Kiribati cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format
Last update : 19 January 2025.
Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Kiribati. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 178 places in Kiribati that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Kiribati is Tarawa.
Geoname_ID | City | Alternate_Name | Country_Code | Region | Sub_region | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Population | Timezone | Fcode_Name |
2110231 | Buariki Village | Buariki,Puarik | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.47793 | 175.05641 | 447 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110282 | Abatao Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.39914 | 173.11836 | 421 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7521825 | Uteute Village | KI | Line Islands | Teraina | 4.69384 | -160.37814 | 72 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
7576471 | Betania Village | KI | Line Islands | Tabuaeran | 3.89526 | -159.38612 | 260 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
2110069 | Tearinibai Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.59039 | 172.96973 | 317 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576470 | Tenenebo Village | KI | Line Islands | Tabuaeran | 3.84418 | -159.3527 | 461 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
2110085 | Tanaeang Village | Tanaeang,Tanaiang | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.13765 | 174.67741 | 514 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7601771 | Nawerewere Village | Causeway | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.36362 | 173.13935 | 1780 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7576540 | Tekaman Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.13064 | 174.6633 | 248 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110190 | Kuria Village | Ewena | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.8576 | 172.99257 | 219 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7601768 | Bonriki Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.38081 | 173.13887 | 2119 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
4030892 | Tanekore Village | KI | Line Islands | Teraina | 4.69683 | -160.40557 | 203 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
7576764 | Tabontebike Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Kuria | 0.23056 | 173.41144 | 119 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110023 | Utiroa Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.21424 | 174.75866 | 571 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110275 | Antai Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Marakei | 2.03773 | 173.28219 | 165 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110254 | Banraeaba Village | Banraeaba,Banreaba | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.3454 | 173.03464 | 1789 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110095 | Tabukiniberu Village | Tabukinberu | KI | Gilbert Islands | Beru | -1.33781 | 175.98449 | 97 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110098 | Taborio Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.52009 | 173.00302 | 845 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110206 | Teuabu Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Nonouti | -0.58113 | 174.35091 | 304 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7601763 | Nanikai Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.33015 | 172.9978 | 803 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576955 | Bikati Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Butaritari | 3.26 | 172.68804 | 203 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110141 | Umwa Village | Ooma,Uma | KI | Gilbert Islands | Banaba | -0.87054 | 169.54192 | 135 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7521827 | Arabata Village | KI | Line Islands | Teraina | 4.67951 | -160.39743 | 190 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
2110274 | Aoniman Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Beru | -1.30923 | 175.98555 | 101 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110135 | Tabewa Village | Tabwewa,Tapiwa | KI | Gilbert Islands | Banaba | -0.85414 | 169.52233 | 58 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110126 | Rongorongo Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Beru | -1.32041 | 175.99223 | 315 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7601762 | Bairiki Village | Bairiki | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.32924 | 172.97522 | 2766 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7521843 | Aramari Gilberts Village | KI | Line Islands | Tabuaeran | 3.81773 | -159.32555 | 358 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
7521903 | Banana Village | KI | Line Islands | Kiritimati | 1.98329 | -157.36526 | 1170 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
7521898 | Poland Village | KI | Line Islands | Kiritimati | 1.8648 | -157.55154 | 235 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
7576766 | Norauea Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Kuria | 0.20604 | 173.41532 | 219 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7601765 | Ambo Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.35317 | 173.04259 | 1688 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110041 | Temotu Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Marakei | 2.03535 | 173.25847 | 116 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110044 | Katabanga Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.50088 | 175.06954 | 77 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110230 | Buariki Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.60909 | 172.95526 | 597 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110131 | Rawannawi Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Marakei | 2.05379 | 173.26354 | 1075 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576554 | Tauma Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.2379 | 174.78423 | 204 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110121 | Rungata | Rongata,Rungata | KI | Gilbert Islands | Nikunau | -1.34244 | 176.43567 | 933 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110053 | Tekuanga Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Marakei | 2.03004 | 173.2855 | 207 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576353 | Buariki Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Onotoa | -1.81802 | 175.55476 | 213 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110210 | Aiaki | Aiaki,Ijaki | KI | Gilbert Islands | Onotoa | -1.89417 | 175.61507 | 186 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110084 | Tanimaiaki Village | Tanimaiaki,Tanimaiki | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.7552 | 173.04167 | 276 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7576548 | Tenatorua Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.34226 | 174.85152 | 122 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576712 | Baurua Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Aranuka | 0.1272 | 173.61556 | 329 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110042 | Temotu Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Nonouti | -0.80552 | 174.45381 | 210 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110147 | Tekabwibwi Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.11824 | 174.66317 | 145 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7601779 | Antebuka Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.34009 | 173.02698 | 390 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110122 | Rotuma Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Nonouti | -0.63125 | 174.41433 | 625 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110103 | Taboiaki Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Beru | -1.36804 | 176.01362 | 349 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110221 | Eita Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.178 | 174.72788 | 814 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576840 | Tebanga Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Maiana | 0.96734 | 173.06392 | 260 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576545 | Bangai Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.35622 | 174.87231 | 35 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110068 | Tebanga Village | Tebana,Tebanga | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abemama | 0.35739 | 173.93529 | 246 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110070 | Teaoraereke Village | Teaoraereka,Teaoraereke,Teaoraereke Mission | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.33309 | 173.01162 | 3939 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7576468 | Matanibike Village | KI | Line Islands | Teraina | 4.69048 | -160.40895 | 191 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
2110208 | Kabangaki Village | JAMES,Kabanaki,Kabangaki | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abemama | 0.31373 | 173.92941 | 363 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7576772 | Bike Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abemama | 0.34478 | 173.84823 | 17 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7521902 | Tabwakea Village | KI | Line Islands | Kiritimati | 2.01643 | -157.48773 | 1881 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
2110182 | Manriki Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Nikunau | -1.35567 | 176.45098 | 197 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110056 | Aiwa Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.38825 | 174.90226 | 145 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110204 | Eriko Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Beru | -1.35925 | 176.00224 | 265 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7577007 | Tebero Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.82077 | 173.02136 | 167 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576761 | Oneeke Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Kuria | 0.25123 | 173.39321 | 188 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110179 | Marenanuka Village | Maranenuka Village,Marenanuka | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.48735 | 173.02637 | 71 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7576833 | Raweai Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Maiana | 0.8995 | 173.01838 | 191 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110253 | Baretoa Village | Baretoa,SILAS | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abemama | 0.43012 | 173.90597 | 310 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110088 | Taku Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.52304 | 175.06544 | 158 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110174 | Muribenua Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Nikunau | -1.32417 | 176.41581 | 240 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110033 | Tuarabu Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.79808 | 173.039 | 484 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110091 | Takarano Village | Takarano,Takarona | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.94987 | 172.91227 | 300 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7576961 | Tanimainiku Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Butaritari | 3.09911 | 172.89538 | 229 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110063 | Tebikerai Village | Bikerei,Tebikerai,Tebikerei | KI | Gilbert Islands | Maiana | 1.00789 | 173.00392 | 75 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7576842 | Toora Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Maiana | 0.95956 | 173.06285 | 107 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576551 | Kabuna Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tabiteuea | -1.28832 | 174.79831 | 204 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576469 | Tereitannano Village | KI | Line Islands | Tabuaeran | 3.83401 | -159.34753 | 249 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
