Central African Republic cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format

Central African Republic

Last update : 19 January 2025.

Central African Republic
Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Central African Republic. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 5685 places in Central African Republic that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Central African Republic is Bangui.

239567DjamaCFOuakaBambari5.8833321.283330Africa/Banguipopulated place
240576BandaCFBasse-KottoKembe4.6666721.316670Africa/Banguipopulated place
2387306DembatekéCFMambéré-KadéïGadzi4.9791816.27370Africa/Banguipopulated place
2387550BozoroBebozoro,BozoroCFOuhamBossangoa6.3106417.68120Africa/Banguipopulated place
7525356BassènguéCFOuakaGrimari5.8890919.863850Africa/Banguipopulated place
236986NoliCFHaut-MbomouDjéma5.8525.70Africa/Banguipopulated place
2386696GarbaCFNana-MambéréBaboua Sub-Prefecture5.4463214.725430Africa/Banguipopulated place
237261NgoatchiCFBasse-KottoZangba4.5520.933330Africa/Banguipopulated place
2382736Toulara ICFOuham-PendéPaoua7.0212516.396020Africa/Banguipopulated place
238249KombléCFOuakaBambari5.8272920.731610Africa/Banguipopulated place
2389182Bembor IIIBembon III,Bembor,Bembor IIICFOuham-PendéPaoua7.5231316.274610Africa/Banguipopulated place
236735PaguiN’djeleteu,N’djeleteu,PaguiCFBasse-Kotto91434745.0940121.078420Africa/Banguipopulated place
6860469BodéosoCFOuhamNana-Bakassa7.1985117.395860Africa/Banguipopulated place
236959NziabaCFMbomouBakouma5.7832122.49350Africa/Banguipopulated place
2385458KoumpalaCFOuham-PendéBocaranga7.0648215.789820Africa/Banguipopulated place
2389541BéaCFOuhamBossangoa6.4860917.081320Africa/Banguipopulated place
6870098BogangCFOuham-PendéNgaoundaye7.0049915.254380Africa/Banguipopulated place
2382496Yamba-BenouCFNana-MambéréBouar Sub-Prefecture5.69315.635120Africa/Banguipopulated place
2385372KozoroCFOuhamBouca6.8264118.536580Africa/Banguipopulated place
2383206SangbayCFOuham-PendéBozoum Sub-Prefecture6.3422616.30260Africa/Banguipopulated place
239636DibaCFBasse-KottoMobaye4.6166721.30Africa/Banguipopulated place
237922LiouCFBasse-Kotto91434745.0166721.416670Africa/Banguipopulated place
2384080NgaboCFLobayeMbaiki3.6527118.327030Africa/Banguipopulated place
2384183NaraCFOuham-PendéBocaranga7.0024115.640390Africa/Banguipopulated place
2389743BartouaBartoua,Berthoua,BertouaCFNana-MambéréAbba5.4721515.045050Africa/Banguipopulated place
2387968BotoroCFOuhamBossangoa6.7605417.054260Africa/Banguipopulated place
2385226LidonCFMambéré-KadéïGadzi5.1557216.447960Africa/Banguipopulated place
240331BelingoCFOuakaGrimari5.769920.152710Africa/Banguipopulated place
2385445KoundéCFMambéré-KadéïAmada-Gaza4.7515.166670Africa/Banguipopulated place
6870365TakpemCFOuham-PendéNgaoundaye7.4273715.515550Africa/Banguipopulated place
2384160NdaliDale,Dali,Dalé,NdaliCFOuhamNana-Bakassa6.9448817.304060Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388789BiriCFSangha-MbaéréBambio3.7626316.730880Africa/Banguipopulated place
238223KopiaCFOuakaIppy6.3923521.532390Africa/Banguipopulated place
2390139BaléCFLobayeMbaiki3.9166717.816670Africa/Banguipopulated place
240111BolobaCFOuakaKouango5.1421620.377140Africa/Banguipopulated place
2390485BadaCFOuhamBouca6.6666718.366670Africa/Banguipopulated place
2389205BémalBemal,Bemala,BémalCFOuhamBatangafo7.061617.82910Africa/Banguipopulated place
2387298DengCF7.4515.816670Africa/Banguipopulated place
239974BoulouvouCFBasse-KottoZangba4.7209821.029380Africa/Banguipopulated place
2385879KatéCFLobayeBoda4.3058417.459620Africa/Banguipopulated place
240089BongboCFMbomouBangassou4.8862723.490810Africa/Banguipopulated place
237768ManataCFOuakaBambari5.4833321.616670Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388747BilaloBilalo,BlaloCFOuhamKabo7.4076418.726670Africa/Banguipopulated place
7524036MoussoumbaCFOuhamKabo7.5562318.637290Africa/Banguipopulated place
2387826BougouaBokoui,Bougoua,BougwaCFOuakaGrimari5.7517419.828220Africa/Banguipopulated place
2385942KangaCFMambéré-KadéïBerberati4.3833316.183330Africa/Banguipopulated place
2386181GuimboCFNana-GrébiziKaga-Bandoro7.0693719.08730Africa/Banguipopulated place
240602BambéCFBasse-KottoKembe4.5166721.60Africa/Banguipopulated place
2390679AguénéCFMambéré-KadéïGadzi5.2152816.724190Africa/Banguipopulated place
2389181Bembor ICFOuham-PendéPaoua7.4494516.373640Africa/Banguipopulated place
