уч-Малай | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.06293 | 73.21579 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528889 | Akterek | Akterek,Aktersk,Актерек | KG | Issyk-Kul | 42.24374 | 76.70849 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8238791 | Kanat | Kanat,Kashat,Канат,Кашат | KG | Issyk-Kul | 42.71314 | 77.45286 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528377 | Dzhiyde | Dzhida,Dzhijde,Dzhiyde,Jiyde,Zhijde,Джийде,Жийде | KG | Osh | 40.95492 | 73.35693 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528064 | Kara-Döbö | Kara-Dөbө,Karatebe,Karatjobe,Karatëbe,Karatëbë,Кара-Дөбө,Каратёбе | KG | Naryn | 41.8587 | 74.47833 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8383847 | Dzhoo-Paya | Dzhoo-Paja,Dzhoo-Paya,Zhoo-Paja,Джоо-Пая,Жоо-Пая | KG | Batken | 39.71662 | 70.94936 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527677 | Mady | Mady,Мады | KG | Osh | 40.53807 | 72.94544 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8139888 | Agartuu | Agartuu,Агартуу | KG | Osh | 40.62276 | 72.88433 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527564 | Oktyabr’skoye | Kara-Kashkar,Oktjabr’,Oktjabr’skoe,Oktyabr’,Oktyabr’skoye,Oktyabr’,Oktyabr’skoye,Октябрь,Октябрьское | KG | Osh | 40.68144 | 73.44282 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8219713 | Severnoye | Severnoe,Severnoye,Северное | KG | Chüy | 43.15932 | 74.34321 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8385741 | Charbak | Charbak,Chorbak,Чарбак | KG | Batken | 39.89309 | 71.04115 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
7580292 | Gulistan | Guelstan,Gulistan,Gulstan,Gyulstan,Gülstan,Гулистан | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.42957 | 71.65037 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527512 | Kamranki | Kamranki,Padak,Камранки | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.39569 | 71.98696 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
10301933 | Nariman | Nariman,Narimon,Zaribdar,Зарибдар,Нариман | KG | Osh | 40.59718 | 72.79459 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8218143 | Kirovskoye | Kirovskoe,Kirovskoye,Кировское | KG | Chüy | 42.9411 | 74.85555 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528088 | Karasu | Karasu,Карасу | KG | Talas | 41.65 | 73.18333 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8217156 | Karasakal | Kara-Sakal,Karasakal,Кара-Сакал,Карасакал | KG | Chüy | 42.82008 | 74.37007 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528034 | Kashka-Terek | Kashka-Terek,Кашка-Терек | KG | Osh | 40.77459 | 73.20915 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8196138 | Jany-Aryk | Dzhanyaryk,Zhaңy-Aryk,Джаныарык,Жаңы-Арык | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.81105 | 72.73492 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
7580293 | Kalinino | Kalinin Nomli,Kalinino,Калинино | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.38955 | 71.6345 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8208296 | Noot | Noot,Ноот | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.89968 | 73.59523 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8174036 | Kosh-Korgon | Kosh-Korgon,Кош-Коргон | KG | Osh | 40.77908 | 73.27688 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1538128 | Beryu | Berju,Beryu,Boru,Bëryu,Börü,Bөrү,Берю,Бөрү | KG | Osh | 40.33962 | 72.97159 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528751 | Bar-Bulak | Akterek,Bar-Bulak,Barbulak,Бар-Булак,Барбулак | KG | Issyk-Kul | 42.2465 | 76.57977 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8139659 | Karool | Karool,Кароол | KG | Batken | 40.03125 | 72.08849 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8178282 | Kadu-Alma | Kadu-Alma,Каду-Алма | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.08445 | 73.42287 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8045883 | Karakol | Karakol,Sovkhoz Karakol,Совхоз Каракол | KG | Issyk-Kul | 42.60364 | 78.52613 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527629 | Milyanfan | Miljanfan,Millyanfan,Milyanfan,Милянфан | KG | Chüy | 42.9668 | 74.79005 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8403900 | Konduk | Koengduek,Konduk,Köngdük,Кондук | KG | Osh | 40.46052 | 74.11622 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527732 | Kyzyl-Bulak | Kyzyl-Bulak,Кызыл-Булак | KG | Osh | 40.22523 | 72.28115 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8238162 | Kordon | Kordon,Кордон | KG | Chüy | 42.84075 | 76.04284 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8198315 | Karabulak | Karabulak,Карабулак | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.39588 | 74.20398 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8539464 | Ivanovka (geological base) | Ivanovka Geologobasa,Ivanovka Geologobaza,Ивановка Геологобаза | KG | Chüy | 42.84084 | 75.06852 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8139166 | Kashka-Suu | Kashka-Suu,Kaska-Suu,Кашка-Суу | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.57902 | 71.67538 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8217390 | Kyzyl-Birdik | Kyzyl-Birdik,Кызыл-Бирдик | KG | Chüy | 42.71422 | 74.71126 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8376188 | Murgejak | Murgejak,Мургейак | KG | Batken | 40.33536 | 71.27634 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8208317 | Chech-Dëbë | Chech-Debe,Chech-Djobjo,Chech-Dëbë,Chech-Dөbө,Чеч-Дёбё,Чеч-Дөбө | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.69184 | 73.44027 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527771 | Kurmenty | Kurmento,Kurmenty,Kurmentö,Kurmontu,Kürmöntü,Kүrmөntү,Курменты,Күрмөнтү | KG | Issyk-Kul | 42.79182 | 78.24737 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8272589 | Kenesh | Kenesh,Topchu-Bash,Кенеш,Топчу-Баш | KG | Talas | Talasskiy Rayon | 42.47461 | 72.60675 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | |
8065100 | Tuura-Suu | Turasu,Tuura-Suu,Ulakhol,Турасу | KG | Naryn | 41.94366 | 76.20243 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8220962 | Cholok-Aryk | Cholok-Aryk,Чолок-Арык | KG | Chüy | 42.75111 | 73.49883 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527469 | Sarkisar | Sarkisar | KG | 40.33197 | 73.20278 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | |||
1527809 | Kuk-Karga | Kok-Karga,Kuk-Karga | KG | Osh | 40.32172 | 72.37208 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1540670 | Sadovoye | Sadovoe,Sadovoye,Садовое | KG | Chüy | 42.9311 | 74.66711 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8181891 | Ak-Jol | Ak-Jol,Ak-Zhol,Akdzhol,Chon-Ak-Dzhol,Ак-Жол,Акджол | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.56672 | 72.19452 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527504 | Pervomayskoye | Birinchi Maj,Ebenfel’d,Ebenfel’d,Pervomajskoe,Pervomayskoye,Биринчи Май,Первомайское | KG | Chüy | 42.79742 | 75.0019 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
10901353 | Akbulak Vtoroy | Akbulak Vtoroj,Akbulak Vtoroy,Oq-Buloq,Акбулак Второй | KG | Batken | 40.29203 | 72.12171 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8247725 | Dzhiyde | Dzhijde,Dzhiyde,Zhijde,Джийде,Жийде | KG | Talas | 42.71583 | 71.58307 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8178304 | Kara-Bulak | Kara-Bulak,Кара-Булак | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.18337 | 73.26338 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8142748 | Ayuu-Talan | Ajuu-Talan,Ayuu-Talan,Аюу-Талан | KG | Osh | 40.33651 | 73.66959 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8217186 | Frunze | Frunze,Imeni Frunze,Имени Фрунзе,Фрунзе | KG | Chüy | 42.91772 | 74.43205 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8375154 | Kyzyl-Bayrak | Dorkhun,Kyzyl-Bajrak,Kyzyl-Bayrak,Кызыл-Байрак | KG | Batken | 40.03725 | 70.08176 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8178278 | Tuyuk-Suu | Tujuk-Suu,Tuyuk-Suu,Туюк-Суу | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.02596 | 73.43707 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1527704 | Kyzyl-Tokoy | Kizyl-Tukay,Kyzyl-Tokay,Kyzyl-Tokoj,Kyzyl-Tokoy,Qizil-Toqoy,Кызыл-Токой | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.38473 | 71.3281 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8142471 | Ordësh | Ordesh,Ordjosh,Ordësh,Ordөsh,Ордёш,Ордөш | KG | Osh | 40.56476 | 73.88542 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8134185 | Kara-Suu | Kara-Suu,Karasu,Кара-Суу,Карасу | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.68894 | 72.05293 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8137713 | Dzhany-Dzher | Dzhany-Dzher,Jani-Jer,Zhaңy-Zher,Джаны-Джер,Жаңы-Жер | KG | Jalal-Abad | 40.81756 | 72.91983 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8221271 | Kirova | Kirova,Кирова | KG | Chüy | 42.88823 | 73.63875 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8174145 | Min-Oryuk | Min-Orjuk,Min-Oryuk,Miң-Өrүk,Мин-Орюк,Миң-Өрүк | KG | Jalal-Abad | 40.88713 | 73.05429 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8376124 | Këk-Talaa | Kek-Talaa,Keq-Talaa,Kjok-Talaa,Kok-Talaa,Këk-Talaa,Kөk-Talaa,Кёк-Талаа,Көк-Талаа | KG | Batken | 40.23941 | 71.85786 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8194376 | Kurkura | Kurkura,Куркура | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.54316 | 72.3769 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
1528210 | Kalinovka | Kalinovka,Калиновка | KG | Issyk-Kul | 42.47533 | 78.27576 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8144412 | Uchkaptal | Uch-Kaptal,Uchkaptal,Уч-Каптал,Учкаптал | KG | Osh | 40.55317 | 73.36362 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place | ||
8138115 | Kara-Dzhygach | Kara-Dzhygach,Kara-Zhygach,Karabulak,Кара-Джыгач,Кара-Жыгач | KG | Jalal-Abad | 41.13896 | 72.79515 | 0 | Asia/Bishkek | populated place |
**Exploring Kyrgyzstan's Geographical Diversity**
Nestled in the heart of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan beckons with its rugged mountains, pristine lakes, and nomadic traditions. As a geographer delving into the intricate tapestry of this landlocked country, uncovering data on Kyrgyzstan's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates unveils a captivating narrative of cultural heritage, environmental resilience, and spatial dynamics.
Mapping Kyrgyzstan's Urban Centers**
Kyrgyzstan's urban landscape is anchored by its capital, Bishkek, a bustling metropolis nestled in the foothills of the Tien Shan mountains. Beyond Bishkek, the country boasts a network of towns and villages scattered across its diverse terrain. From the historic city of Osh in the south to the tranquil shores of Issyk-Kul Lake in the east, each urban center in Kyrgyzstan embodies a unique blend of history, culture, and geographic significance. Obtaining data on Kyrgyzstan's cities involves not only capturing their geographical coordinates but also understanding their socio-economic dynamics, ethnic diversity, and infrastructural development.
Exploring Kyrgyzstan's Regions and Departments**
Kyrgyzstan is divided into seven administrative regions, each encompassing a distinct geographical and cultural landscape. From the fertile valleys of Chuy to the rugged terrain of Naryn and the pristine wilderness of Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan's regions showcase a diverse array of ecosystems and natural wonders. Obtaining data on Kyrgyzstan's regions and departments requires not only delineating their boundaries but also understanding their economic activities, environmental challenges, and cultural traditions.
