South Sudan cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format

South Sudan

Last update : 20 January 2025.

South Sudan
Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in South Sudan. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 5224 places in South Sudan that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of South Sudan is Juba.

8374518GoingSSUpper Nile8.7521932.698990Africa/Jubapopulated place
8059904WutokSSUnity9.7413730.169360Africa/Jubapopulated place
373306JuaiSSJonglei8.0330731.167450Africa/Jubapopulated place
370321MawelSSJonglei6.5970532.920280Africa/Jubapopulated place
376102DurSSWarrap8.7319428.294320Africa/Jubapopulated place
382353UkukSSEastern Equatoria4.0928933.134160Africa/Jubapopulated place
375589FalwalSSLakes7.0081429.880360Africa/Jubapopulated place
371150LoryokSSEastern Equatoria4.5606933.343680Africa/Jubapopulated place
8061333LundurSSWarrap8.5725428.287270Africa/Jubapopulated place
7429984AropingSSLakes6.7635229.964820Africa/Jubapopulated place
373128KafindibeiSSWestern Bahr al Ghazal9.4988824.513820Africa/Jubapopulated place
8374400PadwitSSUpper Nile8.8782432.58960Africa/Jubapopulated place
377779BangbaraBangbaraSSWestern Bahr al Ghazal7.6769226.304010Africa/Jubapopulated place
369869MoroboSSCentral Equatoria3.6895730.77950Africa/Jubapopulated place
8540975TutthiangSSUpper Nile8.8914133.671570Africa/Jubapopulated place
371118LualSSUpper Nile8.5301133.120320Africa/Jubapopulated place
7659423Bentiu TownBentiu TownSSUnity9.2735729.793220Africa/Jubapopulated place
7416249UngelSSNorthern Bahr al Ghazal9.150927.049710Africa/Jubapopulated place
363894WaatWa`th,Waat,Wa‘thSSWarrap7.3980128.931730Africa/Jubapopulated place
369945MogaMogaSSWestern Bahr al Ghazal7.7920626.076840Africa/Jubapopulated place
377070BuringSSCentral Equatoria5.7899231.070890Africa/Jubapopulated place
374588GumuSSCentral Equatoria4.4166730.10Africa/Jubapopulated place
8058813AbyeiSSWarrap8.5709728.65860Africa/Jubapopulated place
7431143MajokSSLakes6.8508430.241360Africa/Jubapopulated place
370302MayenSSLakes7.5215729.647060Africa/Jubapopulated place
373381GarayanGarayan,Jarayan,JarayānSSUnity8.479930.000360Africa/Jubapopulated place
371201LongairoSSEastern Equatoria4.4986932.298780Africa/Jubapopulated place
376267Dor ThirSSUnity8.2333329.983330Africa/Jubapopulated place
8061597Lual GolSSWarrap8.1770928.259050Africa/Jubapopulated place
379801AkotSSLakes6.5477230.057170Africa/Jubapopulated place
8376098WunkirSSUpper Nile8.6305633.81040Africa/Jubapopulated place
363883WauWau,Waw,WāwSSUpper Nile9.6501931.7830Africa/Jubapopulated place
375610FakoiSSJonglei7.0333331.466670Africa/Jubapopulated place
369377NarongyetSSEastern Equatoria4.8431333.573950Africa/Jubapopulated place
7431102KongSSWarrap8.3096928.042010Africa/Jubapopulated place
374698GordoSSCentral Equatoria4.1511130.82750Africa/Jubapopulated place
381262KwitSSWestern Bahr al Ghazal7.7480727.986530Africa/Jubapopulated place
382633NyakangasuSSCentral Equatoria4.1313930.619440Africa/Jubapopulated place
382343LowudoSSEastern Equatoria4.3174532.413760Africa/Jubapopulated place
377583BasukwaSSWestern Equatoria5.7782528.790530Africa/Jubapopulated place
8170664PaparSSJonglei7.6822431.41480Africa/Jubapopulated place
7435826FaukiSSWestern Equatoria5.3139330.361140Africa/Jubapopulated place
377819BalokeSSCentral Equatoria4.5499931.000250Africa/Jubapopulated place
374940GesigaSSEastern Equatoria4.1718432.33870Africa/Jubapopulated place
369627MurukironSSEastern Equatoria4.3427833.335730Africa/Jubapopulated place
7430647RaalSSNorthern Bahr al Ghazal8.8746827.599830Africa/Jubapopulated place
7416353War KwaichSSNorthern Bahr al Ghazal9.1726127.165010Africa/Jubapopulated place
378346AshupSSWarrap7.9250728.421520Africa/Jubapopulated place
377947BadaSSWestern Bahr al Ghazal8.1264227.389940Africa/Jubapopulated place
378675AnunbulSSUpper Nile10.8480732.478860Africa/Jubapopulated place
7662072LaichSSNorthern Bahr al Ghazal9.0307728.1750Africa/Jubapopulated place
