Burkina Faso cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format
Last update : 19 January 2025.
Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Burkina Faso. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 9774 places in Burkina Faso that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Burkina Faso is Ouagadougou.
Geoname_ID | City | Alternate_Name | Country_Code | Region | Sub_region | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Population | Timezone | Fcode_Name |
2356869 | Ouré Rimaïbés | BF | Sahel | Province du Soum | 13.96929 | -1.72809 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2355322 | Soroden | BF | 12.53333 | -0.6 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||||
11915196 | Toéguen | BF | Centre-Ouest | 12.60463 | -1.93635 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2356930 | Ouilé | Ouile,Ouilé,Wile | BF | Boucle du Mouhoun | Province du Sourou | 13.36958 | -2.6988 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |
2357085 | Odyini | BF | Est | Province de la Tapoa | 12.44596 | 1.84657 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2361112 | Dounkoména | Donkomena,Donkoména,Dounkomena,Dounkoména | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.15784 | -3.03333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2354298 | Togen | BF | Plateau-Central | 12.38333 | -0.91667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2360967 | Doutié | Doutie,Doutié | BF | Cascades | 10.2 | -4.13333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2358637 | Kouzié | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.21667 | -2.8 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
12382268 | Paoré | BF | Centre-Est | Province du Koulpélogo | 11.60786 | -0.06766 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2356585 | Pèrkoa | BF | Centre-Ouest | 12.63333 | -2.25 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2356801 | Ouro Solé | BF | Sahel | Province du Séno | 13.57288 | -0.10233 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2360548 | Gassougou | Gassougou | BF | Centre-Est | Province du Boulgou | 11.17894 | -0.55675 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |
12470273 | Sankoado | BF | Est | Province de la Kompienga | 10.98183 | 0.57916 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2358272 | Lokosso | Lokhoso,Lokosso,Lorhoso,Lorhosso | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.31667 | -3.66667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2356963 | Ouem-Yiri | Ouem-Yiri,Ouemhiri,Ouemyiri,Ouèmyiri,Ouémhiri | BF | Centre | 12.31534 | -1.78532 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2360718 | Fwadougou | BF | Est | 12.6 | 0.46667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2360933 | Dyapa | BF | Sahel | Province du Séno | 13.6882 | 0.02627 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2570190 | Yipala | BF | Centre | Kadiogo Province | 12.3623 | -1.40414 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2357316 | Nienka | BF | Sud-Ouest | 11.26667 | -3.16667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2360008 | Intoulé | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.73333 | -3.06667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2361242 | Diokongo | BF | Boucle du Mouhoun | 12.81667 | -3.73333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2361471 | Dékoura | BF | Est | 12.31667 | 0.15 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2356948 | Oufré | BF | Nord | Province du Yatenga | 13.54909 | -2.42126 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2361568 | Dapélégo | BF | Centre-Est | 12.13333 | -0.13333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
12176044 | Fobri | BF | Est | Province de la Tapoa | 12.59919 | 1.88051 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2355757 | Sèmala | BF | Centre-Ouest | 12.65 | -2.61667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2569952 | Sinioguen | BF | Centre | Kadiogo Province | 12.24282 | -1.35269 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2363202 | Anaga | BF | Est | Province de la Tapoa | 12.43676 | 2.23114 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2358711 | Kouri | BF | Centre-Ouest | 11.23333 | -2.23333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2362497 | Bilanga Yanga | Bilanga Yanga | BF | Est | 12.45822 | -0.10197 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2359536 | Kiébo | BF | Centre-Ouest | 12.13333 | -2.55 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2360759 | Forgui Bisnogo | Fargui,Forgui,Forgui Bisnogo,Fourgui | BF | Centre-Nord | Province du Sanmatenga | 12.9977 | -0.9527 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |
2359918 | Kaèl | BF | Sahel | Province du Séno | 13.89495 | -0.37293 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2360124 | Guestoguen | Guestoguen,Guistogen,Guistoguin | BF | Plateau-Central | Province du Kourwéogo | 12.46919 | -1.70531 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |
2360156 | Guigui | Ghighi,Guigui | BF | Centre-Ouest | 12.08333 | -2.71667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
12238260 | Kohogo-Peulh | BF | Centre-Est | Province du Koulpélogo | 11.71638 | 0.0431 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2356043 | Salimidougou | BF | Centre-Ouest | 12.36667 | -2.16667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2358744 | Kounti | Konti,Kounti,Semena,Séména | BF | Boucle du Mouhoun | 12.6396 | -2.7984 | 345 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2360270 | Goun | Gou,Goun | BF | Centre-Ouest | 11.48333 | -2.45 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2357065 | Orkoulpo | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.31667 | -3.26667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2354277 | Tokyédogo | BF | Sahel | Province du Soum | 13.84947 | -0.99344 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2360955 | Dyabafouanou | BF | Est | Province de la Komandjoari | 12.67761 | 1.0798 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2570074 | Pamno Ouidi | BF | Centre | 12.16587 | -1.56029 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2358604 | Kwandibouri | BF | Est | Province de la Tapoa | 12.42187 | 2.15727 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2358025 | Masso | Masso | BF | Boucle du Mouhoun | Province de la Kossi | 12.3057 | -4.0099 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |
2357922 | Moken | BF | Plateau-Central | 12.53333 | -0.76667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
12225001 | Maleri | BF | Sahel | Province du Yagha | 13.6612 | 0.5977 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2355640 | Sigribila | BF | Centre-Nord | Province du Sanmatenga | 13.60191 | -1.22872 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2357169 | Noulli | Houlli,Koulou Houli,Noulli | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.26667 | -3.25 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
12382267 | Laygaye | BF | Centre-Est | Province du Koulpélogo | 11.61449 | -0.06309 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2359482 | Kinyanga | BF | Est | Province de la Tapoa | 12.43132 | 2.01553 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2354353 | Tita | BF | Sahel | Province du Yagha | 13.42662 | 0.3935 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2359034 | Kosoguen | BF | Centre-Nord | Province du Sanmatenga | 13.29379 | -1.05029 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2353966 | Vélé Vélena | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.05 | -3.1 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2362690 | Basséra | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.76667 | -3.41667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
11980339 | Abassi | BF | Plateau-Central | 12.27728 | -1.13662 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2357823 | Moussoumourou | Mousoumourou,Moussoumourou | BF | Cascades | 10.59998 | -4.43717 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2362131 | Bossomnomogo | BF | Nord | Province du Yatenga | 13.60099 | -2.53963 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2362581 | Bélsa Kouy | BF | Sahel | Province du Soum | 14.08387 | -1.27517 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2357528 | Naponabilipoka | BF | Centre-Ouest | 11.66667 | -1.73333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2353753 | Wiri | BF | 11.21667 | -1.61667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||||
2354717 | Teguérétinga | BF | Centre-Sud | 11.7 | -1.2 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2359745 | Kankono | Kankano,Kankono,Karakoro | BF | Boucle du Mouhoun | 12.45 | -3.33333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2354336 | Toanga | Toanga | BF | Centre-Sud | Bazega Province | 12.0071 | -1.2408 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |
12440435 | Tanliagou | BF | Est | Province de la Kompienga | 10.95786 | 0.55373 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2360539 | Gbaba | BF | Sud-Ouest | 11.16667 | -3.05 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2357374 | Niangado | BF | Centre-Nord | Province du Sanmatenga | 13.21788 | -1.21516 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2356042 | Salmimosa | BF | Centre-Ouest | 12.46667 | -2.03333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2356414 | Pogoro | Pogoro | BF | Nord | Province du Yatenga | 13.75706 | -2.43134 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |
2356070 | Sakala | Sagala,Sakala,Segala,Ségala | BF | Boucle du Mouhoun | 12.38333 | -3.53333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2355664 | Sien | BF | Hauts-Bassins | 10.96667 | -4.73333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2354697 | Temnoré | BF | Plateau-Central | 12.36667 | -0.53333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2354019 | Tyébanaga | BF | Centre-Sud | Bazega Province | 12.03415 | -1.70185 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2357756 | Nabitenga | BF | Plateau-Central | Province du Kourwéogo | 12.78646 | -1.80407 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
12382262 | Lalé | BF | Centre-Est | Province du Boulgou | 11.45268 | -0.26792 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2355641 | Sigoungvoussé | BF | Centre-Nord | 12.75 | -0.91667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2359211 | Komo | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.56667 | -3.01667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2355442 | Sofina | BF | Hauts-Bassins | Province du Kénédougou | 11.82252 | -4.86877 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2362388 | Bissigui | BF | Centre-Nord | Province du Sanmatenga | 13.14014 | -1.2415 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2361619 | Danfouna | BF | Centre-Ouest | 11.16667 | -1.95 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2355676 | Sidi | BF | Hauts-Bassins | Province du Houet | 11.07881 | -4.76998 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2357405 | Ngana | BF | Hauts-Bassins | Province du Kénédougou | 11.43204 | -4.8479 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2357307 | Nigtéba | BF | Sud-Ouest | 11.3 | -3.03333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2360181 | Guèssèdangué | BF | Sahel | Province du Séno | 13.80709 | -0.48474 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2357159 | Noungou | BF | Centre-Nord | 12.93823 | -1.43824 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2353607 | Yarga | BF | Est | Gnagna Province | 13.22768 | -0.03164 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2361200 | Diourao | Diourao | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.7 | -3.16667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2362730 | Bartibougou | Bartibogou,Bartibogu,Bartibougou | BF | Est | 12.88333 | 0.8 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2360229 | Gouri | BF | Boucle du Mouhoun | 12.73333 | -3.15 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2361244 | Diogota | BF | Sahel | Province du Yagha | 13.42359 | 0.35424 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2358975 | Kouapkouka | BF | Centre-Est | 12.43333 | -0.33333 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2361913 | Boungan | BF | Sud-Ouest | 10.56667 | -3.05 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
