Sudan cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 13 December 2024.

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Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Sudan. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 7452 places in Sudan that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Sudan is Khartoum.

8385254NgaliaNgaliaSDWestern Darfur12.7493922.069070Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
369207Ngorra FataMourfatta,Ngorra FataSDCentral Darfur12.2867422.877990Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7746447JamiaSDCentral Darfur13.0893423.911360Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7033506Bal‘arBal`ar,Bal‘arSDBlue Nile11.875934.37010Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
374475HabikoSDNorth Kordofan13.2666731.766670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7029206Al AfnaAl AfnaSDWhite Nile12.870732.42670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
8390165JerokoJerokoSDWestern Darfur12.2002822.658180Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7028922Ash ShaqAsh ShaqSDWhite Nile13.249232.31350Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
380330Abū ZullayqAbu Zullayq,Abu Zulleiq,Abū ZullayqSDKhartoum15.4766733.168890Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
370426Marsá Sha‘bMarsa Sha`ab,Marsa Sha`b,Marsa Sha‘ab,Marsá Sha‘bSDRed Sea22.6666735.750Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
374081Ḩarā’iz an NefeidiyaHara’iz an Nefeidiya,Heraiz en Nefeidiya,Ḩarā’iz an NefeidiyaSDAl Jazīrah14.233.766670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7029628BuqariBuqariSDSouthern Kordofan11.711430.47560Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
378306As SānīAs Sani,As Sānī,Es SaniSDKhartoum15.5833332.333330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7028965FarraqatFarraqatSDNorth Kordofan12.969131.37430Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
365973TindimmingSDSouthern Kordofan11.831.083330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
8385293AndabokaAndabokaSDWestern Darfur12.7003222.169660Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
371807KurroKourro,Kurria,KurroSDCentral Darfur13.1833323.483330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
6983573Hillat SarobatHillat SarobatSDRed Sea18.075238.02020Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
373792HorgaSDAl Jazīrah14.1666733.666670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
444012Hillat Wad Hamid al QireshabHillat Wad Hamid al QireshabSDRiver Nile16.489532.8030Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
364979Umm ḨujayrahUmm Hugeira,Umm Hujayrah,Umm ḨujayrahSDAl Jazīrah15.1044433.464720Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
375278FuzzorSDNorthern Darfur14.425.80Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
443887Es SalamaEs SalamaSDRiver Nile16.602833.2530Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
372997KalokittingSDSouthern Darfur12.7383224.268530Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
364203Wad BandahWad Banda,Wad BandahSDWest Kordofan State13.127.950Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7018752MajaqMajaqSDWhite Nile13.645932.20220Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
378360Ash ShiyabAsh Shiyab,Esh Shiyab,ShiyabSDWest Kordofan State11.5166728.933330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
376796Damira at TomDamira at Tom,Damira et Tom,Damira et ToraSDNorth Kordofan14.1530.150Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
376937ChourakSDWestern Darfur14.5763522.452270Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7026453Um JīrUm Jir,Um JīrSDAl Jazīrah14.293233.27840Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7029029Um KherenUm KherenSDNorth Kordofan12.669431.32640Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
6991874Hillat al Faki BasherHillat al Faki BasherSDWhite Nile15.169332.36860Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
8384794GoghanSDWestern Darfur14.4729322.894590Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
444018Ash ShekabAsh ShekabSDRiver Nile16.452132.8390Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
380377Abū ‘UrūqSDNorth Kordofan15.930.450Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
12492708AlgoozEl goz,alqwz,القوزSDSouthern Kordofan13.1205429.252830Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
371454LesunSDEastern Darfur10.5333326.70Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
371056LumaSDCentral Darfur11.6744123.305390Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
372166KorbaSDNorthern State19.4833330.40Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
379143Al ManşūrābAl Mansurab,Al Manşūrāb,El MansurabSDWhite Nile15.1333332.666670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7026017Wad al MuherWad al MuherSDWhite Nile14.74432.26910Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7025999Ad DibebaAd DibebaSDWhite Nile14.945732.3590Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
369058NureiNurei,NyuruSDWestern Darfur13.1522.80Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
443926El HimerabEl HimerabSDRiver Nile16.746333.43360Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
373697Ḩumayyir KurkābHumaiyir Kurkab,Humayyir Kurkab,Ḩumayyir KurkābSDNorth Kordofan13.3833329.60Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7026150Wad Al ḨisenWad Al Hisen,Wad Al ḨisenSDAl Jazīrah14.888633.4130Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7026270Aţ ŢalḩaAt Talha,Aţ ŢalḩaSDAl Jazīrah14.51233.41420Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
378256As SerehaAs Sereha,As Surayhah,As Şurayḩah,Es SireihaSDAl Jazīrah15.117232.93080Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
