Latvia cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 20 January 2025.

Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Latvia. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 3883 places in Latvia that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Latvia is Riga.

12005663BorovajaBorovajaLVRēzekne Municipality56.5837827.097360Europe/Rigapopulated place
453944ZastjenkiZascenki,Zastenki,ZastjenkiLVAugšdaugava MunicipalityNaujenes pagasts55.9503126.702440Europe/Rigapopulated place
454043DaumantiDaumanti,Dumanti,Volfarte,Volfarti,Volfārte,VolfārtiLVJelgava MunicipalityElejas pagasts56.3927723.697040Europe/Rigapopulated place
458747KlāviKlavi,KlāviLVJelgava MunicipalitySesavas pagasts56.3730823.842470Europe/Rigapopulated place
8714330ZorgiLVBauska MunicipalityIecavas novads56.5645924.166830Europe/Rigapopulated place
455369SondoriLVPreiļu novadsSīļukalna pagasts56.5329526.767620Europe/Rigapopulated place
456359PuzeLVVentspils RajonsPuzes pagasts57.3284722.010340Europe/Rigapopulated place
454948TaureneMyza Netins,Nekene Muizas Centrs,Nekina Muiza,Nekini,Nekins,Nēķene Muižas Centrs,Nēķina Muiža,Nēķini,Nēķins,Taurene,ТауренеLVCēsis MunicipalityDzērbenes pagasts57.1596325.66470Europe/Rigapopulated place
795988ZiedoņiBornsminde,Ziedoni,ZiedoņiLVBauska MunicipalityRundāles pagasts56.412424.104660Europe/Rigapopulated place
455460SleiķiPolumyza Sleyka,Sleika,Sleikas,Sleikas Pusmuizas Centrs,Sleikas Pusmuižas CentrsLVLimbaži MunicipalityLimbaži57.5122224.691110Europe/Rigapopulated place
457797ĻubāniLubani,Lubāņi,ĻubāniLVLudza MunicipalityŅukšu pagasts56.4624627.808980Europe/Rigapopulated place
12324491SaunaLVPreiļu novadsRiebiņu pagasts56.3922126.758970Europe/Rigapopulated place
12004528Kolna SlobodaKolna SlobodaLVRēzekne Municipality56.5063227.155350Europe/Rigapopulated place
454465VecbebriMyza Vetsbebru,Vecbebri,Vecbebru Muiza,Vecbebru MuižaLVAizkraukle Municipality56.7197725.483470Europe/Rigapopulated place
456261RāvaLVSouth Kurzeme MunicipalityDunalkas pagasts56.6419321.347040Europe/Rigapopulated place
460374DekteriLVLudza Municipality56.7424627.459380Europe/Rigapopulated place
457738LusteLustes Muiza,Lustes MuižaLVDobele MunicipalityJaunbērzes pagasts56.723.350Europe/Rigapopulated place
457804LosiLVRēzekne MunicipalityOzolaines pagasts56.4451127.184640Europe/Rigapopulated place
453899ZemīteMyza Zemites,Zemite,Zemites Muiza,Zemīte,Zemītes MuižaLVTukums MunicipalityZemītes pagasts56.9283222.793940Europe/Rigapopulated place
457407MeržovaMerzevo,Merzova,Merževo,Meržova,Mierzova,MieržovaLVLudza MunicipalityBriģu pagasts56.4549528.035260Europe/Rigapopulated place
459205JurjāniJurguci,Jurjani,Jurjāni,Yur’yan,Yur’yanLVMadona MunicipalityMētrienas pagasts56.6899626.370670Europe/Rigapopulated place
454704UņģeniUngeni,Ungeny,Ungēni,UņģeniLVLimbaži MunicipalitySalacgrīvas pagasts57.6583624.374310Europe/Rigapopulated place
460792BringiBringas,BringiLVLudza MunicipalityMežvidu pagasts56.6513427.594040Europe/Rigapopulated place
459684GrūbeLVSmiltene MunicipalityApes pagasts57.5256326.775650Europe/Rigapopulated place