12450763 | Kando | BF | Cascades | Province de la Comoé | 9.78895 | -4.37066 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2357431 | Néfanasso | BF | Hauts-Bassins | Province du Kénédougou | 11.08619 | -5.38508 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
11948931 | Badnogo | BF | Plateau-Central | 12.695 | -1.45901 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
6875024 | Bomborokui | Bobui,Bomborokui | BF | Boucle du Mouhoun | Province de la Kossi | 13.00749 | -3.96081 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |
2361122 | Donbokui | BF | Boucle du Mouhoun | 11.88333 | -3.71667 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | |||
2355393 | Solzi | BF | Centre-Nord | Province du Bam | 13.11608 | -1.49743 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place | ||
2360011 | Intaya | BF | Centre-Est | 11.3 | -0.7 | 0 | Africa/Ouagadougou | populated place |
**Exploring Burkina Faso: Insights from a Geographer**
Nestled in the heart of West Africa, Burkina Faso is a landlocked country with a rich tapestry of geography, culture, and history. As a geographer embarks on an exploration of this diverse nation, the quest for data regarding its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates unveils a captivating journey through landscapes, traditions, and human dynamics.
Unveiling Urban Centers**
Burkina Faso's urban landscape is characterized by a blend of ancient settlements and modern cities. From the capital city of Ouagadougou, a bustling metropolis known for its vibrant markets and cultural festivals, to the historic town of Bobo-Dioulasso, with its colonial-era architecture and lively music scene, each urban center offers a unique insight into the country's economic, social, and cultural dynamics. For a geographer, obtaining comprehensive data on Burkina Faso's cities, including their regions and departments, is akin to unraveling the layers of urbanization and spatial organization in this diverse and rapidly evolving country.
Mapping the Regions and Departments**
Burkina Faso is divided into regions and departments, each with its own distinct characteristics and administrative functions. From the Sahelian landscapes of the Sahel Region in the north, where nomadic herding is prevalent, to the fertile plains of the Centre Region, known for its agricultural productivity, each region boasts its own unique features and cultural heritage. The quest for data extends beyond numerical coordinates, delving into the nuances of local governance, economic development, and social dynamics across Burkina Faso's administrative landscape.
Navigating Latitude and Longitude**
In the pursuit of geographical understanding, latitude and longitude serve as essential tools for mapping Burkina Faso's cities and landmarks. From the northernmost city of Djibo, near the border with Mali, to the southernmost city of Gaoua, near the border with Côte d'Ivoire, each geographical coordinate offers insights into the country's diverse topography, climate, and natural resources. For a geographer, acquiring accurate latitude and longitude data is crucial for understanding the spatial distribution of population, economic activities, and infrastructure within Burkina Faso.
Exploring Environmental Diversity**
Beyond the urban centers and administrative boundaries, Burkina Faso's landscape is a mosaic of diverse ecosystems, from arid savannas and semi-desert plains to lush forests and river valleys. The country's biodiversity and natural resources support a variety of livelihoods, from subsistence agriculture and pastoralism to mining and trade. As a geographer, the quest for data extends beyond human settlements, encompassing the intricate web of ecological processes, land use patterns, and environmental conservation efforts that shape Burkina Faso's landscape.
Conclusion: Embracing Burkina Faso's Geographical Diversity**
In the tapestry of Burkina Faso's geography, the quest for data serves as a compass, guiding geographers through a landscape shaped by millennia of geological processes and human adaptation. From the urban centers to the rural hinterlands, each location holds a piece of the puzzle, waiting to be discovered and understood. As we unravel Burkina Faso's geographical diversity, let us not only seek coordinates on a map but also embrace the rich tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty that define this vibrant nation in West Africa.
Download data files for Burkina Faso's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats
Geographical Insights into Burkina Faso: Enhancing Development with Data
Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in West Africa, is known for its rich cultural diversity, historical significance, and a geography that varies from savannahs to highlands. Despite its relatively small size, the country faces complex challenges related to urbanization, resource distribution, and environmental management. For geographers and urban planners, understanding the spatial distribution of cities, regions, and departments within Burkina Faso is critical to devising strategies for sustainable development and improving the quality of life for its people.
By obtaining accurate data on Burkina Faso’s cities, regions, and departments—including the latitude and longitude coordinates for each city—geographers can facilitate better urban planning, resource management, and environmental conservation. The availability of this data in flexible formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML makes it even more valuable for researchers, policymakers, and developers seeking to drive positive change in the country.