6870277MbinayeCFOuham-PendéNgaoundaye7.4113615.459580Africa/Banguipopulated place
240834BadaCFBasse-Kotto91434744.7282421.04220Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388218BonanguidoCFLobayeBoganangone4.6833317.30Africa/Banguipopulated place
239723DanguyaDangouya,DanguyaCFHaute-KottoYalinga6.4666722.666670Africa/Banguipopulated place
237753MandoukouCFOuakaIppy5.9214921.436620Africa/Banguipopulated place
2390648Ancien BotoroCFLobayeBoda4.1517.333330Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388256BomasanaBomasana,Bomassana,Boumassena,BoumassénaCFOmbella-M’PokoBossembele Sub-Prefecture5.5728317.610310Africa/Banguipopulated place
237244NgombéCFMbomouOuango4.1270322.359020Africa/Banguipopulated place
236066YakoambaCFOuakaBambari5.6089720.492550Africa/Banguipopulated place
2386847PosselFort de Posel,Fort de Possel,PosselCFKémoNdjoukou5.0318919.258080Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388095BoninguiBoningi,BoninguiCFOuhamMarkounda7.2519317.267150Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388881BimbiCFKémoDékoa6.213619.280540Africa/Banguipopulated place
2384312MoungotataCFOmbella-M’PokoBimbo Sub-Prefecture4.2833318.550Africa/Banguipopulated place
237620MbéléCFBasse-KottoAlindao4.9465121.78490Africa/Banguipopulated place
2382261ZaoroguimaCFSangha-MbaéréNola3.6659916.158350Africa/Banguipopulated place
2384574MbrésKaga Mbre,Les Mbre,Les Mbres,Les Mbré,Les Mbrés,Mbres,MbrésCFNana-GrébiziMbrès6.66819.803230Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388553Bodoukpo IIBodoukpo,Bodoukpo IICFOmbella-M’PokoYaloke Sub-Prefecture5.3666717.016670Africa/Banguipopulated place
2385314LaoCFOuham-PendéBocaranga7.0340715.656750Africa/Banguipopulated place
2382920TchabandaCFOuakaGrimari6.0244419.955090Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388223BonaCFOuhamBossangoa6.6814717.361370Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388741BoCFOuhamBossangoa6.5141317.385460Africa/Banguipopulated place
237535MboyéCFMbomouBakouma5.7043822.769510Africa/Banguipopulated place
236717PambaraCFMbomouRafai5.3333324.733330Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388052BorosséBorosse,Borossi,Borossé,Bourasse,BourasséCFOuhamNangha Boguila7.3117416.840480Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388184Bondoro KotaCFOuhamMarkounda7.3727916.893550Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388406BoguilaBoguilaCFOuham-PendéBossemtélé5.8896316.537720Africa/Banguipopulated place
239275GanikpioCFHaut-MbomouObo5.4166726.466670Africa/Banguipopulated place
2384550MeloupaCFNana-GrébiziKaga-Bandoro7.0519.10Africa/Banguipopulated place
412364Ingwinda ICFOuakaBambari5.7140220.575250Africa/Banguipopulated place
2384791MaydeCFOuham-PendéBocaranga7.0666715.90Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388183BondourouCFOuhamMarkounda7.4214917.123880Africa/Banguipopulated place
238096KoupiaCFMbomouBangassou4.663623.279980Africa/Banguipopulated place
2389616BayamaBaya,BayamaCFMambéré-KadéïGadzi4.4282316.968630Africa/Banguipopulated place
6857463PouféCFOuham-PendéPaoua7.1089916.419620Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388355BokogoBokogo,BokojoCFOuhamBouca6.5270518.405590Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388246BomboCFLobayeBoda4.317.50Africa/Banguipopulated place
2384379MongossiMongosi,MongossiCFKémoNdjoukou5.0563219.259950Africa/Banguipopulated place
239694DégéCFMbomouBangassou4.7599223.037490Africa/Banguipopulated place
239659DenikipaCFHaut-MbomouZémio5.4666725.233330Africa/Banguipopulated place
2386778GaléCFLobayeBoda4.2833317.516670Africa/Banguipopulated place
2386659GazaoCFNana-GrébiziKaga-Bandoro7.0666719.183330Africa/Banguipopulated place
236876OuamandjiCFOuakaBambari5.6520.516670Africa/Banguipopulated place
2389942BangaCFLobayeBoda4.1358217.095280Africa/Banguipopulated place
2389738BaryaCFOuham-PendéBocaranga6.4166715.616670Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388638BobonzouléCFOuhamBossangoa6.864717.579040Africa/Banguipopulated place
2388442BogokCFOuhamNana-Bakassa6.7982517.438730Africa/Banguipopulated place
240018BoudioBoudio,BoundioCFOuakaIppy5.8292221.60280Africa/Banguipopulated place
2385828KeninguéCFLobayeBoda3.8995417.429080Africa/Banguipopulated place
2386274GoussoumaléGousoumale,Gousoumalé,Goussoumale,GoussoumaléCFOuakaGrimari5.8016519.634330Africa/Banguipopulated place
240028BouassiCFOuakaBambari5.381620.25150Africa/Banguipopulated place