456742PiedrujaDaugaviesi,Daugavieši,Daugaviyeshi,Piedruja,Piedrujas,Piyedruya,PridruiskaLVKrāslava Municipality55.7976127.444880Europe/Rigapopulated place
459444Jaunā MuižaJauna Muiza,Jaunamuiza,Jaunamuiža,Jaunā MuižaLVKuldīga MunicipalityKabiles pagasts56.9490222.370750Europe/Rigapopulated place
458717ŽibukaktsKlive,Klives,Klivesmuiza,Klivesmuyzha,Klīve,Klīves,Klīvesmuiža,Zibukakts,ŽibukaktsLVJelgava MunicipalityValgundes pagasts56.7655823.657010Europe/Rigapopulated place
458029Blīdenes MežniecībaBlidene,Blidenes Meznieciba,Blīdene,Blīdenes Mežniecība,Lielblidene,Lielblidiene,Lielblidienes Muiza,Lielblīdene,Lielblīdiene,Lielblīdienes Muiža,LiyelblideneLVSaldus RajonsBlīdenes pagasts56.6410322.690690Europe/Rigapopulated place
455647SiliņiLVVentspils RajonsZiru pagasts57.1049221.556440Europe/Rigapopulated place
456225RempiRemp’i,Rempi,Rempji,Remp’iLVCēsis MunicipalityJaunpiebalgas pagasts57.1127326.109090Europe/Rigapopulated place
453932ZeiļovaZeileva,Zeilova,Zeiļeva,ZeiļovaLVKrāslava MunicipalityŠķaunes pagasts56.1852227.960780Europe/Rigapopulated place
459786GlūdaFalcgrave,Falcgraves Muiza,Falcgrāve,Falcgrāves Muiža,Gluda,Gludas Muiza,Gludas Muiža,GlūdaLVJelgava MunicipalityGlūdas pagasts56.5998723.491850Europe/Rigapopulated place
457326MieriņiLVBalvi MunicipalityRugāju pagasts56.9827226.905280Europe/Rigapopulated place
456459PūjalgiPujalgi,Puyalgi,PūjalgiLVKuldīga MunicipalityĒdoles pagasts57.0346721.7210Europe/Rigapopulated place
460677ButnariLVSaldus RajonsZirņu pagasts56.6653322.42790Europe/Rigapopulated place
456388PuščaLVKrāslava MunicipalitySvariņu pagasts56.1328227.787330Europe/Rigapopulated place
458990KārkliKarkli,Kārkli,KārkļiLVMadona MunicipalityCesvaines pagasts57.053626.243650Europe/Rigapopulated place
454025ŽabiLVVentspils RajonsZiru pagasts57.1166721.516670Europe/Rigapopulated place
12004525Jaunā SlobodaJauna Sloboda,Jaunā SlobodaLVRēzekne Municipality56.499627.136780Europe/Rigapopulated place
864201GardeneDobele Vtoroye,GardeneLVDobele MunicipalityAuru pagasts56.6484923.218820Europe/Rigapopulated place
454855TīnūžiMyza Tinuzhi,Tinuzhi,Tinuzi,Tinuzi Muiza,Tīnūzi Muiža,TīnūžiLVOgreTīnūžu pagasts56.8661324.566260Europe/Rigapopulated place
456354RabovaRabova,RjabovaLVLudza MunicipalityZaļesjes pagasts56.3755528.118890Europe/Rigapopulated place
456764PešiPeshutsiems,Pesi,Pesuciems,Peši,PešuciemsLVSouth Kurzeme MunicipalityRucavas pagasts56.2133421.136260Europe/Rigapopulated place
456123RobežniekiRobeznieki,RobežniekiLVBalvi MunicipalityVecumu pagasts57.2439827.853490Europe/Rigapopulated place
458673ĶoņiLVValmiera57.9358125.351980Europe/Rigapopulated place
457513MazuriLVLudza Municipality56.7519527.39810Europe/Rigapopulated place
455970RuntesLVCēsis MunicipalityTaurenes pagasts57.1231125.745680Europe/Rigapopulated place
456760PēterlaukiLVJelgava MunicipalityPlatones pagasts56.5434523.72440Europe/Rigapopulated place
461498Ceļa OnckuļiAnchkuna,Anckuli,Anckuļi,Cela Onckuli,Ceļa Onckuļi,OntskuliLVLīvāniSutru pagasts56.303326.456050Europe/Rigapopulated place
457811LapatnīkiKhutora Lopa-Tinskiye,Lapatinski,Lapatniki,Lapatnīki,LopatinskiLVLudza MunicipalityMērdzenes pagasts56.7150227.781310Europe/Rigapopulated place