Burkina Faso’s Geography: From Savannas to Plateaus
Burkina Faso's landscape is a mix of vast savannahs, plateaus, and scattered hills, making it one of the most ecologically diverse countries in the Sahel region. The country lies in the heart of West Africa, bordered by six countries: Mali to the north, Niger to the east, Benin and Togo to the south, and Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire to the west. The terrain varies from the semi-arid savannahs in the north to the more fertile plateaus in the south, providing the country with a range of resources, including agriculture, wildlife, and water systems.
The country is drained by several major rivers, including the Black Volta, which plays a vital role in agriculture and regional trade. Despite this, Burkina Faso’s inland position, combined with its limited access to coastal areas, presents challenges for economic development and infrastructure. Understanding the geographical layout of the country is key to managing these challenges while ensuring equitable development across regions.
Mapping Burkina Faso’s Cities: Regions and Administrative Divisions
Burkina Faso is divided into 13 regions, which are further subdivided into provinces and municipalities. These regions are diverse in terms of economic activities, natural resources, and population density, contributing to varying levels of urban development across the country. The capital city, Ouagadougou, located in the central region, serves as the political, administrative, and economic center of the country. It is the largest city in Burkina Faso, with a rapidly growing population and an expanding infrastructure.
Other major cities, such as Bobo-Dioulasso, Koudougou, and Ouahigouya, play important roles in regional development. Bobo-Dioulasso, for example, is a key commercial and industrial hub in the western part of the country, while Koudougou serves as a vital center for trade and services in the central region.
Obtaining detailed data on the cities of Burkina Faso, including their regions and departments, is crucial for understanding how urbanization and economic growth are distributed across the country. This data helps policymakers allocate resources effectively, plan for infrastructure development, and ensure that urban growth is balanced with environmental conservation.
Latitude and Longitude: Pinpointing Cities for Better Planning
Latitude and longitude coordinates are essential for mapping and spatial analysis, enabling geographers and planners to accurately assess the locations of cities, towns, and other important sites across Burkina Faso. For example, knowing the exact latitude and longitude of Ouagadougou allows planners to assess its proximity to vital resources, such as water supplies, agricultural land, and transportation networks. This precise geographic data is key to understanding the city’s role within the broader regional context and planning for sustainable growth.
Similarly, by acquiring the geographic coordinates of cities like Bobo-Dioulasso and Koudougou, planners can better understand how these cities are connected to rural areas and neighboring countries. This data is essential for planning transportation networks, optimizing trade routes, and ensuring that resources are effectively distributed to meet the needs of both urban and rural populations.
While the specific latitude and longitude of each city in Burkina Faso are not provided in this article, having access to such data is a crucial component of any geographic study or urban development project. These coordinates provide the foundation for mapping and spatial analysis, which are key to making informed decisions about infrastructure, resource allocation, and regional development.
Data Formats for Flexibility: CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML
To maximize the accessibility and usability of geographic data, it is essential to provide it in various flexible formats. Offering data in CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML formats ensures that it can be used by a wide range of users across different platforms and applications.
CSV and SQL formats are ideal for researchers, urban planners, and government agencies who need to handle large datasets, perform spatial analysis, and generate reports. These formats allow users to filter, sort, and analyze data based on various criteria, such as population density, infrastructure needs, or economic activity. CSV files are easy to work with and can be opened in common spreadsheet programs, making them accessible to a broad audience.
JSON and XML formats are particularly useful for developers who work with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or web applications. These formats enable real-time data integration, dynamic mapping, and the creation of interactive platforms that facilitate decision-making, urban planning, and environmental monitoring.
By providing Burkina Faso’s geographic data in these versatile formats, the data becomes more accessible and can be used by a wide range of users, from researchers and planners to developers and government officials, ensuring more effective decision-making and resource management.
Conclusion: Unlocking the Potential of Geographic Data for Burkina Faso’s Future
Burkina Faso’s geography, defined by its diverse landscapes, natural resources, and strategic location in West Africa, plays a central role in shaping its urban centers, economic development, and regional disparities. By obtaining detailed data on the cities, regions, and departments of Burkina Faso—including their latitude and longitude coordinates—geographers, urban planners, and policymakers can gain valuable insights into the spatial dynamics of the country.
Latitude and longitude data, combined with flexible formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, provides an essential foundation for geographic analysis, urban planning, and resource management. This data is critical for promoting sustainable growth, improving infrastructure, and ensuring that resources are distributed efficiently across Burkina Faso’s regions.
Unlocking the full potential of geographic data for Burkina Faso will help the country address challenges related to urbanization, resource management, and environmental sustainability. By making informed decisions based on accurate, accessible geographic data, Burkina Faso can chart a path toward a more prosperous and sustainable future for its people.