Samoa cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 20 January 2025.

Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Samoa. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 407 places in Samoa that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Samoa is Apia.

4034959UliamoaWS-13.68333-172.316670Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106368FogapoāFogapoa,FogapoāWSFa‘asaleleaga-13.67264-172.177160Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106290Tua‘efuWS-13.85719-171.7990Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106432SalimuWS-13.64386-172.189230Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035310GataivaiGaitavai,GataivaiWSPalauli-13.7736-172.388021141Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106468MatavaiWS-13.47374-172.4170Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035079SamalaeuluSamalaeuluWSGaga‘emauga-13.50098-172.30015789Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034999TafuaTafuaWSPalauli-13.7927-172.2538403Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035056SatauaSatauaWSVaisigano-13.51742-172.69436771Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106457Matafa‘aWS-13.94249-171.979210Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035224MatafagateleMatafagatele,MatafangateleWS-13.83909-171.74380Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035112SainaSainaWS-13.81702-171.80659230Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035361FaleataWS-13.84442-171.789550Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035090SaleteleSalesatele,SaleteleWS-13.91204-171.55564160Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034905VaotupuaVaitupua,VaotupuaWS-13.50309-172.790790Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035040SaumagaWS-13.45773-172.414680Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106232ApolimafouWS-13.86181-172.064470Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106366FusiWS-13.68013-172.183120Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035231ManaseManaseWSGagaifomauga-13.44796-172.37647158Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106311AveleWS-13.86944-171.762580Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035121Safa’iSafa,Safa’i,Safa’iWSGaga‘emauga-13.44654-172.339710Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035351FaleoloWS-13.48333-172.783330Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106303SinamogaWS-13.8508-171.779230Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035326FoailugaFoa Luga,FoailugaWSPalauli-13.69666-172.609240Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106463VaileleVaileleWSTuamasaga-13.84568-171.723170Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106291TapatapaoWS-13.87596-171.830830Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106264Samusu-utaWS-13.9941-171.462050Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035123Sa’asa’aiSa’asa’ai,Sasaai,Sa’asa’aiWSFa‘asaleleaga-13.63714-172.1942520Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035340FalevaoFalevaoWS-13.92067-171.58658552Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035051SatufiaSatufiaWSSatupa‘itea-13.77345-172.327690Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035107SalaniWS-14.03425-171.608320Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035057SataputuWS-13.68333-172.550Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035255LevīLevi,LevīWS-13.91361-172.01095989Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106330PagaiWS-13.84743-172.103680Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035381FagafauFagafauWSSatupa‘itea-13.64026-172.67023273Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035416AmaileAmaile,Faleulu,Siufaga,Usoali’i,Usoali’iWS-13.99723-171.42897221Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106329SaluaSaluaWSAiga-i-le-Tai-13.84549-172.105030Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035298LalomaugaWS-13.86667-171.950Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7090909VailoaWS-14.03424-171.611350Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106277A’eleWS-13.82516-171.826990Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106346MasalaolaoWS-13.77434-172.445170Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034962UafatoAtoe,UafatoWSVa‘a-o-Fonoti-13.95202-171.5154301Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034951Utufa’alalafaWS-14.00372-171.4258989Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035042SauagoAsauana,Samauga,Sauago,Sauango,SauanoWS-13.91069-171.562030Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035413ApiaAPW,Apia,Apiae,Apija,Apio,Apiya,Apía,a pi ya,abya,api’a,apia,apiya,appiya,apya,xa pi xa,΄Aπια,Απία,Апиæ,Апиа,Апия,Апија,Апіа,Апія,אפיה,آپیا,أبيا,आपिया,ਆਪੀਆ,ஆப்பியா,അപിയ,อาปีอา,ཨ་པི་ཡ།,აპია,አፒያ,アピア,阿皮亚,阿皮亞,아피아WSTuamasaga-13.83333-171.7666640407Pacific/Apiacapital of a political entity