7576355 | Otowae Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Onotoa | -1.86934 | 175.58329 | 238 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110257 | Tarawa | Juzhnaja Tarava,South Tarawa,Sued-Tarawa,Süd-Tarawa,TRW,Tarawa,Tarawa Sud,Tarawa do Sul,Tarawa-Sud,Zuid-Tarawa,namtalawa,sauseutalawa,talawa,Южная Тарава,דרום טאראווה,남타라와,사우스타라와,타라와 | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.3278 | 172.97696 | 40311 | Pacific/Tarawa | capital of a political entity | |
7521828 | Onouea Village | KI | Line Islands | Teraina | 4.67053 | -160.37597 | 176 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
7576763 | Manenaua Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Kuria | 0.24617 | 173.39874 | 246 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110205 | Kariatebike Village | OSCAR WW2 | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abemama | 0.40456 | 173.91988 | 140 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7576912 | Kiebu Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Makin | 3.32342 | 172.97462 | 551 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110078 | Temanoku Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Nonouti | -0.59909 | 174.3783 | 289 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110199 | Keuea Village | Keua,Keuea | KI | Gilbert Islands | Butaritari | 3.13124 | 172.90442 | 221 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7521826 | Kauamwmwe Village | KI | Line Islands | Teraina | 4.69053 | -160.37121 | 106 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
7576841 | Temwangaua Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Maiana | 0.9642 | 173.06367 | 111 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576745 | Buariki Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Kuria | 0.21498 | 173.41495 | 199 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576993 | Ribono Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.96245 | 172.86302 | 271 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576351 | Temao Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Onotoa | -1.83356 | 175.54998 | 348 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110076 | Taratai Village | Taratai,Taritai | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.5488 | 172.99183 | 203 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
7576335 | Barebuka Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tamana | -2.49252 | 175.96983 | 164 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7576349 | Tekawa Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Onotoa | -1.80065 | 175.52548 | 164 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110060 | Tebunginako Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.91657 | 172.94588 | 358 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110054 | Tekatirirake Village | OSCAR WW2 | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abemama | 0.46667 | 173.86667 | 486 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110067 | Tebanga Village | Taboneaba,Tebanga | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.71546 | 173.00624 | 287 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | |
2110175 | Morikao Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.86018 | 172.99072 | 400 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110086 | Tamaroa Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Arorae | -2.63211 | 176.81625 | 492 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
2110109 | Tabiang Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Beru | -1.29499 | 175.95935 | 416 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7521883 | Aontena Gilberts Village | KI | Line Islands | Tabuaeran | 3.85049 | -159.36083 | 177 | Pacific/Kiritimati | populated place | ||
7576989 | Nuotaea Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Abaiang | 1.88623 | 172.8068 | 481 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place | ||
7601767 | Taborio Village | KI | Gilbert Islands | Tarawa | 1.35621 | 173.054 | 955 | Pacific/Tarawa | populated place |
**Exploring the Geographical Landscape of Kiribati**
Welcome to Kiribati, a nation comprised of 33 atolls and reef islands dispersed across the central Pacific Ocean. As a geographer, delving into the geographical data of Kiribati's cities, regions, and departments, while acquiring the latitude and longitude coordinates of each urban center, offers a fascinating insight into the unique geography of this island nation.
Discovering Kiribati's Urban Centers**
Kiribati's urban landscape is characterized by a collection of vibrant communities scattered across its low-lying atolls and islands. From the bustling capital of South Tarawa, with its lively markets and cultural attractions, to the remote villages nestled among coconut palms and turquoise lagoons, each urban center in Kiribati possesses its own distinct charm and character.
Mapping Latitude and Longitude Coordinates**
Mapping the latitude and longitude coordinates of Kiribati's cities allows us to navigate the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean and pinpoint the precise locations of each urban settlement. From the northernmost atolls of Banaba and Makin to the southern reaches of the Line Islands, these geographic coordinates serve as essential markers in understanding the spatial distribution of Kiribati's population and infrastructure.
Exploring Atoll Geography**
Kiribati's unique geography is defined by its coral atolls, which consist of low-lying islands encircling central lagoons. These atolls are grouped into three distinct island chains: the Gilbert Islands, the Phoenix Islands, and the Line Islands. By examining the geographical characteristics of each atoll, including their size, elevation, and geological formation, we can gain a deeper understanding of Kiribati's physical landscape and environmental vulnerabilities.