374920GhabushSDNorth Kordofan13.4333330.266670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7754692BellaSDCentral Darfur12.5424423.345690Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
378756AnguriSDNorthern State19.4166730.466670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
380286‘AdalSDSinnār12.9666734.516670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
8047381ZaheiliSDEastern Darfur10.360125.96460Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
8313385MoroSDSouthern Kordofan10.8651730.115460Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
379731Al AkhḑarAl Akhdar,Al Akhḑar,El AkhdarSDSouthern Darfur10.5525.166670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
6983238MabrūkaMabruka,MabrūkaSDAl Jazīrah14.608632.93750Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7026399Al BasābirAl Basabir,Al BasābirSDAl Jazīrah14.014733.37140Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
375116GararangGararangSDWestern Darfur13.4070622.28840Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7001930Hillat AnnabagHillat AnnabagSDSouthern Kordofan11.263129.85940Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
372097KosuaSDCentral Darfur11.4089123.469310Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
371999KūkahKuka,Kukah,KūkahSDWestern Darfur13.63333230Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
12493836Al Gardoodalqrdwd,القردودSDWhite Nile12.6986132.730560Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
373347JidādGeddad,Gidad,Jidad,JidādSDSouthern Darfur11.0833324.733330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
368419Qawz FagurQawz Fagur,Qoz FagurSDWhite Nile13.8166732.050Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
374348ḨajalahHagala,Hajalah,ḨajalahSDNorthern Darfur14.5666725.10Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
373706Ḩumayr ar Ru’ūsHumayr ar Ru’us,Humeir er Rus,Ḩumayr ar Ru’ūsSDWest Kordofan State12.8527.733330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
366385TaragagaSDKassala16.2761136.252780Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
369667MereirayaMereiraya,Murayrayah,MurayrāyahSDSouthern Darfur9.8757724.902180Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
6979643Hillat AnjulosajaHillat AnjulosajaSDSouthern Kordofan11.581129.83950Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
369591MusobikiraSDSouthern Darfur12.1666724.350Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
367693SamatSamad,Samat,ŞamadSDRed Sea18.750736.81570Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
371026LuyūnahLayuna,Luyunah,LuyūnahSDNorth Kordofan13.2531.816670Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
8148526Wista Umm GellakameiSDSouthern Darfur10.727724.772920Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
367044ShintishrabSDKassala15.5333336.250Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7026250Wad Al FadniWad Al FadniSDAl Jazīrah14.67233.34470Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7029196Al KarānikAl Karanik,Al KarānikSDWhite Nile12.985732.36950Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
374201Hillat al HamadabHamdab,Hamdab at Tulayh,Hamdab et Tuleih,Hillat al Hamadab,Ḩamdāb aţ ŢulayḩSDWhite Nile15.070432.45780Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
367454Semna WestSDNorthern State21.4833330.950Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
366306ŢayyibahTaiyiba,Tayyibah,ŢayyibahSDKhartoum15.3647232.52750Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
376875DagalosSDWest Kordofan State12.928.233330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
6991871Hillat al MansorabHillat al MansorabSDWhite Nile15.19432.48950Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
380129Ad DouiemAd Diwem,Ad Douiem,Ad Duwaym,Ad Duwem,Ad Duwēm,Al Dewaym,Dewaim,Dueim,Ed Dueim,Ehd-Duehjm,El Dweim,aldwym,aldwym (mdynt),Эд-Дуэйм,الدويم (مدينة),الدویمSDWhite Nile14.001232.311687068Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7029304SinādaSinada,SinādaSDSinnār12.983533.76910Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7028974Abu MidyaAbu MidyaSDNorth Kordofan12.743731.02340Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7033510JarmāriJarmari,JarmāriSDBlue Nile11.935634.30580Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
367235SharomSDKhartoum15.532.783330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
365984TīnahTina,Tinah,TīnahSDNorth Kordofan14.0333330.533330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
379622Al Bi’rAl Bi’r,Al Bi’r,El BirSDBlue Nile11.1833334.950Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
380750Abu KarishSDBlue Nile10.2056733.932320Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7026201Al KiremtātAl Kiremtat,Al KiremtātSDAl Jazīrah14.505833.02220Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
364088Wad NūraynWad Nurayn,Wad Nurein,Wad NūraynSDAl Qaḑārif13.0666734.950Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
368756OmuriSDSouthern Kordofan11.0166730.633330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
444060Hillat el KaradaHillat el KaradaSDRiver Nile17.327433.75330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7029034MekāyaMekaya,MekāyaSDNorth Kordofan12.653631.19580Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7026687ŞiferSifer,ŞiferSDAl Jazīrah14.079533.19710Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
7026681Dā’ūdDa’ud,Dā’ūdSDAl Jazīrah14.242933.14360Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
378493Ar RahadAr Rahad,Er Rahad,RahadSDNorth Kordofan12.7166730.6526273Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
365135Umm DursohSDSouthern Darfur11.824.083330Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
6977086‘Ojli`Ojli,‘OjliSDSouthern Kordofan11.54831.25560Africa/Khartoumpopulated place
370897MagolinSDSouthern Kordofan12.1530.750Africa/Khartoumpopulated place

