Eswatini cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 19 January 2025.

Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Eswatini. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 109 places in Eswatini that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Eswatini is Mbabane.

11204813MalindzaSZLubombo-26.4029431.753170Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935076HlutiHlutiSZShiselweni-27.2166731.616676763Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934851SitekiSiteki,StegiSZLubombo-26.452531.947226152Africa/Mbabaneseat of a first-order administrative division
935021MadlangampisiMadlangampisiSZHhohho-26.0833331.550Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11523348MahlaliniSZShiselweniShiselweni I-27.0756731.311360Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11127817NkambeniSZHhohho-26.0531.666670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935023MacnabMac Nabs,Macnab,Macnab StoreSZ-26.4166731.583330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935005MalkernsMalkernsSZManzini-26.5666731.183339724Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935089HavelockHavelock,Havelock MineSZ-25.9531.133330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935049LismoreSZ-27.1166731.933330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935103DwaleniSZ-27.1666731.266670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934827UsutuUsutu,Usutu MissionSZ-26.5833331.183330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934900NsokoNsoka,NsokoSZLubombo-27.0333331.951175Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
7932093NgwenyaSZLubombo-26.227931.039260Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935116BennetsSZ-25.9531.516670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11205004NyonyaneSZHhohho-26.1140531.449160Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11257943LundziSZManzini-26.454830.857980Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935074HoroSZ-25.7531.416670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935051LavumisaGollel,LavumisaSZShiselweni-27.3100531.891982000Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935031LuyengoSZ-26.5333331.233330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934877RondspringSZ-26.8833331.70Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935111BulembuBulembu,Compound,Emhlembi,EmlembeSZHhohho-25.9666731.133332260Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935044LomatiLomati,Lomati StoreSZ-25.8166731.350Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935081HlatikuluHlatikuluSZShiselweni-26.9791731.324442748Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11205510MkhulaminiSZManzini-26.4276531.386270Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935091GegeGegeSZShiselweni-26.9531.016670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11205450DvokolwakoSZHhohho-26.1603731.588780Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11127813HluthiSZShiselweni-27.2131.570Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11258149MthongwaneniSZManziniManzini North-26.4978531.471730Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935017MahambaMahambaSZ-27.131.083330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934909NkanniSZHhohho-26.4531.216670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934855SingceniSinceni,SingceniSZ-26.7666731.583330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934985MbabaneEmbabane,Mabane,Mbaban,Mbabane,Mbabaneh,Mbabano,Mbabanė,Mbabàn,Mpampane,QMN,ababane,ambabane,ambabany,eumbabane,impapan,mbaban,mbabane,mbabanh,mbabyn,mbbnh,mo ba ben,mubabane,xam ba bane,Μπαμπάνε,Мбабане,Мбабанэ,Մբաբանե,מבאבאנע,מבבנה,امبابانی,مبابان,مبابانه,مبابانێ,مبابین,अंबाबाने,ਅੰਬਾਬਾਨੇ,இம்பபான்,อัมบาบาเน,མ་པ་པན།,მბაბანე,ምባባኔ,ムババーネ,墨巴本,음바바네SZHhohho-26.3166731.1333376218Africa/Mbabanecapital of a political entity
935120AbercornAbercorn,Abercorn Point,Abercorn PontSZ-26.8333332.133330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935014MahlanyaMahlanyaSZ-26.531.283330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934913NhlanganoGoedgegun,NhlanganoSZShiselweni-27.1122231.198339016Africa/Mbabaneseat of a first-order administrative division
935075HolobelaSZ-26.731.833330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934822Von WisselSZ-26.8666731.933330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934960MlawulaMlawulaSZ-26.1833331.983330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935055KubutaKubutaSZShiselweni-26.8833331.483332038Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11256884NdzevaneSZLubombo-26.9464631.953940Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935096EzulwiniEsulweni,Ezulweni,EzulwiniSZLubombo-26.431.166670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935118BaleganeBalegana,Balegane,Balegane StoreSZ-26.131.566670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11126275MhlangataneSZHhohho-25.9333331.633330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935018MagombaSZLubombo-26.5666731.833330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934967MhlosheniMhlosheni,MhlotsheniSZ-27.1833331.383330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11239145MbasheniSZHhohho-25.828431.390920Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934971MhlambanyatsiMhlambanyati,MhlambanyatsiSZManzini-26.4531.016672886Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934995ManziniBremersdorp,MTS,Maneini,Manzini,Manzinis,Manêini,man qi ni,manjini,mnzyny,Μανζίνι,Манзини,Манзіні,מנזיני,マンジニ,曼齐尼,만지니SZManzini-26.4988431.38004110537Africa/Mbabaneseat of a first-order administrative division
7910862VuvulaneSZLubombo-26.0742731.876724155Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11127718MpolonjeniSZLubombo-26.5549731.869010Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934840TshaneniTahaneni,TshaneniSZLubombo-25.9833331.716671899Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11237894HhelehheleSZManzini-26.48831.4560Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934870SandlaneSandlaneSZManzini-26.5666730.783330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935067InyetaneSZ-26.5531.933330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935114BhunyaBhunya,BunyaSZManzini-26.5531.016673046Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934989MatsaphaMTS,Matapa,Matsapa,MatsaphaSZManzini-26.5025331.307950Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11257278HlatsiSZShiselweni-26.9747931.32520Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934852SiphofaneniSiphofaneni,Sipofaneni,Sipofaneni Bridge,Sipofanenibrug,SpofaneneSZ-26.6833331.683330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935090GranvalleyGrand Valley Estate,GranvalleySZ-26.9166731.283330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11256967MambaneSZLubombo-26.76832.0340Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934966MhlumeMhlumeSZLubombo-26.0333331.858652Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935068InyetaneInyetane,PalataSZ-26.5333332.016670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11257314NgculwiniSZManzini-26.5469831.482510Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11127816MafutseniSZManzini-26.4431.520Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11127737MbangweniSZHhohho-26.2932131.111640Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934850SitobelaSibobela,SitobelaSZ-26.8833331.60Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935054KwaluseniKwaluseniSZManzini-26.4833331.333333395Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934848SkombeniSZ-26.431.350Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934953MooihoekSZ-26.9666731.466670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935107CroydonSZ-26.231.566670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935093Forbes ReefSZ-26.1666731.10Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11205222VusweniSZHhohho-25.8671131.375640Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11205291MpakaSZLubombo-26.41231.780Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934959MlibaMlibaSZ-26.2531.583330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934864SicunusaSicunusa,SigunusaSZ-26.8666730.950Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11128087NdzingeniSZHhohho-25.9751831.293440Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934998MankayaneMankaiana,MankayaneSZ-26.668431.064870Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934906NkonjaneSZ-26.7666732.083330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934965MhlumeniMhlumeniSZ-26.2532.10Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11247706MangwaneniSZHhohho-26.3385831.144030Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934878RocklandsSZHhohho-25.9531.283330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934921NgoniniNgoniniSZ-25.7666731.383330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935045LomahashaLomahasha,NomahashaSZLubombo-25.98333320Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11523346MathendeleSZShiselweniShiselweni I-27.0953931.196520Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935040LubuliLubuliSZ-27.0166731.90Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934931MvangatiniMvangalini,MvangatiniSZ-26.7531.60Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934842StylkloofSZ-26.7833331.133330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11127738SimunyeSZLubombo-26.2088931.918890Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11257303NsongweniSZShiselweni-27.0874831.193240Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935097EtjanineSZ-26.3833330.90Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934888NyabeSZ-26.7531.083330Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934975MgamaneSZ-26.8166731.10Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11127815MgaziniSZShiselweni-26.79630.9490Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11523365BuhleniSZHhohhoMayiwane-25.9213831.509670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935060Kobolondo HeightsSZ-25.931.216670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934862SidvokodvoSZManzini-26.628231.420211746Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
935086HerefordsHerefordsSZ-25.8333331.50Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
11127726EkukhanyeniSZManzini-26.387531.528060Africa/Mbabanepopulated place
934980MbuluzanaSZ-26.3531.516670Africa/Mbabanepopulated place