Understanding Environmental Challenges**
As one of the world's most vulnerable nations to the impacts of climate change, Kiribati faces significant environmental challenges, including sea-level rise, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion. These threats pose a direct risk to the livelihoods and well-being of Kiribati's population, many of whom rely on the ocean for sustenance and economic activities. By analyzing the geographical data of Kiribati, we can identify areas of high vulnerability and develop strategies for adaptation and resilience building.
In conclusion, our exploration of Kiribati's geography has revealed a nation of unparalleled beauty and environmental significance. By obtaining data on its cities, regions, and geographic coordinates, we have gained valuable insights into the spatial dynamics of this island nation. As Kiribati continues to confront the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, it is essential to harness the knowledge and expertise of geographers and researchers in safeguarding its natural heritage and securing a sustainable future for generations to come.
Download data files for Kiribati's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats
Geospatial Insights into Kiribati: Mapping and Managing the Pacific Nation
Kiribati, a small island nation in the central Pacific Ocean, is one of the most geographically unique countries in the world. Consisting of 33 atolls and islands scattered across more than 3 million square kilometers of ocean, Kiribati’s vast spread presents both tremendous opportunities and complex challenges for urban planning, resource management, and environmental sustainability. Understanding the geographic distribution of Kiribati’s cities, regions, and islands is essential for crafting informed policies that promote sustainable development, improve infrastructure, and protect its fragile environment.
Accurate geographic data, including the locations of cities, their regions and departments, and the precise latitude and longitude of each location, is indispensable for understanding how the country’s infrastructure, resources, and population are spread across these dispersed islands. With geographic data available in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, policymakers, geographers, and planners can integrate this information into planning systems and databases to drive more effective decision-making, ensuring the long-term viability of Kiribati's infrastructure and resources.
Kiribati's Unique Geographic and Administrative Structure
Kiribati’s geographical structure is both its strength and its vulnerability. The islands of Kiribati are located across three major island groups: the Gilbert Islands, the Phoenix Islands, and the Line Islands. The capital city, South Tarawa, is located in the Gilbert Islands and serves as the political and economic hub of the nation. Other islands like Christmas Island (Kiritimati) are central to the country’s economic activities, including fisheries and tourism.
Administratively, Kiribati is divided into several island councils that govern the smaller islands and atolls. The challenge for the nation’s governance and development is managing resources and services across such a wide geographical spread, with many of its islands being small, isolated, and vulnerable to environmental threats such as rising sea levels.
Obtaining geographic data on Kiribati’s cities, their regions, and their departments provides critical insights for urban and rural development. For instance, understanding how resources are distributed among the islands can help the government allocate funds for infrastructure projects, education, healthcare, and disaster preparedness. Additionally, geographic data on cities such as Tarawa and Kiritimati helps inform policies around the movement of goods, the delivery of services, and population growth trends in urban and rural areas.
Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Kiribati’s Islands and Urban Centers
The islands of Kiribati span a vast area in the Pacific, making accurate geographic mapping essential for understanding the distances and relationships between different locations. Latitude and longitude coordinates are vital for plotting the positions of Kiribati’s cities, towns, and island groups.
For example, South Tarawa, the capital, has strategic importance as it houses much of the nation's population and government infrastructure. The precise latitude and longitude of South Tarawa and its surrounding islands help in planning transportation routes, managing infrastructure projects, and understanding how the city connects to the other islands in the nation. Similarly, the coordinates of the more remote islands like Baker and Howland islands are essential for mapping potential areas for conservation, fishing activities, and tourism development.
Latitude and longitude data is also integral to managing the nation’s maritime resources. Given Kiribati’s reliance on the ocean for food, income, and transport, geographic coordinates allow for the efficient management of territorial waters, fisheries, and marine protected areas, which are critical to the country’s sustainable economic development.
Accessible Data Formats for Effective Geographic Analysis
To make the most of geographic data, it must be available in formats that are compatible with modern analysis and planning systems. By providing geographic data in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, decision-makers can easily integrate this data into mapping platforms, geographic information systems (GIS), databases, and web applications.