4035135Pu’apu’aPu’apu’a,Pu’apu’aWSFa‘asaleleaga-13.58996-172.209840Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035295LanafalaWS-13.9-171.750Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106334Nu’ualofaWS-13.75652-172.305870Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035367FaleālupoFalealupo,Faleālupo,VaotupuaWSVaisigano-13.50103-172.78768183Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034938VailoaVailoaWSPalauli-13.75551-172.30698769Pacific/Apiaseat of a first-order administrative division
7106328SatuilagiWS-13.84123-172.107720Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106293FalemaugaWS-13.88096-171.840270Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7045201Mount VaipuWS-13.9777-171.608810Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106307FaatoiaWS-13.84182-171.753110Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035138PiulaWS-13.87381-171.597130Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7045199KosenaWS-13.99533-171.597560Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034919VaimaugaWS-13.85212-171.745850Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106436OloitiWS-13.64342-172.214430Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035258Leusoali’iWS-13.86396-171.68991371Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106360SapuluWS-13.7328-172.216490Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106331SatoiWS-13.85093-172.101690Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7046416PinipiniWS-14.04362-171.544140Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035155PaiaPaiaWS-13.47243-172.40592308Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035092SalelologaSalelologa,SalelolongaWS-13.72766-172.210230Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035301LalomalavaLalomalavaWSFa‘asaleleaga-13.70178-172.20038399Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035235MalololeleiWSTuamasaga-13.90564-171.778360Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106392Falealupo-utaWSVaisigano-13.53978-172.734710Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106343NofoaWS-13.77486-172.431910Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106342VaialaVaialaWS-13.77306-172.381020Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7669219FugaleiWS-13.83604-171.778110Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035319FusiFusiWS-13.88645-171.6218764Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034998TagaTagaWSPalauli-13.794-172.5111680Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106300PesegaPesegaWSTuamasaga-13.83735-171.784070Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035125Sa’anapuWS-13.9928-171.875960Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035352FalelimaFalelimaWSVaisigano-13.59572-172.72204416Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7046415ToloavatuWS-14.04178-171.551140Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035331FausagaFausagaWS-14.0006-171.82444303Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035236MalieMalieWSTuamasaga-13.80044-171.84692189Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035020Si’upapaWS-14.04127-171.5124553Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106318PapapapaitaiWS-13.94233-171.774160Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034924VailimaVailimaWSTuamasaga-13.86417-171.761261462Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7090898MalaelaWS-14.02073-171.42530Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034935VaifoaWS-13.79837-171.842130Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035014SolomeaWS-13.51735-172.263530Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035110Sala’iluaSala’ilua,Sala’ilua,SalealuaWS-13.71626-172.595170Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106283OlosegaWS-13.84185-171.853630Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7046389Ti’aveaWS-13.97621-171.46780Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106341SatufiautaWS-13.75527-172.352290Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035192Mulinu’uMulinu’u,Mulinu’uWS-13.8175-171.777930Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7109494SafuneSafuneWSGagaifomauga-13.47169-172.422790Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106284LafiWS-13.84989-171.84670Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106280VaipotoWS-13.83935-171.833660Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034914VaipouliVaipouliWS-13.4657-172.36897171Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034965TulaeleTulaele,Tulaele FarmWS-13.83782-171.790070Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7106274SinaWS-13.83908-171.994820Pacific/Apiapopulated place
7109470SaletagaloaWS-13.72817-172.208330Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035213MatautuMatautuWSAtua-14.03831-171.67763854Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035075SamatauSamatauWSA’ana-13.89964-172.05706939Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4034920Vailu‘utaiVailu`utai,Vailutai,Vailu‘utaiWS-13.82916-171.969120Pacific/Apiapopulated place
4035294LanoLano,LauoWS-13.61749-172.19919706Pacific/Apiapopulated place