**Unveiling Sudan: A Geographer's Perspective**


Sudan, a land of diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage, beckons exploration from the perspective of a geographer. Delving into the geographical intricacies of Sudan involves unraveling the data of its cities, regions, and departments while acquiring the latitude and longitude coordinates for each locality. This article embarks on a journey to uncover the spatial dynamics of Sudan, offering insights into its geographical features and societal complexities.

Mapping the Regions and Departments**

Sudan's geographical diversity is reflected in its administrative divisions, comprising states and localities with distinct characteristics. From the Nile River basin in the north to the savannas of the south, Sudan's regions and departments showcase a mosaic of ecosystems, ethnic groups, and economic activities. Understanding these divisions is crucial for analyzing spatial patterns, resource distribution, and regional development strategies.

Exploring Urban Centers and Rural Communities**

Urban centers in Sudan serve as nodes of economic activity, cultural exchange, and governance. Cities like Khartoum, Omdurman, and Port Sudan pulsate with life, reflecting the country's historical legacy and modern aspirations. Meanwhile, rural communities scattered across the countryside rely on agriculture, pastoralism, and traditional livelihoods, shaping the rural-urban continuum and spatial interaction patterns.

Acquiring Geographical Coordinates**

Acquiring precise geographical coordinates for Sudan's cities and towns is essential for spatial analysis, cartographic mapping, and urban planning initiatives. By obtaining latitude and longitude data for each locality, geographers enhance our understanding of spatial distribution, population dynamics, and infrastructure networks. From the bustling streets of Khartoum to the remote villages in Darfur, accurate geospatial information underpins informed decision-making and sustainable development efforts.

