Micronesia cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 13 December 2024.

Palikir - National Government Center
Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Micronesia. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 411 places in Micronesia that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Micronesia is Palikir - National Government Center.

7627585Namoluk VillageFMChuukNamoluk Municipality5.92197153.11889407Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4045362PieisFMChuukFefen Municipality7.36225151.839130Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4037517TawoowaayToovai,Tououay,Touway,Towai,TowowayFMYapGilman Municipality9.44721138.0582440Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1558573YinJin,Yn,Yuin,YyinFMYapFanif Municipality9.58297138.1176450Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4043034KoloniaColonia,Colony,Colony Koronia,Colony Town,Kolonia,Kolonie,Koroni,Koronie,Koronii,Mesieng,Ponape,Ponape TownFMPohnpeiKolonia Municipality6.964158.206206074Pacific/Pohnpeiseat of a first-order administrative division
4043157FeiniFein,FeyinFMChuukFefen Municipality7.34607151.8300630Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7646746Woleai VillageFMYapWoleai Municipality7.37042143.904340Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4037070GitaemGitamFMYapRull Municipality9.50635138.10548150Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081469SaporanongSoborelongFMChuukFefen Municipality7.34019151.838830Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042478WiyaFMKosraeTafunsak Municipality5.36939162.9982540Pacific/Kosraepopulated place
4041849RoieSoleteFMPohnpeiSokehs Municipality6.9699158.1774670Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4044595LuhkeFMPohnpeiU Municipality6.9551158.2454550Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4037147LuweechLuech,Luedj,Lueis,Luetj,Luwech,Rueisisu,RueisuFMYapRull Municipality9.48686138.0828100Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042174TomwaraTamwara,Tomara,TomoraFMPohnpeiNett Municipality6.96153158.237540Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
1558671ThoolThol,ZolFMYapTomil Municipality9.53583138.16818100Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4044720PeniamwanFMChuukFanapanges Municipality7.34678151.668400Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1558773Riy - temp LLRi,RijFMYapRumung Municipality9.63079138.160110Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042209Utwe VillageUtwe MaFMKosraeUtwe Municipality5.27486162.9766250Pacific/Kosraepopulated place
2081471SaponongSapotiuFMChuukTonoas Municipality7.37289151.88294100Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7626849Kapingamarangi VillageKapingaFMPohnpeiKapingamarangi Municipality1.07861154.80758474Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
7646753WottegaiFMYapWoleai Municipality7.37166143.837730Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2082337AlohkapwAlokap,ArokappuFMPohnpeiMadolenihm Municipality6.91837158.2891750Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
7644932Nomwin VillageFMChuukNomwin Municipality8.43269151.74628711Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1558880NimaarNimarFMYapWeloy Municipality9.51936138.119760Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7645727Lamotrek VillageFMYapLamotrek Municipality7.45758146.37841339Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4044170AmachangAmadjang,Amatang,Amwachang,Unun En AmachangFMChuukTolensom Municipality7.35355151.636450Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7647073MogmogMwagmwogFMYapUlithi Municipality10.08685139.708520Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1559057KadaayKadayFMYapWeloy Municipality9.53672138.087230Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081515PutukteTutukteFMKosraeLelu Municipality5.34803163.022440Pacific/Kosraepopulated place
2082281DanipeiTanepeiFMPohnpeiSokehs Municipality6.97913158.1927230Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4042854MeseikuFMChuukFefen Municipality7.33308151.840930Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042495NihekeFMPohnpeiNett Municipality6.95761158.2377840Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4042393WichapVidjapFMChuukWeno Municipality7.42417151.85993310Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1559154FaraqFaregaaw,Firigaaw,Firigau,Frig’aw,FrigaauFMYapKanifay Municipality9.48568138.0692730Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4045364PeilikFMPohnpeiU Municipality6.96483158.2609720Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4042649Nih PwonginFMPohnpeiMadolenihm Municipality6.87609158.28987100Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
2081227WinifeiUnifei,WichukunaFMChuukTolensom Municipality7.33123151.6379840Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2082139FinaunpesFMKosraeLelu Municipality5.3678163.0191740Pacific/Kosraepopulated place
4041885SalongSchaulonFMPohnpeiMadolenihm Municipality6.85371158.3201660Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
7628272OnounUlulFMChuukOnoun Municipality8.57895149.68328580Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1558571YinuufInuf,Inufu,YunufFMYapRull Municipality9.49405138.09844100Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081207WinipisO-iwa,Unipis,Vinepis,Ō-iwaFMChuukWeno Municipality7.44533151.8852640Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081486SaladakJelatakFMPohnpeiSokehs Municipality6.95356158.1546240Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4043088IpwalFMPohnpeiMadolenihm Municipality6.81318158.30054150Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4043106SapouFMChuukPwene Municipality7.33514151.57075200Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081625PeniataFMChuukWonei Municipality7.39408151.5978640Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4036820BinaewBinau,Binaw,VinauFMYapDalipebinaw Municipality9.53137138.0854430Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1558797QokaawOkauFMYapWeloy Municipality9.54275138.097670Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081804NemwanFMChuukWeno Municipality7.45082151.8927850Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4037296QaringeelArinel,Aringel,Aringell,Aringeru,Aringiru,KanifFMYapDalipebinaw Municipality9.52221138.0817930Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4044183Pohn SokFMPohnpeiKitti Municipality6.82879158.17411520Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4044931IrenkodiFMPohnpeiSokehs Municipality6.94183158.1526840Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