Navigating Kyrgyzstan's Latitude and Longitude**
As we navigate the geographical contours of Kyrgyzstan, latitude and longitude serve as indispensable tools for mapping and exploration. Situated at the crossroads of Asia, Kyrgyzstan's geographical coordinates provide insights into its location within the Pamir-Alay and Tien Shan mountain ranges, its proximity to neighboring countries, and its susceptibility to seismic activity and climatic variability. Obtaining accurate latitude and longitude data for Kyrgyzstan's cities and landmarks is essential for understanding the country's spatial orientation, environmental resilience, and cultural heritage.
Embracing Kyrgyzstan's Geography**
In conclusion, Kyrgyzstan's geography is a mosaic of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and historical significance. As geographers, let us continue to unravel the mysteries of this Central Asian gem, documenting its geographical treasures, cultural heritage, and sustainable development practices. By obtaining data on Kyrgyzstan's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, we can contribute to the preservation and appreciation of this unique country for generations to come.
Download data files for Kyrgyzstan's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats
Mapping Kyrgyzstan: Leveraging Geographic Data for Sustainable Development
Kyrgyzstan, nestled in Central Asia, is a country of diverse geographical features, ranging from the towering peaks of the Tien Shan mountains to its vast valleys and lakes. With its unique landscape, historical significance, and complex socio-economic challenges, Kyrgyzstan's geographic data is essential for understanding its urbanization, resource distribution, and regional planning. Accurate mapping of its cities, regions, and departments, alongside key geographic coordinates such as latitude and longitude, allows for the effective management of resources, infrastructure development, and disaster resilience.
Accessing and using this geographic data in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML is critical for researchers, urban planners, and government agencies. By making this information available, Kyrgyzstan can not only enhance its development strategies but also ensure that it is equipped to handle the unique challenges that come with managing a geographically diverse and resource-rich nation.
Kyrgyzstan’s Administrative and Geographic Structure
Kyrgyzstan is divided into seven regions (oblasts) and the capital city of Bishkek. Each of these regions has its own distinct characteristics, which are shaped by both natural features and human activity. The country’s administrative divisions play a crucial role in governance, infrastructure development, and resource distribution. Bishkek, located in the north, is the political and economic center of Kyrgyzstan, while other regions like Osh and Jalal-Abad are key for trade, agriculture, and industrial activities.
Each region in Kyrgyzstan has its own municipalities, districts, and smaller villages, all of which require careful geographic planning to ensure that services such as healthcare, education, transportation, and water resources are available. Accurate geographic data allows for efficient and effective allocation of resources, helping to ensure that no region is underserved or overlooked in terms of development and support.
For example, in rural areas like Issyk-Kul, the location of key cities and smaller villages influences transportation development and access to essential services. Geographic data on these regions allows the government to prioritize projects such as road construction, water management, and power distribution.
Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Kyrgyzstan’s Cities for Development and Sustainability
Kyrgyzstan’s cities and towns, particularly in the valley regions, are spread out across the country, with some areas being prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides. Having precise latitude and longitude data for each city and town is essential for proper planning, infrastructure development, and emergency management.
Bishkek, for instance, is strategically located near the border with Kazakhstan and has easy access to trade routes that pass through the northern part of Central Asia. Knowing the exact geographic coordinates of Bishkek and its surrounding areas allows planners to design better infrastructure systems and ensure that they can effectively handle the flow of goods and services into and out of the country.
In the southern regions like Osh, geographic coordinates can help in developing stronger transportation links to neighboring countries such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, promoting regional trade. The availability of such geographic data enables better regional integration and the creation of effective transportation and economic policies that foster long-term development.
Utilizing Data Formats for Geographic Analysis and Planning
To make the most of Kyrgyzstan’s geographic data, it is essential to store and access it in formats that are compatible with various mapping systems, databases, and analytical tools. By offering data in CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML formats, the country ensures that geographic data can be effectively used by various stakeholders, from urban planners to environmental scientists, to government decision-makers.