**Exploring Eswatini: A Geographer's Perspective**


Embarking on a geographical exploration of Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland, unveils a land of diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unique biodiversity. As a geographer delving into the intricacies of this small, landlocked kingdom in southern Africa, obtaining data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates provides valuable insights into its spatial dynamics and environmental characteristics.

Mapping the Regions and Departments**

Eswatini's geography is marked by contrasting landscapes, ranging from the highlands of the Drakensberg Mountains to the low-lying savannas and forests. Mapping the regions and departments of Eswatini reveals the country's diverse topography, cultural diversity, and economic activities. From the bustling urban centers of Mbabane and Manzini to the rural communities of Nhlangano and Siteki, each region offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity, shaped by historical, environmental, and socio-economic factors.

Exploring Urban Centers and Rural Villages**

The cities, towns, and villages of Eswatini serve as focal points of social, economic, and cultural life. Exploring urban centers such as Mbabane, the capital city, and Manzini, the commercial hub, provides insights into the country's urbanization trends, infrastructure development, and demographic dynamics. Meanwhile, venturing into the rural hinterlands unveils a tapestry of traditional homesteads, agricultural landscapes, and community-based initiatives, where the rhythms of rural life are intricately connected to the natural environment.

Obtaining Latitude and Longitude Data**

Accurate geographical coordinates are essential for understanding the spatial distribution of cities, towns, and landmarks in Eswatini. Obtaining latitude and longitude data for each city enables geographers to create detailed maps, analyze spatial patterns, and monitor environmental changes over time. By mapping the geographical coordinates of Eswatini's urban and rural areas, geographers can contribute to urban planning, natural resource management, and disaster risk reduction efforts, ensuring the sustainable development and resilience of the country's communities.


In conclusion, exploring the geography of Eswatini offers valuable insights into its environmental, cultural, and socio-economic dynamics. By obtaining data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, geographers can contribute to our understanding of the country's spatial patterns and development challenges. Let us continue to study and appreciate the geographical wonders of Eswatini, striving for sustainable development and prosperity for all its inhabitants.