7646752SeliapSiliapFMYapWoleai Municipality7.37223143.852660Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4043161FasonFasan,FasolFMChuukTolensom Municipality7.34041151.6318940Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081472SaporeSapoerFMChuukFefen Municipality7.33746151.8496830Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4037370QayirechAirech,Airetj,Ayirech,Ayrach,Ayrech,Eirech,EirochFMYapFanif Municipality9.57936138.1247930Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4041868SakarisoFMPohnpeiU Municipality6.9877158.2983430Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4038451PeniemwanPeniamwan,Peniyemwaan,SapoFMChuukEot Municipality7.38678151.7411560Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042650NihkawadFMPohnpeiMadolenihm Municipality6.8434158.3125230Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4045344SakarakapwFMPohnpeiMadolenihm Municipality6.85828158.2919250Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4043010LehiakFMPohnpeiMadolenihm Municipality6.84373158.3183170Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
7645223Piis VillageFMChuukPiis-Emwar Municipality6.83636152.70226427Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4043246EpinFMChuukPaata-Tupunion Municipality7.37446151.5721630Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7645370Lukunor VillageLekiniochFMChuukLekinioch Municipality5.507153.821927Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1558894NeelNei,NelFMYapKanifay Municipality9.47852138.06828100Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042572SapotaFMChuukUman-Fonuweisom Municipality7.29792151.8881340Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042894MessaMesa,Mesa Village,MsasFMChuukFefen Municipality7.35582151.8520230Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4037367QatliwAleru,Altiliu,Ateliu,Ateliw,Atell,Atelu,Ateru,Atiliu,Atiliw,Atliw,UtiliuFMYapFanif Municipality9.55463138.1020630Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042807Nan ParemwedFMPohnpeiKitti Municipality6.83514158.171171200Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4044204PoatoikFMPohnpeiNett Municipality7.00317158.2581230Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4045305Nukuoro VillageMatakena,Ngoru To,Nugoro,Nugoru To,Nukuor,NukuoroFMPohnpeiNukuoro Municipality3.83626154.97141362Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4042681MwanFMChuukWeno Municipality7.43675151.8390230Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081228Wichukuno - temp LLWichukFMChuukTolensom Municipality7.35163151.6114660Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4043216PeniaFMChuukUdot-Fonuweisom Municipality7.39189151.709230Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7645272Ettal VillageFMChuukEttal Municipality5.56564153.57855267Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081493RoroRara,Reere,RereFMChuukTonoas Municipality7.37924151.87682100Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7626602Tofol VillageFMKosraeLelu Municipality5.32714163.007780Pacific/Kosraepopulated place
4042621NipaipFMPohnpeiSokehs Municipality6.93348158.190271150Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
2081659PataPaata,PadaFMChuukTonoas Municipality7.38844151.8762240Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4043174FanomoFalami,Faloma,Fanama,FonomoFMChuukUdot-Fonuweisom Municipality7.38347151.7188140Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4037425TeanfaarT’enifar,Teanfaar,Teenifar,TenfarFMYapGagil Municipality9.53846138.17857350Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4044558FasonFMChuukFefen Municipality7.35126151.8507630Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042183TonofTolopFMChuukTonoas Municipality7.38924151.8666450Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1558959MeayMujun,Umun,Umung,UmunguFMYapGagil Municipality9.55824138.18543200Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042932ManukunMalekun,Manekun,MwanukunFMChuukUman-Fonuweisom Municipality7.30871151.8742900Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7649131DiendoarFMPohnpeiNett Municipality6.99818158.2563140Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
7645732Elato VillageFMYapElato Municipality7.51023146.1705996Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7645177Fananu VillageFMChuukFananu Municipality8.5585151.90254355Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4041724PokochouPoukachau,PoukechauFMChuukPaata-Tupunion Municipality7.37147151.5782230Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
7646751TagaulapTohoilapFMYapWoleai Municipality7.35694143.879660Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4041908SapotaFMChuukPaata-Tupunion Municipality7.38292151.5855130Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081622PeniesenePeliesele,Peliesole,PeliysaleFMChuukWeno Municipality7.4557151.8738840Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
1558986MalaafMalafFMYapMaap Municipality9.59504138.156630Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4044858EtiemarEtiermarFMChuukPaata-Tupunion Municipality7.37182151.58426100Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
2081416SopuoFMChuukFefen Municipality7.31555151.8400130Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042555SanukFMChuukUman-Fonuweisom Municipality7.30822151.8860340Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4042824Nan DapangFMPohnpeiNett Municipality6.96081158.2246200Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place
4037504GaelTar’awFMYapKanifay Municipality9.47065138.06499100Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4044474FanipOror En NameisFMChuukEot Municipality7.38446151.7374950Pacific/Chuukpopulated place
4044435NihkaikesFMPohnpeiU Municipality6.92055158.276041200Pacific/Pohnpeipopulated place