- **CSV (Comma-Separated Values)** is an accessible and easy-to-manipulate format for organizing data. By storing geographic information on cities, regions, and departments in CSV files, planners can easily analyze data such as population density, infrastructure gaps, and the availability of essential services. These files can be imported into spreadsheet software or data analysis tools for further study.
- **SQL (Structured Query Language)** is particularly useful when working with large datasets. Geographic data about Kyrgyzstan’s cities, towns, and regions can be stored in SQL databases, enabling users to perform detailed spatial queries, compare regional data, and identify trends over time. SQL databases are essential for analyzing urban growth patterns, infrastructure development, and regional economic activity.
- **JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)** is an ideal format for transmitting geographic data between applications. Developers can use JSON to build dynamic web maps, real-time tracking systems, or geographic apps that display data on Kyrgyzstan’s cities and regions. JSON allows for smooth data integration and real-time updates, which is invaluable for monitoring and responding to changing conditions.
- **XML (Extensible Markup Language)** is used for structuring hierarchical data, making it an ideal choice for organizing the relationships between cities, regions, and departments. With XML, data can be formatted in a way that facilitates sharing between different systems, such as government databases, GIS tools, and web applications.
Urbanization and Infrastructure Development in Kyrgyzstan
Urbanization in Kyrgyzstan is progressing at a rapid pace, particularly in cities like Bishkek, where the population has been steadily increasing. This urban growth presents challenges in terms of housing, transportation, water supply, and energy needs. Geographic data is critical for addressing these urbanization challenges in a way that supports sustainability and equitable development.
In Bishkek, urban planners rely on geographic data to expand the city’s infrastructure and services to accommodate the growing population. By analyzing the distribution of housing, transportation networks, and public services, planners can ensure that urban sprawl is managed efficiently, minimizing congestion and maximizing access to essential services.
In contrast, the rural areas of Kyrgyzstan, such as Naryn and Batken, require specific infrastructure investments that are suited to their local conditions. Geographic data helps policymakers identify regions that are in dire need of roads, schools, and healthcare facilities, ensuring that these regions receive the necessary investments for long-term development.
Environmental Management and Resource Distribution
Kyrgyzstan’s vast natural landscapes—including mountains, lakes, and forests—require careful environmental management. Geographic data helps to monitor and manage natural resources, such as water bodies, forests, and biodiversity hotspots. For example, geographic data on the location of Issyk-Kul Lake allows for better management of the lake’s ecosystem and water resources, which are essential for the region’s tourism, fishing, and agriculture industries.
In addition, understanding the distribution of natural resources like timber, minerals, and arable land helps policymakers ensure that these resources are managed sustainably. Geographic data can also help track the impact of climate change, such as shifts in precipitation patterns or temperature extremes, allowing for the development of climate adaptation strategies that protect both the environment and the livelihoods of local communities.
Disaster Risk Management and Climate Resilience
Kyrgyzstan’s mountainous terrain makes it particularly vulnerable to natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides. Geographic data plays a vital role in disaster risk management by helping authorities identify high-risk areas and plan for response measures. For instance, mapping flood-prone regions in cities like Osh or Jalal-Abad helps in the design of flood control systems, early warning systems, and evacuation routes.
Furthermore, geographic data enables Kyrgyzstan to plan for long-term climate resilience. By mapping areas that are vulnerable to extreme weather events or changes in environmental conditions, authorities can create policies to protect infrastructure, improve land use, and ensure that vulnerable communities are prepared for future climate challenges.
Geographic data on Kyrgyzstan’s cities, regions, and departments—including precise latitude and longitude coordinates—is essential for effective urban planning, resource management, environmental sustainability, and disaster preparedness. By making this data available in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, Kyrgyzstan can ensure that it is used effectively by researchers, policymakers, and urban planners. With the right geographic data, Kyrgyzstan can better navigate its development challenges, promote sustainable growth, and build a resilient future for its citizens.