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Download data files for Eswatini's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Exploring Eswatini’s Geography: A Geographer’s Insight into Cities, Regions, and Data

Eswatini, a small but culturally rich kingdom located in Southern Africa, presents a fascinating case for geographical analysis. Despite its size, the country boasts a diverse range of landscapes, from its mountainous highlands to its low-lying savannas and fertile valleys. The geography of Eswatini is not only influenced by its natural environment but also by its historical development, agricultural practices, and political divisions. As a geographer, understanding the spatial distribution of Eswatini’s cities, regions, and natural features is crucial for analyzing its urbanization patterns, infrastructure needs, and regional development.

Geographical Structure of Eswatini: Cities, Regions, and Administrative Divisions

Eswatini is divided into four regions: Hhohho, Manzini, Lubombo, and Shiselweni. These regions are further subdivided into administrative districts and municipalities, each with its own unique characteristics. The regions serve as the primary administrative units in the country and play a key role in governance, resource allocation, and regional planning.

The capital city, Mbabane, is located in the western part of the country, nestled in the mountains of the Hhohho region. Mbabane is the political and economic center of Eswatini, while the second-largest city, Manzini, serves as the commercial and industrial hub. Other cities, such as Nhlangano and Siteki, contribute to the regional economies and have unique roles in agriculture, trade, and tourism.

Each region’s geography plays a vital role in shaping its urbanization and infrastructure. For example, the Hhohho region, with its proximity to South Africa, has a more developed infrastructure and greater urbanization compared to the more rural regions of Shiselweni and Lubombo. The natural environment also shapes the settlement patterns, with fertile valleys supporting agriculture and mountainous areas offering limited space for expansion.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Eswatini’s Cities

For geographers, obtaining precise latitude and longitude data is fundamental to understanding the spatial relationships between Eswatini’s cities and regions. These geographic coordinates allow for accurate mapping of urban centers and their connections to surrounding natural features, such as rivers, mountains, and forests.

Mbabane, the capital, has specific latitude and longitude coordinates that place it in the highlands, while Manzini, located in the central part of the country, offers a different set of geographical challenges. By obtaining the latitude and longitude of these and other cities, geographers can map Eswatini’s cities and explore how urban areas are distributed across different regions, helping to identify patterns of migration, population density, and resource distribution.

Understanding the exact location of cities through geographic coordinates also facilitates planning for infrastructure development, transportation networks, and disaster management. Given Eswatini’s vulnerability to natural disasters, such as flooding and droughts, knowing the precise geographical positions of cities can help improve resilience and resource management strategies.

Accessing Eswatini’s Geographical Data in Multiple Formats

For those interested in exploring Eswatini’s geography in greater depth, having access to data in multiple formats is essential. The ability to retrieve geographic data on cities, regions, and their respective coordinates in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML provides flexibility and convenience for researchers, urban planners, and developers.

CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is particularly useful for organizing city and regional data in tables that can be easily analyzed in spreadsheet applications. Users can filter, sort, and compare cities based on population, area, and other attributes. SQL (Structured Query Language) is perfect for those who need to manage larger datasets stored in relational databases, allowing them to run complex queries and extract meaningful insights about Eswatini’s cities and regions.

For developers working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or web applications, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) are widely used formats. These formats enable the seamless integration of geographic data into custom mapping systems, data visualizations, and applications that allow users to explore Eswatini’s geography in an interactive and dynamic way. Whether for visualizing regional development, creating urban maps, or analyzing spatial relationships, JSON and XML provide the flexibility to tailor data to specific needs.

Having access to Eswatini’s geographic data in these various formats enhances its accessibility, enabling users to conduct a wide range of analyses and apply the data to different types of projects, from environmental studies to infrastructure planning.

The Importance of Geographic Data for Understanding Eswatini

The geography of Eswatini plays a central role in its development, resource management, and urbanization. By understanding the spatial distribution of cities, the underlying natural features, and the administrative regions, geographers, urban planners, and policymakers can gain valuable insights into the country’s challenges and opportunities.

Access to precise latitude and longitude data, combined with information on regions and municipalities, allows for detailed mapping and analysis of Eswatini’s urban growth, regional disparities, and environmental management strategies. Whether assessing the impact of climate change, planning new infrastructure, or managing the country’s agricultural resources, geographic data is essential for making informed, data-driven decisions.

Moreover, the availability of this data in flexible formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML ensures that users can adapt the information for their specific needs. Whether for academic research, government planning, or business analysis, geographic data on Eswatini’s cities and regions provides the tools needed to explore the country’s spatial dynamics in greater detail.

Eswatini’s geographic data is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to better understand the country’s landscape, urbanization, and development. With access to this data, researchers and planners can gain a deeper understanding of how Eswatini’s cities and regions are interconnected and how its geography shapes its social, economic, and environmental landscape. The ability to work with this data in various formats makes it an essential tool for anyone looking to engage with Eswatini’s geography in a meaningful way.

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