366468TalungSSWestern Bahr al Ghazal8.3874726.171770Africa/Jubapopulated place
366107Thar ChengThar Cheng,Thar JainSSUnity8.222930.220580Africa/Jubapopulated place
375401FekangFakang,FekangSSUpper Nile9.365831.464970Africa/Jubapopulated place
378012AzraqSSWestern Bahr al Ghazal8.9904824.355870Africa/Jubapopulated place
7429923MattiangSSLakes6.9236129.832050Africa/Jubapopulated place
373047KakiSSWestern Bahr al Ghazal9.4130825.416010Africa/Jubapopulated place
363976WangbopSSUpper Nile8.5690133.073650Africa/Jubapopulated place
364404UriangSSUpper Nile8.7529932.760Africa/Jubapopulated place
7435843WurjabuSSWestern Equatoria5.1960430.656730Africa/Jubapopulated place
8061137NyandorSSWarrap8.6150228.270310Africa/Jubapopulated place
372182KoperaKopeara,KoperaSSCentral Equatoria4.1377830.953330Africa/Jubapopulated place
382585MetameruSSCentral Equatoria4.1758330.874170Africa/Jubapopulated place
381889AnoigSSLakes7.1559929.724040Africa/Jubapopulated place
8701041TereteiniaSSEastern Equatoria3.8456433.21050Africa/Jubapopulated place
369071NūrSSUnity9.3705729.907540Africa/Jubapopulated place
7431885Pul AwerSSLakes6.3082530.603240Africa/Jubapopulated place
368778OlupiSSEastern Equatoria3.6003832.107380Africa/Jubapopulated place
8377055DougwarSSUpper Nile8.7394133.168830Africa/Jubapopulated place
8142909SaregoroSSCentral Equatoria3.8491431.67180Africa/Jubapopulated place
8061356MangSSWarrap8.9833528.409130Africa/Jubapopulated place
375252GabiSSLakes6.682229.466830Africa/Jubapopulated place
7416410MayenSSNorthern Bahr al Ghazal9.2336128.068030Africa/Jubapopulated place
368250RaffiliRaffili,RafiliSSWestern Bahr al Ghazal6.8522527.996290Africa/Jubapopulated place
372992KalopedetSSEastern Equatoria5.3014833.384660Africa/Jubapopulated place
372092KotaSSJonglei9.4138430.962850Africa/Jubapopulated place
368530PokumuPochumu,PokumuSSUpper Nile8.5666734.116670Africa/Jubapopulated place
370419MarukaSSWestern Equatoria5.1872229.163060Africa/Jubapopulated place
382063AkolochSSLakes6.811530.702040Africa/Jubapopulated place
8181234KonkyauSSJonglei8.3175532.314630Africa/Jubapopulated place
8068587JongokSSUpper Nile9.0684433.418990Africa/Jubapopulated place
380126AdeiriSSUpper Nile10.7936432.319830Africa/Jubapopulated place
7416445YugrufuSSNorthern Bahr al Ghazal9.0192627.629060Africa/Jubapopulated place
371317LogiliokSSEastern Equatoria4.2967833.125920Africa/Jubapopulated place
370549ManyelManyal,Manyel,Mayel,MimyalSSNorthern Bahr al Ghazal9.0116927.724530Africa/Jubapopulated place
7431150Madud AvomSSWarrap8.2257127.804290Africa/Jubapopulated place
369177NielwagNielwag,NyilwagSSUpper Nile9.4225931.266270Africa/Jubapopulated place
380072AdullSSLakes6.6102629.94950Africa/Jubapopulated place
8309975KalaSSCentral Equatoria3.9630231.307380Africa/Jubapopulated place
371709Kwal TiuSSJonglei6.1778531.811990Africa/Jubapopulated place
368914NyirimSSLakes6.7083430.767890Africa/Jubapopulated place
8174508BunaliabSSJonglei7.2113931.696190Africa/Jubapopulated place
369253NeyarNeyar,NyiyarSSJonglei9.2913931.413610Africa/Jubapopulated place
373470JaaiSSUpper Nile8.9256333.492190Africa/Jubapopulated place
375438FatinaSSWarrap7.070628.652220Africa/Jubapopulated place
368084Rian KujSSNorthern Bahr al Ghazal9.2207326.85940Africa/Jubapopulated place
8061266Awel NyunSSWarrap8.7617328.259790Africa/Jubapopulated place
8377057JilangSSUpper Nile8.6926133.142780Africa/Jubapopulated place
368003Roth DenRoth Den,Ruoth DengSSUnity9.1600329.19760Africa/Jubapopulated place
8068550BulditSSUpper Nile9.2232433.827130Africa/Jubapopulated place

**Exploring South Sudan: A Geographer's Perspective**

Nestled in the heart of Africa, South Sudan is a land of vast plains, rich cultural heritage, and unique geographical features. As a geographer delving into the complexities of this young nation, the quest for data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates unveils a narrative of resilience, diversity, and geographical significance waiting to be uncovered.