**Exploring Micronesia: A Geographer's Perspective**


Nestled in the western Pacific Ocean lies the enchanting archipelago of Micronesia, a tapestry of islands brimming with natural beauty and cultural diversity. As a geographer delving into the geographical intricacies of Micronesia, one is drawn into a world of lush landscapes, azure waters, and vibrant communities. In this article, we embark on a journey to obtain data on the cities of Micronesia, including their regions and departments, as well as the latitude and longitude coordinates of each city.

Unveiling the Island Tapestry**

Micronesia's cities are not merely urban centers but vibrant hubs of culture, history, and community life. From the bustling streets of Palikir, the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia, to the serene villages of Yap, each city tells a unique story shaped by its geographic context and historical heritage. Obtaining data on the cities of Micronesia allows us to unravel the spatial distribution of population, economic activity, and cultural landscapes across the archipelago.

Mapping Latitude and Longitude**

The latitude and longitude coordinates of Micronesia's cities provide invaluable spatial information for geographic analysis and mapping. From the northernmost reaches of the Mariana Islands to the southernmost atolls of Chuuk, these coordinates delineate the geographic extent of each city and its relationship to surrounding landforms and marine environments. By mapping latitude and longitude data, geographers can visualize spatial patterns, analyze geographic trends, and identify areas of ecological significance for conservation and sustainable development.

Exploring Regional Diversity**

Micronesia's geographical diversity is reflected in its myriad of islands, each with its own unique topography, climate, and cultural traditions. From the volcanic peaks of Pohnpei to the coral atolls of Kosrae, the region's diverse landscapes offer a wealth of ecological and cultural riches waiting to be explored. By obtaining data on the regions and departments of Micronesia, geographers can delve into the spatial distribution of these environmental characteristics and understand their implications for human settlement, resource management, and community resilience.

Challenges and Opportunities**

Despite its natural beauty and cultural heritage, Micronesia faces a range of geographic challenges, from climate change and environmental degradation to economic development and social inequality. By obtaining data on the cities, regions, and departments of Micronesia, geographers can contribute to evidence-based decision-making and policy formulation, addressing issues such as sustainable land use, marine conservation, and disaster risk reduction. By understanding the geographic context of these challenges, policymakers can develop more effective strategies for building resilience, promoting inclusive development, and safeguarding the well-being of Micronesia's communities.


In conclusion, the geography of Micronesia offers a captivating canvas for exploration and discovery. By obtaining data on the cities, regions, and departments of Micronesia, geographers can unravel the spatial dynamics and complexities that shape the region's landscapes and livelihoods. As stewards of Micronesia's geographical heritage, it is our responsibility to use this knowledge to inform decision-making, promote sustainable development, and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of this enchanting archipelago for future generations to cherish and enjoy.

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Download data files for Micronesia's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Discovering the Geographic Diversity of Micronesia: A Data-Driven Perspective

Micronesia, a vast region made up of numerous islands scattered across the western Pacific Ocean, presents a fascinating landscape for geographical exploration. With its unique island chains and distinct cultural regions, Micronesia offers invaluable insights into island geography, urban development, and the relationship between human settlements and the natural environment. Understanding the geographic structure of Micronesia requires access to accurate data, specifically about its cities, regions, and departments. This data is essential for geographers, urban planners, and environmental analysts working to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by this island nation.

