Romania cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 20 January 2025.

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Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Romania. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 12420 places in Romania that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Romania is Bucharest.

667726ScărişoaraROGiurgiuComuna Hotarele44.1833326.40Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
668137Sălişte de VaşcăuSaliste,Saliste de Vascau,Saliste-Vascau,Szelistye,Sălişte,Sălişte-Vaşcău,Săliște de Vașcău,Vaskohszeleste,VaskohszelistyeROBihorComuna Criștioru de Jos46.4330722.539140Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
672944MogoșeștiROVâlceaComuna Stoeneşti45.1280824.15446421Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
686600Agrişu MicAgris,Agrisu Mic,Agrisul Mic,Agrişu Mic,Agrişul Mic,Belegregy,BélegregyROAradComuna Hăşmaş46.5166722.033330Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
670011Poiana VecheO-Pojana,Poiana VecheROHarghitaComuna Tulgheş46.9525.766670Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
674332LuncușoaraROSuceavaComuna Udeşti47.5962426.35947554Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
678778DuduDudu,DudulROIlfovComuna Chiajna44.4562125.99068757Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
677555GavrilesceniRONeamțOraş Bicaz46.926.083330Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
681330ClimeștiRONeamțComuna Fãurei46.9101926.74008363Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
674648LiveziLivezi,Lovesz,Lövész,VasziROHarghitaComuna Mihăileni46.5178425.85087567Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
669081RăzbuneniRasbuneni,Razbuneni,Răsbuneni,RăzbuneniROClujComuna Bobâlna47.1478323.70071294Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
669544PrunduPrundu,Prundul LeurdeniROArgesComuna Leordeni44.7666725.133330Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
680773CorneștiROIașiComuna Miroslava47.1070327.51276497Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
663550Valea NeniiROArgesComuna Priboieni44.8855725.08938190Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
684449BodogaiaAlsoboldogfalva,Alsòbòldogfalva,BodogaiaROHarghitaComuna Secuieni46.2746224.99657777Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
672121NuțeniNucen,Nucèn,Nuteni,NuţeniROHarghitaComuna Gălăuţaş46.8857825.41293118Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
682111ChiliiChili,ChiliiROArgesComuna Mioarele45.237725.05995147Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
668398RuşeştiROAlbaComuna Vidra46.3666722.916670Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
684428Bogata de SusROClujComuna Vad47.1936823.66809306Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
662283ZărneștiROGalațiComuna Jorăşti46.0180127.85412383Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
671415PaltinuPaltinu,Valea-BouluiROSuceavaComuna Vatra Moldoviţei47.6333325.533330Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
676084HoiseștiROIașiComuna Dumeşti47.1962227.32607854Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
667857Satu NouROMehedințiComuna Punghina44.3137122.994840Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
667728ScărigaROBacăuComuna Livezi46.3924526.70181495Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
679305DiviciDivic,Divici,DivićROCaraș-SeverinComuna Pojejena44.782721.4824382Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
678469FăghieniROBacăuComuna Izvoru Berheciului46.5372727.257536Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
679585Dealu SăriiDealu Sarii,Dealu Sării,Dealul Sarei,Dealul Sarii,Dealul Sărei,Dealul SăriiROVranceaComuna Jitia45.5723726.75832240Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
666744SlătioareleROArgesComuna Băbana44.8597624.75266375Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
667183SilișteaROVasluiComuna Todireşti46.8392827.41228340Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
662652VizireniROBuzăuComuna C.A. Rosetti45.0496527.19693474Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
672942MogoșeștiROMaramureşComuna Satulung47.581623.39903739Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
667912Sălcioara6 MartieROTulceaComuna Jurilovca44.7666728.883331087Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
679862CuzapROBihorComuna Popeşti47.2028822.415231309Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