- **CSV (Comma-Separated Values)** is a widely used format for storing tabular data. Cities, islands, populations, and geographic coordinates can be stored in CSV files, making it easy to analyze trends in population growth, infrastructure development, and service distribution across Kiribati. Researchers and urban planners can use CSV data to create reports, charts, and maps that visualize the country’s geographic and demographic trends.
- **SQL (Structured Query Language)** allows for more sophisticated data storage and management, particularly when working with large datasets. Geographic data on Kiribati’s cities, islands, and regions can be stored in SQL databases, allowing users to run complex queries and spatial analysis. SQL can be used to analyze correlations between population density and the availability of resources, infrastructure, or services across Kiribati’s islands.
- **JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)** is a lightweight format used for transmitting data in web applications and APIs. With JSON, geographic data about Kiribati’s cities and islands can be integrated into dynamic, interactive web maps or mobile applications. JSON allows for real-time updates and can be used to display live data about Kiribati’s resources, infrastructure, and environmental conditions.
- **XML (Extensible Markup Language)** is a versatile format used to structure and organize data. In the context of Kiribati, XML can be used to map hierarchical relationships between cities, regions, and departments. XML facilitates the sharing of geographic data across different platforms, ensuring compatibility and making it easier to exchange data between governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and researchers.
Urban and Rural Development Challenges in Kiribati
One of the key challenges facing Kiribati is managing urban growth and infrastructure development across its scattered islands. South Tarawa, for instance, is experiencing rapid population growth, which is putting significant strain on its infrastructure, including water supply, sanitation, housing, and transportation networks. With limited land area and an increasing population, urban planners must leverage geographic data to prioritize infrastructure projects and ensure equitable resource distribution.
In contrast, the more rural and remote islands, such as those in the Phoenix Islands, face different challenges. These islands often lack access to basic infrastructure and services, including healthcare, education, and reliable transportation. Geographic data helps the government identify areas where investment in infrastructure is most needed, enabling targeted development programs that promote sustainable growth and improve quality of life for island residents.
Moreover, the vulnerability of many of Kiribati’s islands to the impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events, makes it essential to plan for climate resilience. Geographic data helps in identifying which areas are most at risk and where protective measures, such as seawalls or relocation programs, might be needed.
Environmental Sustainability and Resource Management
Kiribati’s economy is heavily dependent on natural resources, particularly its fish stocks, as well as the health of its coral reefs and marine environments. The country is also known for its environmental sensitivity, given its low-lying islands, which are increasingly threatened by climate change.
Geographic data can be used to monitor the distribution of marine resources, such as fish populations and coral reefs, ensuring that these valuable ecosystems are preserved for future generations. By mapping protected areas and fishing zones, the government can regulate the sustainable use of marine resources and support efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change on these fragile ecosystems.
Similarly, geographic data can be used to manage terrestrial resources, including agriculture and land use on the islands. This data helps identify areas suitable for agriculture, areas at risk of soil erosion, and regions where conservation efforts should be focused.
Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation
Kiribati’s geographical location makes it highly vulnerable to natural disasters, particularly those related to climate change. Rising sea levels threaten the existence of some of the island’s atolls, and extreme weather events, such as cyclones and droughts, pose additional risks. Geographic data is vital for assessing these risks and planning adaptive measures.
By mapping vulnerable areas and understanding their geographical relationships, authorities can implement disaster risk management strategies, such as early warning systems and emergency evacuation plans. Additionally, geographic data supports climate change adaptation efforts, such as planning for the relocation of at-risk populations or identifying regions where climate-resilient infrastructure can be developed.
Geographic data on Kiribati’s cities, islands, and regions, including precise latitude and longitude coordinates, is essential for urban planning, resource management, environmental sustainability, and disaster preparedness. By obtaining this data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, decision-makers can gain valuable insights that inform policies and strategies for sustainable development. With the right geographic data, Kiribati can overcome its geographic challenges, manage its resources more effectively, and ensure its long-term resilience in the face of climate change.