458487KūdumsLVCēsis Municipality57.378125.120240Europe/Rigapopulated place
455205StraupciemsStraupciems,Strauptsiems,StrauptsiyemsLVMārupeSalas pagasts56.9167223.659260Europe/Rigapopulated place
455376SoldoniSoldoni,SoldonieLVLudza MunicipalityMalnavas pagasts56.7746627.656660Europe/Rigapopulated place
460381DegušavaDagasheve,Daguseva,Daguševa,Degusava,Degushava,Degusova,Degušava,DegušovaLVLudza Municipality56.8288827.831290Europe/Rigapopulated place
864217DamradiDambradi,Dambrati,Dambraty,Dambrādi,Dambrāti,DamradiLVOlaineOlaines pagasts56.7446423.825750Europe/Rigapopulated place
457999Lielā MedišovaBol’shoye Medishevo,Bol’shoye Medishevo,Liel-Medisheva,Liela Medisova,Lielmediseva,Lielmedishevo,Lielmediševa,Lielā Medišova,ЛиелмедишевоLVLudza MunicipalityBlontu pagasts56.6111427.815760Europe/Rigapopulated place
454449VēciņiLVAlūksne MunicipalityJaunlaicenes pagasts57.5507126.885680Europe/Rigapopulated place
454629Vācu KalniVacu Kalni,Vacukalni,Vācu Kalni,VācukalniLVLudza MunicipalityLīdumnieku pagasts56.5328528.044590Europe/Rigapopulated place
459643GustiGici,Gitsi,Gusta,Gusti,ĢiciLVCēsis MunicipalityVaives pagasts57.1833325.550Europe/Rigapopulated place
456432VecpūņasPuni,Punumuiza,Pūni,Pūņumuiža,Vecpunas,VecpūņasLVTalsi MunicipalityValdgales pagasts57.3476822.510230Europe/Rigapopulated place
454558ValpeneLVTalsi Municipality57.4273922.388420Europe/Rigapopulated place
460448DampadruvaDampadruva,DampjadruvaLVBalvi MunicipalityVīksnas pagasts57.2552927.324890Europe/Rigapopulated place
460397DebeniekiLVBauska Municipality56.6524.566670Europe/Rigapopulated place
453928ZeļļiZelevci,Zelevtsy,Zelli,ZeļļiLVKrāslava MunicipalityDagdas pagasts56.0574927.529790Europe/Rigapopulated place
456900PāliņiPalini,Paulinava,Pauļinava,PāliņiLVBalvi MunicipalityBērzpils pagasts56.866827.09410Europe/Rigapopulated place
456575Dagdas SlobodaDagdas Sloboda,Pogulanka,Pogulanovka,Poguļanka,PoguļanovkaLVKrāslava MunicipalityAndrupenes pagasts56.1175327.475650Europe/Rigapopulated place
460241DruvasDruva,Druvas,Malnieki,MālniekiLVLīvāniRožupes pagasts56.3604726.390610Europe/Rigapopulated place
456601PloskiLVLudza Municipality56.3775128.073330Europe/Rigapopulated place
461542AlmāleLVKuldīga Municipality56.9806321.635080Europe/Rigapopulated place
457507MazvirbiDzeizkalni,Mazvirbi,Mazvirbi Muizas Centrs,Mazvirbi Muižas CentrsLVTalsi MunicipalityAbavas pagasts57.06522.571930Europe/Rigapopulated place
12006729LizdikiLizdikiLVRēzekne Municipality56.6687827.288090Europe/Rigapopulated place
456599KaļķisKalkis,Kalntsiyems,Kaļķis,Plostciems,Plostmuiza,PlostmuižaLVJelgava MunicipalityKalnciema pagasts56.8371423.555330Europe/Rigapopulated place
461378ArtjomovkaArtemovka,Artjomovka,АртёмовкаLVKrāslava MunicipalityAndzeļu pagasts56.1335127.529590Europe/Rigapopulated place
459680GrundzāleGrundzale,Grundzales,Grundzales Muiza,Grundzāle,Grundzāles,Grundzāles Muiža,Myza GrundzalesLVSmiltene MunicipalityGrundzāles pagasts57.4591526.266510Europe/Rigapopulated place
12013380KruķiKruki,KruķiLVRēzekne Municipality56.6079227.354960Europe/Rigapopulated place