663256Vălenii de MunteOpstina Valenii De Munte,Opština Vãlenii De Munte,Valeni-de-Munte,Valenii de Munte,Valeniji de Munte,Vehlenij-de-Munte,Velenij-de-Munte,Văleni-de-Munte,Vălenii de Munte,wlny dh mwnth,Валенији де Мунте,Веленій-де-Мунте,Вэлений-де-Мунте,ولنی ده مونتهROPrahovaOraş Vãlenii De Munte45.1833326.0333313276Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
680006CucuteniCucuteni,Cucuteni-Tufescu,Cucutenii-TufescuROBotoșaniComuna Durneşti47.7791427.13766851Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
669410RăbâiaRabaia,Rabiia,Răbâia,RăbîiaRONeamțComuna Petricani47.1666726.450Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
682241CetățuiaCetatuia,Cetăţuia,Orzastea,OrzaşteaROBacăuComuna Strugari46.5536226.70608320Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
681625CipăuCipau,Cipaul,Cipău,CipăulROMureșOraş Iernut46.4487624.277861015Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
670159PoianaFlamanda,Flaminda,Flămânda,Flămînda,PoianaROTeleormanComuna Ciuperceni43.7419224.952441041Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
664548TufăriTufari,Tufjer,TufăriROMehedințiMunicipiul Orşova44.7333322.416670Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
668543Rubla MicăROBuzăuComuna Valea Râmnicului45.3527.066670Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
669885PopeștiRONeamțComuna Girov46.9701926.44382230Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
662438VrânceniVrancenii,Vrinceni,Vrâncenii,VrînceniROBacăuComuna Căiuţi46.2129826.90915345Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
665257ȚenghelerCsengeller,Csengellèr,Tengheler,ŢenghelerROHarghitaComuna Ditrău46.8691125.553560Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
665331TeișuROBuzăuComuna Cozieni45.3157326.48872146Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
682635Cartieru ViilorROCaraș-SeverinComuna Sicheviţa44.721.850Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
667334ȘerpenițaSeprenita,Serpenita,Şepreniţa,ŞerpeniţaROBotoșaniComuna Manoleasa48.0317127.096970Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
680644CoseștiROHunedoaraComuna Lãpugiu De Jos45.8938722.4194287Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
668767RoeștiPesceana-Roesti,Pesceana-Roeşti,Pesciana Roesti,Pesciana Roeşti,Roesti,RoeştiROVâlceaComuna Pesceana44.8947124.13532460Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
677539GelmarGelmar,Ghelmar,GlelmarROHunedoaraOraş Geoagiu45.9026923.22508496Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
685814BăiceniBaiceni,Băiceni,Laiu-Baiceni,Laiu-BăiceniROIașiComuna Todireşti47.3134126.91139404Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
668761RogociuRogoci,RogociuROGorjBerleşti44.923.633330Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
667482SeciurilePoenita-Seciuri,Poeniţa-Seciuri,Seciuri,Seciurile,Seciurile-din-DealROGorjComuna Roşia De Amaradia45.0207723.73248851Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
671447PaltenuPaltenu,PaltenulROArgesComuna Şuici45.2512524.50976251Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
673077MișcaROBihorComuna Chişlaz47.2629122.259141017Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
664883ToagerToader,Toager,Toger,Togyer,Togér,TógyérROTimișComuna Giera45.4125220.96511331Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
671387PăniceniROClujComuna Cãpuşu Mare46.8113323.18745413Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
663880Valea BraduluiROArgesComuna Mihăeşti45.0974425.00194249Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
670781PioreștiRODoljComuna Goieşti44.4782323.7445238Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
666711SloboziaSlobodia,Slobozia,Slobozija,СлобозияROBuzăuComuna Cătina45.2726926.25845234Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
685920BacovaBachovar,Bachóvár,Bacova,Bakovar,Bakowa,Bakuwa,Bakóvár,BochovarROTimișOraş Buziaş45.664121.552381424Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
668710RomâneștiRomanesti,Rominesti,Romîneşti,Rumanesti,Rumăneşti,Stoesti-Rominesti,Stoeşti-RomîneştiROBacăuComuna Bereşti-Tazlău46.4833326.66667455Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
665007Târgu LogreştiLogresti Birnici,Logrestii-Birnici,Logreşti Birnici,Logreştii-Birnici,Targu Logresti,Targu-Logresti,Tirgu Logresti,Târgu Logreşti,Târgu-Logreşti,Tîrgu LogreştiROGorjComuna Logreşti-Moşteni44.8666723.716670Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
671430PăltinișPaltinis,Paltinisu,Păltiniş,PăltinişuROVasluiComuna Băceşti46.7887927.24551223Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