**Exploring Samoa: Insights from a Geographer**

Nestled in the South Pacific Ocean, Samoa is a jewel of Polynesia known for its stunning natural beauty, rich culture, and warm hospitality. As a geographer immersing into the geographical intricacies of this enchanting archipelago, the quest for data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates unveils a narrative of resilience, harmony, and geographical significance waiting to be unraveled.

Cities of Samoa: Anchors of Tradition and Modernity**

Samoa's cities are not just urban centers but living expressions of the country's vibrant culture and evolving identity. From the bustling streets of Apia, the capital city, to the tranquil shores of Lalomanu and the historic village of Salelologa, each urban enclave embodies a unique blend of tradition and modernity. Obtaining data on these cities offers insights into their population dynamics, economic activities, and cultural landmarks that dot the landscape.

Regions and Districts of Samoa: Exploring the Archipelago's Diversity**

Beyond the urban landscape, Samoa's regions and districts showcase the diversity of its landscapes and ecosystems. From the lush rainforests of Upolu to the rugged coastlines of Savai'i and the pristine beaches of Manono, each region boasts its own unique natural beauty and cultural heritage. Gathering data on these regions provides a deeper understanding of their environmental resources, conservation efforts, and sustainable development initiatives aimed at preserving Samoa's pristine environment for future generations.

Latitude and Longitude of Samoa: Navigating the Archipelago's Coordinates**

As a geographer, obtaining precise latitude and longitude data for each city of Samoa is essential for understanding its geographical layout and spatial distribution. These coordinates serve as navigational markers, guiding explorers through the archipelago's diverse terrain and coastal waters. From the volcanic peaks of Savai'i to the turquoise lagoons of Upolu and the remote villages of Manono, each point on the map tells a story of geographical significance and cultural heritage, shaping Samoa's identity as a paradise in the Pacific.

Conclusion: Mapping Samoa's Geographical Essence**

In the pursuit of data on Samoa's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, a deeper narrative emerges—one of harmony, resilience, and geographical significance. It is a narrative that celebrates the intrinsic connection between the Samoan people and their natural surroundings, reflecting a profound respect for the land and sea. As a geographer, unraveling this tapestry of geographical intricacies is not just a scholarly pursuit but a journey of discovery and appreciation for the wonders of our planet.

Samoa beckons—a land of endless exploration, waiting to be understood, cherished, and celebrated for its geographical marvels and cultural treasures.

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Download data files for Samoa's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Exploring the Geography of Samoa: Unlocking the Island's Cities and Spatial Data

Samoa, an island nation in the South Pacific, boasts a rich cultural history, stunning natural landscapes, and a diverse geography that greatly influences its urbanization and development. Comprised of two main islands, Upolu and Savai'i, along with several smaller islands, Samoa offers a unique combination of coastal beauty, mountainous interiors, and fertile agricultural lands. For geographers and planners, understanding the spatial distribution of Samoa’s cities, regions, and departments is vital for making informed decisions regarding infrastructure, resource management, and environmental conservation. This article delves into the geography of Samoa and emphasizes the importance of obtaining spatial data to explore the nation’s cities, regions, and overall landscape.

Samoa’s Geography: From Mountains to Coastlines

Samoa is located roughly halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand, in the heart of the South Pacific. The country’s geography is defined by its volcanic origin, with both Upolu and Savai'i featuring steep volcanic mountains that form a rugged and dramatic landscape. The islands are surrounded by coral reefs, pristine beaches, and lush rainforests, offering a diverse range of natural environments.

Upolu, the most populated island, is where the capital city of Apia is located. It is characterized by its central mountain range, stretching from the west coast to the east. The fertile volcanic soils of Upolu support agriculture, including coconut and taro farming, which remain central to the Samoan economy. The island’s coastal regions are marked by numerous bays and beaches, making it an important hub for tourism and fishing.

Savai'i, Samoa’s largest island, offers a more remote and rural environment, with fewer settlements and more expansive agricultural land. The island's geography is largely shaped by volcanic features, including lava plains, volcanic craters, and forested hills. Savai'i remains less developed compared to Upolu, but its natural beauty and cultural heritage make it a key part of Samoa’s identity.

Cities, Regions, and Administrative Divisions of Samoa

Samoa is divided into 11 administrative districts, which are further divided into villages and smaller towns. Each district and village plays a unique role in the national structure, with settlements often situated along the coastline or in the fertile valleys that are conducive to farming. Understanding the spatial distribution of these regions is crucial for planners, researchers, and policymakers to identify areas of development or conservation priority.