459200JūrmalciemsJurmalciems,Jūrmalciems,Yurmaltsiems,YurmaltsiyemLVSouth Kurzeme MunicipalityNīcas pagasts56.3002120.995390Europe/Rigapopulated place
460487CūkusalaLVBalvi MunicipalityRugāju pagasts57.0335727.265810Europe/Rigapopulated place
457545MazozoliMazozoli,Mazozolmuiza,Mazozolmuiža,Myza Mazozoly,Ozolipusmuiza Centrs,Ozolipusmuiža CentrsLVOgreMazozolu pagasts56.9252425.470310Europe/Rigapopulated place
455329SprindžiLVPreiļu novads56.3016326.738410Europe/Rigapopulated place
457223MuņiMuni,Munuciems,Munyutsiyems,Muņi,MuņuciemsLVTalsi MunicipalityDundagas pagasts57.5774522.393660Europe/Rigapopulated place
12007398RatiniekiRatiniekiLVRēzekne Municipality56.4967327.285510Europe/Rigapopulated place
454080ViškeriVishkeri,Viskeri,ViškeriLVRēzekne Municipality098026056.3407827.20930Europe/Rigapopulated place
460004ĒrģemeEhrgeme,Ergeme,Ergenies Muiza,Haergmaee,Härgmäe,Ērģeme,Ērģenies Muiža,ЭргемеLVValkaĒrģemes pagasts57.8072725.824390Europe/Rigapopulated place
455488SkuteļiLVPreiļu novadsSaunas pagasts56.394926.692490Europe/Rigapopulated place
459169KaiveKaive,Kaives Muiza,Kaives Muiža,Kayve,Myza KaivesLVTukums MunicipalitySēmes pagasts57.0603723.02823140Europe/Rigapopulated place
460716BulišiBuli,Bulisi,Buliši,BuļiLVLudza MunicipalityŅukšu pagasts56.4543327.785830Europe/Rigapopulated place
455583SkandīneSkandina,Skandine,Skandīne,Skangina,SkanģinaLVBalvi MunicipalityMedņevas pagasts57.1492527.615850Europe/Rigapopulated place
459765GoruškasGoruskas,Goruski,Goruškas,GoruškiLVRēzekne MunicipalityAudriņu pagasts56.6288727.238690Europe/Rigapopulated place
459177KaijciemsLVCēsis Municipality57.3952824.875560Europe/Rigapopulated place
454203VigāleSaldenieki,Soldenieki,Vigale,VigāleLVKuldīga MunicipalityKurmāles pagasts56.883421.820870Europe/Rigapopulated place
460510CīruļiCiruli,Cīruļi,ZiemelniekiLVSaldus RajonsZvārdes pagasts56.4620222.400980Europe/Rigapopulated place
455143StruņķukrogsStrunki,Strunki Krogs,Strunkukrogs,Strunti,Struntikrogs,Struņķi,Struņķi Krogs,StruņķukrogsLVKuldīga MunicipalityPadures pagasts57.0598921.812770Europe/Rigapopulated place
457676MālpilsMalpils,Malpils Muiza,Malpils Muiža,Myza Malpil,Myza Malpils,Mālpils,VecpilsLVSigulda MunicipalityMālpils novads57.010124.957830Europe/Rigapopulated place
453992ZaļaciZalaci,Zaļaci,ZaļačiLVJēkabpils MunicipalityVariešu pagasts56.5785626.044240Europe/Rigapopulated place
457238MuižniekiLVVentspils RajonsTārgales pagasts57.4820221.764770Europe/Rigapopulated place
459884GandzirasGandzinas,GandzirasLVSaldus RajonsZirņu pagasts56.7333322.183330Europe/Rigapopulated place
455052SusājiLVBalvi MunicipalitySusāju pagasts57.1731427.594630Europe/Rigapopulated place
455289StaļģeneStaldenes,Stalgene,Stalgenes Muiza,Staļģene,Staļģenes MuižaLVJelgava MunicipalityJaunsvirlaukas pagasts56.5707423.956750Europe/Rigapopulated place
457377Meža TrūpiLVPreiļu novads56.4324126.718920Europe/Rigapopulated place
458030LielbērzeLielberze,Lielberzes Muiza,Lielbērze,Lielbērzes Muiža,LiyelberzeLVDobele MunicipalityAuru pagasts56.6444123.240560Europe/Rigapopulated place