Preserving Natural Resources and Biodiversity**

Preserving Sudan's natural resources and biodiversity is paramount for environmental sustainability and ecosystem resilience. The country is endowed with diverse ecosystems, including deserts, mountains, and wetlands, supporting unique flora and fauna. By promoting sustainable land management, wildlife conservation, and climate adaptation measures, geographers play a vital role in safeguarding Sudan's natural heritage and ensuring the well-being of its people.


In conclusion, exploring Sudan's geography offers valuable insights into its diverse landscapes, cultural heritage, and regional dynamics. By obtaining data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, we deepen our understanding of Sudan's spatial complexity and societal intricacies. Let us continue to study, appreciate, and conserve the geographical diversity of Sudan, fostering sustainable development, social cohesion, and environmental stewardship for generations to come.

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Download data files for Sudan's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Exploring the Geography of Sudan: Leveraging Geographic Data for Sustainable Growth

Sudan, located in the northeastern region of Africa, is a country with a rich and diverse geography that has greatly influenced its culture, economy, and development trajectory. From vast desert landscapes to the lush banks of the Nile River, Sudan's natural features have shaped settlement patterns, agricultural practices, and economic activities. Understanding the geographical makeup of Sudan, including its cities, regions, and administrative boundaries, is vital for sustainable development and effective governance. This article explores the geography of Sudan and emphasizes the importance of obtaining geographic data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML to support urban planning, resource management, and environmental conservation.

Sudan’s Geographic Diversity: From Deserts to Fertile Plains

Sudan’s geography is defined by its vast and varied landscapes, which range from the arid Sahara Desert in the north to the fertile Nile Valley and tropical rainforests in the south. The country is bordered by Egypt to the north, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, and South Sudan to the south, making it a bridge between the Arab world and sub-Saharan Africa.

The northern part of Sudan is dominated by the Sahara Desert, which covers much of the region with its dry and hot conditions. These desert areas are sparsely populated, with most settlements located near oases or along the Nile River, which provides the essential water resources needed for life and agriculture.

In contrast, the central and southern regions of Sudan are characterized by savannas, wetlands, and tropical forests. The White Nile and Blue Nile rivers converge in Sudan, creating a fertile region that supports much of the country’s agriculture, particularly in the central and eastern regions. The fertile floodplains of the Nile, which stretch through Sudan from north to south, have been the cradle of civilization for thousands of years and continue to be the heart of Sudan’s agricultural economy.

The Darfur region in the western part of the country features a more varied landscape, with mountainous terrain, grasslands, and plains. This area is crucial for both agriculture and pastoralism, and its geographical location has historically been a key factor in the region’s complex social and political dynamics.

Cities, Regions, and Administrative Divisions of Sudan

Sudan is divided into 18 states, which are the primary administrative divisions of the country. These states are further subdivided into regions and counties, each with its own governance structure and economic priorities. The capital city, Khartoum, located at the confluence of the White Nile and Blue Nile rivers, is the largest city in Sudan and serves as the political, cultural, and economic center of the country.

Khartoum is not only the capital but also a major hub for commerce, education, and industry, making it a focal point for development in Sudan. It is home to key institutions, including government offices, international organizations, and universities. Due to its strategic location and role in connecting the north and south of Sudan, Khartoum plays an essential role in the nation’s economic and political life.

Other major cities include Omdurman, which is part of the Khartoum metropolitan area and serves as an important historical and cultural center. Port Sudan, located on the Red Sea, is a critical port city for trade and exports. Wad Madani, Nyala, and El Obeid are other important regional cities, each playing a vital role in Sudan’s agricultural, industrial, and transportation sectors.

Sudan’s regions, such as the Kordofan and Blue Nile regions, each have distinct geographic features and economic activities. The regions in the north, such as Northern Sudan and Red Sea, are more desert-like and focused on mining and oil extraction. The southern and western regions, including South Kordofan and Darfur, are more focused on agriculture and pastoralism, with diverse natural resources that contribute to the nation’s rural economy.