Apia, the capital, is located on Upolu and serves as the country’s primary urban center. With a population of around 40,000, Apia is the political, economic, and cultural hub of Samoa. The city’s proximity to the island’s main harbor and its location within a fertile coastal plain make it an ideal center for commerce and transportation. Apia has a rich colonial heritage, with historic buildings, markets, and cultural institutions that reflect Samoa’s past and present.

Other key towns and villages include Salelologa, the largest settlement on Savai’i, and the village of Leulumoega in Upolu. These smaller towns serve as centers for regional agriculture, commerce, and local governance. The geographic layout of these villages, typically located near the sea or along rivers, reflects the historical reliance on the ocean for transport, trade, and sustenance.

The Role of Geographic Data in Understanding Samoa’s Geography

For a comprehensive understanding of Samoa’s geography, accessing spatial data is key. Geographic data, including the latitude and longitude of each city, village, and district, as well as information about the island’s natural features, is essential for a detailed analysis of how settlements interact with the surrounding environment. This data allows for the visualization of urban growth, resource distribution, and ecological considerations across Samoa’s diverse landscape.

Obtaining geographic data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML provides the necessary flexibility to integrate it into Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS allows for the creation of interactive maps and spatial models that can be used to study the relationships between Samoa’s natural and urban areas. By analyzing this data, it is possible to identify patterns of urban expansion, evaluate land-use changes, and assess environmental challenges facing the nation.

For example, having access to latitude and longitude data for each village or city enables the creation of maps that illustrate the distribution of key infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals, and roads. These maps can be used to plan for future development, ensure that resources are distributed equitably, and identify regions that require additional services or infrastructure investment.

Practical Applications of Geographic Data in Samoa

Geospatial data has a broad range of practical applications for Samoa. From urban planning to environmental management, geographic data plays a pivotal role in shaping the island nation’s growth and sustainability.

For urban planners, geographic data helps in making decisions about where to build new infrastructure, such as roads, schools, and hospitals, in relation to existing urban centers. Understanding the geography of Samoa’s cities and towns helps planners identify areas for development that will minimize environmental impact and ensure that services reach the communities that need them most.

Environmental management is another key area where geographic data is essential. Samoa’s lush rainforests, coastal ecosystems, and coral reefs are vital to both the environment and the local economy. By using geographic data to track land-use changes, assess biodiversity, and monitor resource use, environmentalists and policymakers can create strategies for conservation and sustainable development.

In the tourism sector, geographic data is invaluable for understanding how tourism interacts with Samoa’s natural landscapes. Detailed maps and spatial analysis can help businesses and local governments plan for sustainable tourism development, ensuring that tourist activities do not overwhelm the island’s delicate ecosystems or disrupt local communities.

Empowering Research and Development with Geographic Data

For researchers, geographers, and development professionals, access to detailed spatial data is crucial for understanding Samoa’s geographical features, urbanization, and natural resource management. By obtaining data about the cities, regions, and districts, along with key environmental features, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the spatial relationships that influence the country’s development.

Data formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML allow for flexible analysis and integration into a variety of research projects, enabling users to build spatial models, analyze trends, and create solutions that address both present and future challenges. Whether conducting research on climate change, urban development, or agricultural practices, having access to comprehensive geographic data enhances the ability to make informed decisions.

Unlocking the Potential of Samoa through Spatial Data

Samoa, with its unique geography and diverse landscapes, offers great potential for development and conservation. By accessing detailed geographic data, policymakers, businesses, and researchers can make informed decisions that drive sustainable growth while preserving the island nation’s cultural heritage and natural resources.

With the availability of geographic data in flexible formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, the opportunities for creating comprehensive spatial models and analyses are vast. Whether for urban planning, environmental conservation, or business development, geographic data will enable Samoa to harness its full potential while maintaining the balance between development and preservation.


Samoa’s geography, shaped by volcanic mountains, fertile coastal plains, and tropical forests, offers a rich landscape for study and development. By obtaining detailed geographic data on its cities, regions, and natural features, one can gain valuable insights into how the island’s communities interact with their environment. With data available in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, stakeholders in Samoa can make informed decisions that foster sustainable growth, enhance infrastructure development, and protect the island’s natural heritage for future generations.

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