The Complex Geography of Micronesia

The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is composed of four main states: Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae. Each state is made up of multiple islands, many of which are only accessible by boat or plane. These islands have their own unique characteristics, from the mountainous terrains of Pohnpei to the coral atolls of Chuuk, which are famed for their biodiversity and cultural heritage.

In addition to the states, Micronesia’s cities and towns are located across these islands, each with varying population densities, economic activities, and infrastructure levels. The cities within these states form the central hubs of activity, while rural areas are often more spread out and rely heavily on agriculture and fishing. Understanding the geographical layout of these cities and their administrative divisions, including their exact locations and borders, is crucial for comprehensive research and analysis.

Latitude and Longitude Data: Essential for Mapping Micronesia’s Cities

One of the most valuable tools for a geographer working with Micronesia is the use of latitude and longitude coordinates. These coordinates provide an exact location for each city, allowing researchers to build detailed, accurate maps of the region. This data is especially important for island nations like Micronesia, where physical distances between islands are vast and difficult to visualize without precise mapping.

By acquiring latitude and longitude data for cities like Palikir (the capital of FSM), Weno, or Colonia, geographers can pinpoint the location of each urban area, facilitating detailed spatial analysis. This type of data can be used for a range of applications, such as studying population distribution, climate change effects, or infrastructure planning. Mapping the locations of cities also helps in understanding the relationship between urban areas and natural features like lagoons, volcanic mountains, or coral reefs, which are central to Micronesia’s environmental identity.

The Importance of Flexible Data Formats

For any serious geographical research, the ability to work with data in multiple formats is crucial. The diverse nature of Micronesia’s geography and administrative structure means that data must be adaptable to various types of analysis. To make the most of geographic data, having it available in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML is essential for flexibility and ease of use.

- **CSV (Comma-Separated Values):** CSV files are a popular and straightforward format for storing geographic data. They allow for easy organization of cities, regions, and their respective coordinates, making it simple to perform basic analyses and generate reports. CSV is compatible with many data visualization tools and mapping platforms, making it a go-to format for quick access to geographic data.

- **SQL (Structured Query Language):** SQL is ideal for working with large datasets stored in relational databases. This format allows researchers to perform complex queries, making it possible to extract specific geographic data, track changes in population density, or study regional trends over time. SQL’s versatility makes it a powerful tool for analyzing the relationship between different geographic regions within Micronesia.

- **JSON (JavaScript Object Notation):** JSON is commonly used for web-based applications, particularly for interactive maps and real-time data sharing. This format is lightweight, easy to integrate into apps, and perfect for transferring data between platforms. Researchers can use JSON to design and develop interactive mapping tools or web-based applications that visualize Micronesia’s cities and geographic data.

- **XML (Extensible Markup Language):** XML offers a flexible structure for sharing data across different systems. It is widely used for integrating and exchanging complex geographic datasets between platforms. For projects that involve large-scale data sharing or integration with external systems, XML is the format of choice. Its ability to store detailed geographic information while maintaining compatibility with various software applications makes it indispensable for data exchange in geographical research.

Accessing Micronesia’s Geographic Data: A Comprehensive Resource

To conduct meaningful geographical research on Micronesia, having access to a well-structured, comprehensive database is crucial. A database containing detailed information on the cities, regions, and departments of Micronesia, along with their latitude and longitude coordinates, provides a rich resource for geographers and researchers. This data can be used to study population growth, urbanization trends, infrastructure development, and the effects of climate change on the region.

A well-organized database of Micronesia’s cities, states, and municipalities makes it easier for researchers to track trends, compare data, and generate insights that can inform policy decisions. Whether studying the impacts of rising sea levels on low-lying islands or analyzing the migration patterns between the island states, having access to this data in a structured format is essential for meaningful analysis.

By making this data available in multiple formats—CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML—researchers can adapt the data to their specific needs, whether working in spreadsheets, GIS software, or web-based applications. The flexibility of these formats ensures that the data is accessible to a wide range of users, from academic researchers to government agencies and environmental organizations.


The geography of Micronesia, with its diverse islands and unique administrative structure, offers a wealth of opportunities for geographical study. Understanding the spatial relationships between cities, regions, and departments requires access to accurate and up-to-date data, including latitude and longitude coordinates. By obtaining geographic data in flexible formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, researchers can gain deeper insights into Micronesia’s urban and environmental dynamics. This data-driven approach opens up new avenues for studying urbanization, climate change, and the sustainable development of this island nation, helping to ensure that future growth is both informed and sustainable.

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