**Exploring the Central African Republic: Unveiling its Geographical Charms**


Embarking on a geographical journey through the Central African Republic (CAR) unveils a mosaic of diverse landscapes, cultural heritage, and ecological wonders. As we delve into obtaining data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, we uncover the intricate tapestry of this landlocked nation in the heart of Africa.

Mapping the Regions and Departments**

The Central African Republic is divided into multiple administrative regions and departments, each with its own distinct characteristics and significance. From the dense rainforests of the southwest to the vast savannas of the north, mapping the regions and departments of CAR provides valuable insights into its geographical diversity, environmental resources, and cultural identities.

Exploring Urban Centers and Rural Communities**

Urban centers such as Bangui, the capital city, serve as hubs of economic activity, cultural exchange, and political significance. Beyond Bangui, exploring the diverse array of towns and villages scattered across the CAR offers a glimpse into the daily lives of its inhabitants, characterized by traditional livelihoods, communal values, and close ties to the land. From the bustling markets of Bambari to the tranquil villages along the Ubangi River, each settlement contributes to the rich tapestry of CAR's cultural landscape.

Obtaining Latitude and Longitude Data**

Acquiring accurate geographical coordinates for each city and town in the Central African Republic is essential for understanding its spatial distribution, connectivity, and vulnerability to environmental risks. By obtaining latitude and longitude data for every urban and rural settlement, geographers can contribute to mapping efforts, disaster preparedness strategies, and sustainable development initiatives aimed at enhancing the resilience and well-being of CAR's communities.

Preserving Natural Heritage and Cultural Legacy**

The Central African Republic is home to a wealth of natural wonders, including dense rainforests, expansive savannas, and diverse wildlife. Preserving its natural heritage is paramount to ensuring the ecological integrity and long-term sustainability of the country. Furthermore, safeguarding its rich cultural legacy, embodied in traditional practices, indigenous knowledge, and linguistic diversity, is essential for fostering social cohesion, resilience, and inclusive development in CAR.


In conclusion, delving into the geographical wonders of the Central African Republic unveils a land of immense beauty, cultural richness, and untapped potential. By obtaining data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, geographers can contribute to our understanding of CAR's spatial dynamics, environmental challenges, and development opportunities. Let us continue to explore and appreciate the geographical charms of the Central African Republic, striving for a future of prosperity and harmony for all its people.

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Download data files for Central African Republic's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Geographical Insights into the Central African Republic: Harnessing Data for Future Development

The Central African Republic (CAR) is a landlocked nation in the heart of Africa, a country defined by its diverse landscapes, from dense forests and savannas to mountains and rivers. Despite its immense natural resources and strategic location, CAR has faced a range of challenges including political instability, limited infrastructure, and resource management difficulties. As the country looks to develop and secure a stable future, obtaining accurate geographic data on cities, regions, and departments—along with precise latitude and longitude coordinates—is essential for supporting informed decision-making, urban development, and resource allocation.

By acquiring detailed geographic data in multiple formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, it is possible to unlock new opportunities for urban planning, infrastructure development, and environmental management. Understanding the geographic distribution of cities and regions in CAR is not just about mapping locations—it is a vital part of building a resilient, sustainable nation.