Cities of South Sudan: Nuclei of Civilization and Progress**

South Sudan's cities are more than just urban centers; they are the beating hearts of the nation's development and cultural expression. From the bustling streets of Juba, the capital city, to the historical significance of Malakal and the trade hub of Wau, each urban center holds its own story of growth and adaptation. Obtaining data on these cities provides insights into their population dynamics, economic activities, and social infrastructure, essential for understanding the dynamics of modern South Sudan.

Regions and Departments of South Sudan: A Tapestry of Landscapes and Cultures**

Beyond the urban landscape, South Sudan's regions and departments showcase the country's diverse natural beauty and cultural heritage. From the fertile plains of Central Equatoria to the rugged terrain of Western Bahr el Ghazal and the vast marshes of Unity State, each region boasts its own unique ecological characteristics and cultural traditions. Gathering data on these regions reveals the intricate balance between human activities and environmental resources, crucial for sustainable development in South Sudan.

Latitude and Longitude of South Sudan: Navigating the Nation's Coordinates**

As a geographer, obtaining precise latitude and longitude data for each city of South Sudan is essential for understanding its geographical layout and spatial distribution. These coordinates serve as navigational markers, guiding explorers through the country's diverse landscapes and waterways. From the meandering course of the White Nile to the peaks of the Imatong Mountains and the vast expanse of the Sudd wetlands, each point on the map tells a story of geographical significance and cultural heritage, shaping South Sudan's identity as a land of opportunity and challenge.

Conclusion: Mapping South Sudan's Geographical Landscape**

In the pursuit of data on South Sudan's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, a deeper narrative emerges—one of resilience, diversity, and geographical significance. It is a narrative that reflects the aspirations and struggles of a young nation striving to find its place on the African continent. As a geographer, unraveling this tapestry of geographical intricacies is not just a scholarly pursuit but a journey of discovery and appreciation for the complexities of our world.

South Sudan beckons—a land of endless possibilities, waiting to be explored, understood, and cherished for its geographical marvels and cultural treasures.

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Download data files for South Sudan's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Exploring the Geography of South Sudan: The Importance of Geographic Data for Development

South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, offers a unique and complex geographical landscape that has both shaped its history and presents challenges for its future development. With its diverse terrain ranging from vast savannas and wetlands to the great Nile River, South Sudan's geography has played an important role in its natural resources, agriculture, and urban growth. As a geographer focused on sustainable development, understanding the spatial distribution of South Sudan’s cities, regions, and natural features is crucial for effective resource management, infrastructure planning, and regional development. This article explores the geography of South Sudan and discusses how geographic data can support its growth and conservation efforts.

South Sudan’s Varied Geography: From River Basins to Highlands

Located in northeastern Africa, South Sudan is characterized by a range of landscapes that define the country’s geography. The nation is dominated by the Nile River Basin, which provides the primary source of water for both the population and the economy. The White Nile, one of the two major tributaries of the Nile River, flows through South Sudan, creating fertile land and supporting agriculture, especially in the central and southern regions. The river basin is critical not only for irrigation and food security but also as a key transport route.

To the west of the Nile lies a region of expansive grasslands and wetlands, home to some of South Sudan’s most important wildlife areas, including the Sudd, one of the largest wetlands in the world. This area is of immense ecological importance, providing habitats for various species of birds, mammals, and aquatic life.

Further to the east, the land rises into the highlands, which form part of the Ethiopian Plateau. These highland areas have a cooler, more temperate climate and are important for grazing and livestock rearing, a key part of South Sudan’s economy. Despite its relatively small size, South Sudan’s geography is diverse, influencing settlement patterns, agricultural practices, and infrastructure development throughout the country.

Regions, Cities, and Administrative Divisions of South Sudan

South Sudan is divided into 10 states, each of which serves as an important administrative and political region. These states are further subdivided into counties, which form the smallest administrative units. Understanding these regions and divisions is crucial for effective governance, resource distribution, and the provision of public services.