The Role of Geographic Data in Sudan’s Development

Geographic data is essential for understanding the spatial relationships between Sudan’s cities, regions, and natural resources. Obtaining accurate data on the locations of cities, rivers, regions, and infrastructure is critical for decision-making in urban planning, resource management, and disaster response. Geographic data can help policymakers and planners visualize the distribution of resources and identify areas in need of development, while also enabling them to assess environmental and socio-economic conditions.

Obtaining geographic data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML enables flexibility in how the data can be used and analyzed. These formats allow for easy integration into Geographic Information Systems (GIS), where spatial data can be mapped, analyzed, and visualized. GIS tools enable geographers, urban planners, and policymakers to create detailed maps that can show population density, infrastructure networks, land use, and environmental features such as water sources, forests, and deserts.

For example, having accurate latitude and longitude data for each city, region, or department enables planners to better understand how different urban and rural areas are connected and how resources are distributed across the country. This data can help in identifying areas that require additional infrastructure or services, such as healthcare, education, or transportation.

Practical Applications of Geographic Data in Sudan

Geographic data in Sudan has several practical applications across various sectors, including urban planning, agriculture, resource management, and environmental protection. As Sudan continues to develop, the need for accurate and comprehensive geographic data will be critical for fostering growth that is sustainable, equitable, and environmentally responsible.

1. **Urban Planning and Infrastructure Development**: Sudan’s cities and towns are growing, and urban planning is essential for ensuring that this growth is sustainable. Geographic data is crucial for mapping out existing infrastructure and identifying areas that need additional services such as roads, water supply, and waste management. By understanding the distribution of population and resources, planners can better allocate investments in infrastructure that will support both urban and rural communities.

2. **Agriculture and Water Resource Management**: Agriculture is central to Sudan’s economy, particularly in the regions surrounding the Nile River. Geographic data plays a vital role in understanding land use patterns, crop suitability, and irrigation requirements. This data can also be used to monitor water resources, ensuring that the country’s agriculture is resilient to droughts and floods. By optimizing water usage and land productivity, geographic data helps support Sudan’s food security and agricultural exports.

3. **Environmental Conservation**: Sudan is home to a wide range of ecosystems, from desert landscapes to tropical wetlands. Geographic data is essential for monitoring and managing these natural resources. It helps assess the impact of deforestation, monitor wildlife populations, and protect vital ecosystems. In particular, data on water bodies such as the Nile and its tributaries is essential for ensuring the sustainability of the country’s aquatic life and agriculture.

4. **Disaster Preparedness and Risk Management**: Sudan is vulnerable to various environmental hazards, including droughts, floods, and conflict-induced displacement. Geographic data is critical for disaster management, allowing authorities to identify high-risk areas, plan evacuation routes, and allocate emergency resources. GIS systems can help track the movement of displaced populations, monitor flooding, and ensure that disaster response efforts are effectively coordinated.

Unlocking Sudan’s Potential with Geographic Data

As Sudan continues to develop its infrastructure, natural resources, and economy, the need for geographic data will become even more important. Accurate and detailed geographic data allows policymakers to make informed decisions that support sustainable growth, equitable development, and environmental stewardship. Geographic data, in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, empowers stakeholders across government, NGOs, businesses, and research organizations to collaborate and share information effectively.


Sudan’s geography plays a central role in shaping its economy, culture, and society. From the fertile lands of the Nile Valley to the deserts of the north, the country’s natural features impact everything from urbanization to agriculture. By obtaining detailed geographic data on cities, regions, and natural resources, Sudan can ensure that its development is sustainable, equitable, and aligned with long-term goals for growth and prosperity. Geographic data, available in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, provides the necessary tools for effective planning, resource management, and environmental protection. Through the strategic use of this data, Sudan can navigate the future with greater resilience and confidence.

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