664808TomnatecTomnatec,TomnaticaROAlbaComuna Bistra46.4348423.091720Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
679555DeduleștiROArgesComuna Morărești45.0167524.53811412Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
681995ChițeascaChiriteasca,Chiriţeasca,Chiteasca,ChiţeascaROOltOraş Scorniceşti44.535424.59443500Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
680422CovragCovrag,CovraguROVranceaComuna Tănăsoaia46.0849527.33481178Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
671542Urziceni PădurePadurea Urziceni,Pădurea Urziceni,Urziceni Padure,Urziceni PădureROSatu MareComuna Urziceni47.7436322.34408241Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
670329PodgoriaROBihorComuna Oşorhei47.0522.033330Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
678780DudoviceștiRODoljComuna Şimnicu de Sus44.3851123.78122385Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
8199218RâuşorROHunedoaraComuna Râu de Mori45.4179722.843490Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
672345NegruleștiROVâlceaComuna Bărbăteşti45.131224.08866591Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
686139ArmeniROSibiuComuna Loamneş45.9661623.97527794Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
666691SloboziaROBotoșaniComuna Păltiniş48.2453326.69851109Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
667212SâiSai,Sii,Sâi,SîiROSatu MareComuna Valea Vinului47.6835223.12254546Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
679390DâmbovicioaraDambovicioara,Dimbovicioara,Dâmbovicioara,DîmbovicioaraRODâmbovițaComuna Braniştea44.6756925.553741286Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
685961BăbueștiROVâlceaComuna Dăeşti45.2125924.41626142Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
678768DulceștiDulcesti,Dulceşti,Kuchuk Tatligeak,Tatlageacu-MicROConstanțaComuna 23 August43.9050628.547961315Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
681499Cisteiu de MureșCisteiu de Mures,Cisteiu de Mureş,Cisteiul de Mures,Cisteiul de MureşROAlbaOraş Ocna Mureş46.3774923.81307643Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
662135ZorileFalcoaia,Falcoianca,Fălcoaia,Fălcoianca,ZorileROGiurgiuComuna Grădinari44.3786425.806781092Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
672202NisipoasaROPrahovaComuna Plopu45.0205626.16368803Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
686314AninoasaROCovasnaOraş Întorsura Buzãului45.6666726.033330Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
666353SpinoasaROIașiComuna Erbiceni47.2627727.19156268Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
677031GloduROArgesComuna Călineşti44.8484925.04226382Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
684517BoboșROBacăuComuna Dealu Morii46.293727.32074Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
679490DelureniDelureni,Rascaeti,RăscăeţiROVâlceaComuna Ioneşti44.8368424.23812460Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
682570CataneCatane,CataneleROArgesComuna Lunca Corbului44.6400224.762070Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
669689PrejnaROMehedințiComuna Balta44.9357922.59847399Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
678583EibenthalAjbental,Eibental,EibenthalROMehedințiComuna Dubova44.5452922.16359375Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
664868TodirelROIașiComuna Bârnova47.0708127.60685482Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
676257HeleștiROAlbaComuna Bucium46.282523.1436934Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
680650CoşereniROOltComuna Sârbii-Măgura44.5333324.70Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
670003PoieniROAlbaComuna Vidra46.3462622.909360Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
666778SlămneștiROGorjComuna Crușeț44.6044223.69137252Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
677124Giurcuța de SusROClujComuna Beliş46.6462522.91867215Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
666861Sârbenii de JosSarbenii de Jos,Sirbenii de Jos,Sârbenii de Jos,Sîrbenii de JosROTeleormanComuna Sârbeni44.4631525.40878406Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
670798PâncaROAlbaComuna Bucerdea-Grânoasă46.2247223.8879925Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
663909Valea Bârnii ValeValea Barnii Vale,Valea Birnii Vale,Valea Bârnii Vale,Valea Bîrnii ValeROAlbaComuna Mogoş46.2833323.283330Europe/Bucharestpopulated place
680046CuciROVâlceaComuna Fârtãţeşti44.8166723.966670Europe/Bucharestpopulated place