**Exploring Latvia's Geographical Diversity**

Nestled in the Baltic region of Northern Europe, Latvia is a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and vibrant urban centers. As a geographer delving into the geographical intricacies of this Baltic gem, obtaining data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates unveils a fascinating tapestry of diversity and historical significance.

Unveiling Latvia's Urban Landscape**

Latvia's urban centers serve as dynamic hubs of culture, commerce, and innovation. From the historic charm of Riga, the capital city known for its UNESCO-listed Old Town and vibrant cultural scene, to the picturesque port city of Liepāja on the Baltic coast, Latvia's cities offer a blend of historical significance and modern amenities. Obtaining data on Latvia's cities involves mapping their geographical coordinates, understanding their population dynamics, and analyzing their urban infrastructure.

Mapping Latvia's Regional Identity**

Beyond its urban centers, Latvia boasts a diverse range of regions and landscapes, each with its own unique geographical features and cultural heritage. From the dense forests of Gauja National Park to the pristine beaches of Jūrmala on the Gulf of Riga, Latvia's regions offer a wealth of natural beauty and recreational opportunities. Obtaining data on Latvia's regions and departments entails delineating their administrative boundaries, studying their environmental characteristics, and analyzing their economic activities.

Tracing Latitude and Longitude Across Latvia**

The geographical coordinates of Latvia serve as essential markers for navigating its diverse terrain, from the rolling hills of Vidzeme to the expansive plains of Latgale. Situated along the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, Latvia experiences a temperate climate with distinct seasonal variations. Obtaining accurate latitude and longitude data for Latvia's cities and landmarks is crucial for understanding their spatial distribution, environmental context, and cultural significance.

Embracing Latvia's Geographical Heritage**

In conclusion, Latvia's geographical landscape is a testament to its rich cultural history, environmental diversity, and strategic location in the Baltic region. As geographers, let us continue to explore and document the wonders of this Baltic nation. By obtaining data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, we can contribute to a deeper understanding of Latvia's historical legacy, environmental resilience, and socio-economic development.

download world databases cities Latvia

Download data files for Latvia's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Geospatial Data and Regional Development in Latvia

Latvia, located in the heart of the Baltic region, is a country known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse landscape. From the Baltic Sea coast to its inland forests and rivers, Latvia’s geography plays a key role in shaping its economy, urbanization, and natural resource management. For geographers, urban planners, and policymakers, understanding the spatial distribution of Latvia’s cities, regions, and departments is essential to ensuring sustainable development, efficient infrastructure planning, and the optimal use of resources.

Access to geographic data, including the precise coordinates of cities and towns, as well as information on their regional classifications, allows for a more comprehensive approach to urban development and resource management. Geographic data available in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML is crucial for integrating this information into planning tools and systems that can help Latvia address challenges related to urbanization, environmental conservation, and economic growth.

Latvia’s Administrative Structure and Geographic Distribution

Latvia is divided into 7 regions, each with its own distinct characteristics. The regions, including Riga, Kurzeme, Vidzeme, Zemgale, Latgale, and others, are further subdivided into municipalities, each consisting of cities, towns, and villages. Riga, the capital city, is by far the largest urban area in Latvia and serves as the political, economic, and cultural center of the country.

Each region of Latvia offers unique geographic features that shape its economic activities. For example, Riga, located on the Gulf of Riga, is the key port city of Latvia and the hub of industry and commerce. The region of Kurzeme, with its expansive coastal areas and agricultural landscapes, contributes heavily to the nation’s agricultural output. Meanwhile, Latgale in the eastern part of Latvia, which is more rural and less industrialized, faces different challenges related to infrastructure development and regional connectivity.

Understanding the geographical distribution of Latvia’s cities, towns, and villages is crucial for managing resources, improving infrastructure, and promoting balanced development across the country. Access to accurate data on cities and their regions allows for better planning and more effective allocation of resources, whether for transportation, healthcare, or education.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Latvia’s Cities and Regions

Latitude and longitude coordinates provide a precise way to map and analyze the spatial distribution of cities, towns, and other key features in Latvia. With a country that is relatively small in size but rich in diverse landscapes, the ability to pinpoint the exact geographic location of each urban area is essential for a variety of planning and development purposes.

For instance, the city of Riga is centrally located and plays a central role in the economy of Latvia. By understanding the latitude and longitude of Riga, planners can design effective transportation systems that connect the capital to other key cities such as Liepaja, Daugavpils, and Ventspils. These coordinates are also essential for mapping regional trade routes and ensuring the efficient movement of goods and people across the country.

Latitude and longitude data is equally vital for mapping natural resources such as forests, rivers, and mineral deposits. This geographic information can be used to identify areas that need environmental protection, inform conservation strategies, and guide land-use decisions, ensuring that Latvia’s natural resources are managed sustainably and preserved for future generations.