The capital city of Juba is located in the Central Equatoria region and is the largest city in South Sudan. As the political and economic center of the country, Juba plays a vital role in governance, trade, and commerce. Located on the White Nile River, Juba serves as the primary hub for transportation and access to other regions in the country. The city's location near the river is key for both trade and agriculture, with fertile land in the vicinity supporting subsistence farming and small-scale agriculture.

Other important cities include Malakal, in the Upper Nile state, which has a significant role in regional trade and agricultural production, and Wau, located in the Bahr el Ghazal region, which serves as a cultural and historical center. South Sudan’s cities are often situated near the major rivers, reflecting the importance of water sources for settlement, agriculture, and transportation.

The distribution of cities and towns in South Sudan is closely related to the geographical features of the land. The areas along the Nile River and its tributaries are the most urbanized, while the more remote and highland areas remain sparsely populated. This geographic reality requires careful planning and data collection to ensure that infrastructure, services, and resources are effectively distributed across the nation.

The Importance of Geographic Data for South Sudan’s Development

Geographic data plays a pivotal role in understanding how South Sudan’s cities, regions, and natural features are interrelated. Accurate data on the latitude and longitude of cities, as well as information on regional boundaries, natural resources, and infrastructure, is essential for decision-making in governance, resource management, and urban planning.

In South Sudan, the availability of geographic data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML is crucial for enabling data-driven analysis and development. These formats allow for easy integration into Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a tool that geographers, urban planners, and policymakers use to create detailed spatial models, maps, and analysis. GIS provides a visual representation of the spatial relationships between urban areas, infrastructure, and natural resources, facilitating more effective planning and resource allocation.

For example, obtaining the precise latitude and longitude of each city or town enables the creation of accurate maps that highlight population density, transportation networks, and areas of economic activity. This data can help policymakers and urban planners allocate resources more efficiently and identify key areas for development.

Practical Applications of Geographic Data in South Sudan

The practical applications of geographic data in South Sudan are wide-ranging and vital to the country’s growth and development. With its recent history of conflict and rebuilding, South Sudan faces numerous challenges related to infrastructure, resource management, and environmental conservation. Geographic data offers solutions for addressing these challenges across multiple sectors.

1. **Urban Planning and Infrastructure Development**: As South Sudan rebuilds and expands, geographic data plays a critical role in urban planning and infrastructure development. With most urban areas situated along the Nile River and its tributaries, planners need to understand the spatial relationships between urban centers, transportation routes, and natural resources. Geographic data helps ensure that infrastructure, such as roads, schools, and hospitals, is distributed effectively across urban and rural regions.

2. **Agriculture and Resource Management**: Agriculture remains the backbone of South Sudan’s economy, and geographic data is crucial for improving agricultural practices and resource management. By tracking soil quality, rainfall patterns, and irrigation needs, geographic data helps farmers make better decisions about crop selection and resource allocation. It also aids in the management of water resources, which are vital in a country where much of the land is semi-arid or prone to flooding.

3. **Environmental Conservation**: South Sudan’s wetlands, forests, and grasslands are ecologically important, and geographic data is essential for managing these natural resources. Data on land use, vegetation, and wildlife habitats can be used to monitor environmental changes and guide conservation efforts. Geographic data also supports the identification of areas at risk from climate change, such as flood-prone regions, and helps develop mitigation strategies.

4. **Disaster Response and Risk Management**: South Sudan’s vulnerability to floods, droughts, and other natural disasters requires robust disaster response planning. Geographic data is essential for identifying high-risk areas, planning evacuation routes, and allocating emergency resources. GIS tools can help in mapping disaster zones, monitoring floodwaters, and coordinating relief efforts in real-time.

Empowering South Sudan’s Development Through Geographic Data

As South Sudan continues its journey of recovery and growth, geographic data will be a key asset in ensuring that development is sustainable and inclusive. By obtaining and utilizing detailed geographic data on cities, regions, and natural features, decision-makers can create more effective policies and strategies that address the country’s unique challenges and opportunities.

With geographic data available in flexible formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, stakeholders across the public and private sectors can integrate this information into their planning and decision-making processes. These data formats make it easier to share, analyze, and visualize geographic data, enabling more effective collaboration between governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector.


South Sudan’s diverse geography presents both opportunities and challenges for its growth and development. From its vital rivers and wetlands to its highland regions and vast plains, the country’s landscape plays a central role in shaping its future. By obtaining and utilizing geographic data, South Sudan can ensure that its development is sustainable and equitable, supporting infrastructure growth, resource management, and environmental conservation. The availability of geographic data in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML is crucial for empowering policymakers, researchers, and urban planners to make informed decisions that will guide South Sudan toward a prosperous and sustainable future.

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