Central African Republic’s Geography: Diversity and Challenges

The Central African Republic sits at the crossroads of Central and East Africa, a strategic location surrounded by six countries: Chad to the north, Sudan to the northeast, South Sudan to the east, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the south, the Republic of the Congo to the southwest, and Cameroon to the west. Its landscape is incredibly diverse, with a mix of tropical rainforests in the southwest, savannas in the central and northern regions, and rugged mountains to the southeast.

The Ubangi and Chari rivers form important waterways in the south and west, and the Oubangui River serves as an international boundary. Despite its wealth of natural resources, including gold, diamonds, and timber, CAR has long struggled to capitalize on these assets due to political instability and a lack of adequate infrastructure.

This geographic diversity presents both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, the varied landscapes offer the potential for agriculture, tourism, and natural resource extraction. On the other hand, the country's remote location, lack of roads, and natural barriers complicate infrastructure development, trade, and communication. Understanding how cities, regions, and departments are distributed across this varied terrain is key to overcoming these challenges.

Mapping Cities, Regions, and Departments of the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic is divided into 16 regions, each containing a number of departments that further divide the country for administrative purposes. The capital, Bangui, located in the southwest along the Ubangi River, is the largest and most urbanized area in the country. As the political and economic center, it holds a significant portion of the country’s population, infrastructure, and government institutions.

Beyond Bangui, cities like Bimbo, Berbérati, and Bouar represent other important urban centers. However, much of the population is dispersed across rural regions, where smaller towns and villages serve as the backbone of the country’s agricultural economy. Understanding the distribution of cities and towns across these regions is vital for identifying areas that require targeted development efforts and ensuring that resources are allocated equitably.

Each of the country’s regions has its own distinct characteristics—rural, urban, and industrial zones all play different roles. By mapping cities and their administrative divisions, planners can identify regional imbalances, promote balanced development, and optimize resource allocation.

Latitude and Longitude: Precision in Mapping Urban Growth

Latitude and longitude coordinates are essential for accurate mapping and spatial analysis. Knowing the precise locations of cities such as Bangui, Berbérati, and Bouar, along with their exact coordinates, allows geographers and urban planners to assess various aspects of urbanization, connectivity, and infrastructure needs.

For instance, understanding the coordinates of Bangui enables planners to evaluate its proximity to international trade routes, transportation hubs, and neighboring countries. With precise geographic data, one can assess how the city connects to surrounding rural areas, helping to design more efficient transportation networks and communication systems.

Similarly, knowing the latitude and longitude of more remote regions allows for effective planning of infrastructure projects like road construction, water resource management, and rural electrification. In a country like CAR, where many regions are underserved by infrastructure, geographic data is critical for prioritizing development efforts.

Flexible Data Formats: CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML for Broader Accessibility

To maximize the accessibility of geographic data, it is crucial to offer it in various formats. Providing data in CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML formats ensures that users can work with this information across different platforms, from GIS systems to mobile applications and data analysis tools.

CSV and SQL formats are particularly useful for managing large datasets and performing spatial analysis. These formats allow users to query data by multiple parameters, such as population density, economic activity, or infrastructure needs, and are ideal for generating reports and conducting regional studies.

JSON and XML formats, on the other hand, are valuable for developers and those working with real-time data integration. These formats allow for dynamic, interactive mapping, real-time updates, and seamless integration into web platforms, offering flexibility for decision-making tools and applications that support urban planning and resource management.

By providing CAR’s geographic data in these formats, it ensures that the data can be used in a variety of contexts—from government decision-making and academic research to NGO efforts and environmental monitoring.

Conclusion: Unlocking the Power of Geographic Data for the Central African Republic’s Development

The Central African Republic, with its rich natural resources, diverse geography, and complex regional dynamics, stands at a crossroads. The ability to access accurate geographic data on the cities, regions, and departments of the country—including latitude and longitude coordinates—is critical for navigating the challenges of urban growth, resource management, and environmental sustainability.

Latitude and longitude data, combined with formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, enhances the accessibility and usability of this information, enabling better spatial analysis, decision-making, and infrastructure planning. This data is indispensable for addressing CAR’s urbanization needs, optimizing resource distribution, and ensuring sustainable development across the country.

Unlocking the full potential of geographic data will help guide the Central African Republic toward a prosperous and sustainable future, enabling it to leverage its geographic diversity, improve infrastructure, and create a more resilient economy. By using data-driven insights, the country can overcome its challenges and build a more stable, equitable society for future generations.

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