The Importance of Accessible Data Formats for Geographic Analysis

To maximize the impact of geographic data, it must be available in formats that are compatible with various systems and platforms. By offering data in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, Latvia ensures that its geographic information is accessible to a wide range of users, including urban planners, environmentalists, researchers, and government agencies.

- **CSV (Comma-Separated Values)** is one of the most straightforward formats for organizing and analyzing data. Geographic data about Latvia’s cities, regions, and departments can be stored in CSV files, making it easy to conduct basic analysis using spreadsheet software. These files can include details about population size, infrastructure, geographic coordinates, and more, helping urban planners and researchers identify trends and make informed decisions.

- **SQL (Structured Query Language)** is ideal for managing larger datasets stored in relational databases. Geographic data on Latvia’s cities, towns, and natural resources can be stored in SQL databases, enabling more advanced queries and spatial analysis. SQL is particularly useful for tracking changes in land use, monitoring urban growth, and performing statistical analysis on regional economic trends.

- **JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)** is a lightweight, flexible format commonly used in web applications and APIs. Geographic data about Latvia’s cities and regions can be easily integrated into interactive mapping tools, real-time tracking systems, or mobile apps using JSON. This allows users to access and visualize the data in dynamic ways, facilitating decision-making and engagement with the data.

- **XML (Extensible Markup Language)** is used to structure hierarchical data and is ideal for organizing complex geographic information. In Latvia, XML can be used to represent the relationships between cities, municipalities, and regions, making it easier to share and exchange data between various systems. XML ensures that geographic data is both structured and accessible, allowing for seamless integration across platforms and systems.

Urbanization and Infrastructure Challenges in Latvia

Like many countries, Latvia is experiencing urbanization, particularly in its capital city, Riga, and surrounding metropolitan areas. As the urban population grows, the demand for housing, transportation, and public services increases. Geographic data is critical for managing this growth, ensuring that infrastructure can keep pace with the rising population.

For instance, by analyzing geographic data on the locations of residential areas, public transit systems, and key infrastructure like schools and hospitals, planners can optimize the layout of new developments and ensure that resources are distributed efficiently. Urbanization also presents challenges related to traffic congestion, pollution, and access to services, all of which can be mitigated with the help of detailed geographic analysis.

In rural areas, such as those in the regions of Zemgale or Latgale, geographic data can help address challenges related to access to infrastructure, transportation, and basic services. By mapping these areas, government officials can identify where to invest in roads, electricity, water supply, and healthcare to improve the quality of life in underserved regions.

Environmental Sustainability and Natural Resource Management

Latvia is rich in natural resources, including vast forests, rivers, and agricultural land. With its commitment to environmental sustainability, the country faces the challenge of balancing economic growth with conservation. Geographic data is essential for managing natural resources, protecting ecosystems, and planning for sustainable development.

For example, Latvia’s forests cover about half of its land area, and sustainable forestry practices are critical to maintaining biodiversity and supporting the economy. Geographic data helps monitor forest health, track deforestation rates, and plan conservation areas to preserve wildlife habitats. Similarly, geographic data on water bodies, including the Daugava River and the Baltic Sea coastline, is vital for managing water resources, preventing pollution, and promoting sustainable fishing practices.

By using geographic data to identify areas at risk of environmental degradation, Latvia can implement targeted conservation efforts to protect its natural landscapes. Data on soil types, land use, and climate conditions also helps guide agricultural practices that minimize environmental impact while maximizing productivity.

Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation

Although Latvia is relatively less vulnerable to natural disasters compared to other parts of the world, the country still faces challenges from flooding, severe weather events, and the impacts of climate change. Geographic data is crucial for disaster risk management, helping authorities assess vulnerable areas and develop strategies for minimizing risks.

By mapping flood-prone areas, particularly along rivers and in low-lying regions, Latvia can implement flood protection measures, such as dikes, drainage systems, and early warning systems. Geographic data also plays a role in climate change adaptation by identifying areas most at risk from rising sea levels, temperature changes, and extreme weather events. With accurate geographic data, Latvia can plan for climate resilience, ensuring that its infrastructure and communities are prepared for future environmental challenges.


Geographic data on Latvia’s cities, regions, and departments—including precise latitude and longitude coordinates—is essential for effective urban planning, resource management, environmental conservation, and disaster preparedness. By making this data available in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, Latvia can ensure that it is accessible to all stakeholders involved in the country’s development. With detailed geographic data, Latvia can address its urbanization challenges, manage its natural resources sustainably, and prepare for the impacts of climate change, all while promoting balanced and resilient growth for the future.

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