**Exploring Romania: Unveiling its Geographical Riches**

Nestled in the heart of Eastern Europe, Romania stands as a tapestry of geographical diversity, cultural heritage, and historical significance. As a geographer embarks on the journey to acquire data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, a narrative unfolds, revealing the country's rich landscape, vibrant urban centers, and diverse cultural heritage.

Cities of Romania: Urban Hubs Amidst Historical Legacies**

Romania's cities are not just urban centers but repositories of history, culture, and tradition. From the vibrant capital of Bucharest, with its eclectic blend of architectural styles and bustling city life, to the medieval charm of Sibiu and the cultural richness of Cluj-Napoca, each city tells a unique story of Romania's past and present. Acquiring data on these cities unveils their demographic profiles, economic activities, and cultural landmarks, offering insights into Romania's urban landscape and historical legacies.

Regions and Departments: Navigating Romania's Diverse Terrain**

Beyond the cities, Romania's regions and departments showcase the country's geographical diversity and natural beauty. From the majestic peaks of the Carpathian Mountains to the lush plains of Transylvania and the scenic coastline along the Black Sea, each region boasts its own unique landscape and cultural heritage. Gathering data on these regions provides valuable insights into land use patterns, environmental conservation efforts, and the preservation of Romania's natural resources amidst changing economic and social dynamics.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Romania's Geographical Coordinates**

For a geographer, obtaining precise latitude and longitude data for each city of Romania is essential for understanding its geographical layout and spatial distribution. These coordinates serve as navigational tools, guiding explorers through Romania's diverse terrain and cultural landmarks. From the medieval fortresses of Brasov to the picturesque villages of Maramures and the ancient citadels of Transylvania, each point on the map signifies a unique geographical feature and cultural landmark, shaping Romania's identity as a land of geographical wonders and cultural treasures.

Conclusion: Embracing Romania's Geographical Tapestry**

In the pursuit of data on Romania's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, a deeper narrative emerges — one of geographical diversity, cultural heritage, and historical significance. It is a narrative that celebrates Romania's past, present, and future, while also acknowledging the challenges of environmental sustainability and cultural preservation. As a geographer, unraveling this tapestry of geographical dynamics is not just a scholarly pursuit but a journey of discovery and appreciation for the unique complexities of Romania's landscape and cultural heritage.

Romania beckons — a land of exploration, inspiration, and cultural richness, waiting to be understood, cherished, and celebrated for its geographical marvels and cultural treasures.

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Download data files for Romania's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Exploring the Geography of Romania: A Gateway to City and Regional Data

Romania, a country nestled at the crossroads of Central and Eastern Europe, boasts a rich and varied geography that combines natural beauty with a diverse cultural heritage. From the rugged Carpathian Mountains to the plains of Wallachia, Romania’s geography offers a fascinating subject for geographers and data enthusiasts alike. This article delves into the geographical structure of Romania, with a focus on its cities, regions, and departments, and highlights the value of obtaining comprehensive spatial data that can provide deeper insights into the country’s urban and natural landscapes.

The Geography of Romania: A Diverse and Dynamic Landscape

Romania’s geographical landscape is marked by its variety, offering everything from alpine mountains and rolling hills to river valleys and fertile plains. The Carpathian Mountains, which curve across the center of the country, create a natural divide between regions like Transylvania and Wallachia. To the south, the Danube River forms a natural border with Bulgaria, while the Black Sea provides Romania’s coastline to the east.

These geographical features shape not only Romania’s physical environment but also its human settlements, which have developed around key natural resources and transportation routes. The country’s cities, located both in the mountains and along the plains, reflect a blend of ancient history and modern development. Cities like Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, and Iași play vital roles in the country’s political, economic, and cultural life, while smaller towns offer insight into Romania’s rural landscapes and agricultural traditions.

Urban Centers and Administrative Divisions in Romania

Romania is divided into 41 counties (called *județe*) and the capital city of Bucharest, which functions as both a municipality and a district. Each county is made up of several cities, towns, and communes, forming the administrative divisions that structure the country. The urban centers of Romania, from the capital to regional hubs, each hold distinct geographical importance.

Bucharest, the largest city and capital, is located in the southern part of Romania. It is a bustling metropolis with a rich history and modern infrastructure. The city is not just the political and economic center of the country, but also a cultural epicenter, hosting institutions such as museums, theaters, and universities.

In contrast, Transylvania, known for its medieval cities and fortified churches, is home to cities like Cluj-Napoca and Brașov. These cities, situated in the shadow of the Carpathian Mountains, are key cultural and economic centers in the region, reflecting the diversity of Romania’s history and geography.

To the east, Iași is another major city, known for its academic institutions and historical significance, while Constanța, located on the Black Sea coast, plays a crucial role in Romania’s trade and tourism.

Each of these cities, as well as the smaller towns and rural areas that surround them, are embedded within the larger framework of Romania’s regions and departments. Understanding how these regions are geographically distributed is essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the country’s spatial dynamics.

Unlocking Romania’s Geospatial Data

To truly appreciate Romania’s diverse geography, one must have access to detailed and precise data about its cities, regions, and administrative boundaries. This data, including the latitude and longitude coordinates of each city, provides the foundation for understanding the spatial relationships between different urban centers and their surrounding environments.

By acquiring this data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, it becomes possible to conduct detailed geographical analysis and create visualizations that reflect the intricate connections between Romania’s urban and rural areas. Geospatial data allows for more than just mapmaking; it facilitates deeper insights into how cities are interconnected, how resources are distributed, and how the natural environment influences human development.

For instance, knowing the latitude and longitude of each city enables the creation of interactive maps that can highlight transportation networks, economic zones, and even environmental factors such as proximity to natural reserves or rivers. These visual tools can be invaluable for researchers, urban planners, and policymakers.

Applications of Geographic Data in Romania

The value of geographic data in Romania extends far beyond academic exploration; it has real-world applications in urban planning, environmental management, business development, and even tourism.

Urban planners in Romania can use geospatial data to guide the development of transportation infrastructure, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions. By understanding where cities and regions are located relative to each other, planners can optimize the placement of resources and improve connectivity across the country.

Environmental scientists can use data to monitor changes in Romania’s ecosystems, such as deforestation in the Carpathian Mountains or the health of the Danube River. By analyzing geographic data, they can track how natural resources are being utilized and develop strategies for sustainable management.

For businesses, geographic data offers insights into potential areas for expansion. Whether opening a new branch in Cluj-Napoca or setting up a logistics center near Constanța, understanding the geographical layout of Romania’s cities and regions helps businesses make informed decisions about where to invest.

Tourism in Romania also benefits from geographic data. The country’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty are spread across its various regions. By analyzing spatial data, tourism authorities can better promote different areas of Romania, ensuring that visitors have a comprehensive experience of the country’s diverse offerings.

The Importance of Accessing Geospatial Data for Romania

Accessing accurate, up-to-date geospatial data is critical for anyone seeking to understand Romania’s geography in-depth. Whether you’re a geographer, urban planner, business developer, or environmental scientist, the ability to obtain data about Romania’s cities, regions, and departments allows you to uncover insights that might otherwise remain hidden.

The availability of data in flexible formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML makes it easy to integrate into various data analysis platforms, offering endless possibilities for creating dynamic maps, conducting spatial analyses, or managing complex datasets. With this data, researchers and professionals can approach Romania’s geography from a variety of perspectives, making it possible to solve problems, predict trends, and design effective solutions.


Romania’s geographical diversity, from the Carpathian Mountains to the Black Sea, offers a rich landscape for exploration and analysis. By obtaining detailed data about the cities, regions, and departments, you can gain a deeper understanding of the country’s spatial relationships and the factors that influence its urban and rural development. Whether for academic research, urban planning, or business strategy, access to precise geographic data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML is essential for unlocking Romania’s full geographical potential. This data empowers individuals and organizations to make informed decisions, fostering a greater understanding of Romania’s unique geography.

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