Ivory Coast cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format

Ivory Coast

Last update : 20 January 2025.

Ivory Coast
Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Ivory Coast. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 10592 places in Ivory Coast that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Ivory Coast is Yamoussoukro.

2286837Kofi AdoukroCILacs7.11104-4.3320Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2291232BokéCIBas-Sassandra4.40489-7.375830Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2290972BouadoukouroCIZanzan7.86242-3.649510Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2289712DotekCISavanes9.31379-5.557610Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2291577BingouraCIZanzan9.81311-3.292310Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2596999Guébo-IGuebo,Guebo Un,Guebo-I,Guébo,Guébo-ICIAbidjan5.57026-4.293870Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2289964DindokahaCISavanes9.27174-5.489440Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2285575KroounkroCILacs7.7-4.333330Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
7852166ZipazipaCIGôh-Djiboua6.44861-5.842070Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2286830KofiékroCIZanzan7.87921-2.921740Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2286012KouassibilédougouKouassibiledougou,Kouassibilekro,Kouassibilédougou,KouassibilékroCIZanzan7.73639-3.726670Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2282851OuétombaCIMontagnes7.52211-7.454620Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
7847763NdakonankroCIYamoussoukro6.76794-5.199940Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8032349Sibli GamaraCILagunes5.65593-4.104240Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
10300858Bongo SaphCI5.5-3.510Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2283812NdrikroCILacs7.46202-4.937930Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2289913Dioulas BabokonCIGôh-Djiboua5.525-5.264440Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8033028OuandesséCILagunes5.73376-3.957080Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2287402KarabinguéCIZanzan7.8612-2.930140Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2597119EplemlanCIComoé5.29802-3.265310Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2285856KoumalaCIZanzan9.81667-3.366670Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8033520Amon YangoranCILagunes5.9289-3.735680Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2282941OrosanisoOrosaniso,Ouorosaniso,Ouorosanisso,Vorosanisso,WorozanissoCIWoroba8.81597-7.72920Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2286204KotoubaCIDenguélé9.62159-7.608210Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2288861FwalaFouala,FwalaCIWoroba8.1592-7.505920Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2281555SirédéniCIDenguélé9.14983-6.917270Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2287533KanangononKanangona,Kanangono,KanangononCIVallée du Bandama8.29825-5.056270Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2286793Kofina-SokouralaCIWoroba8.84636-7.877620Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2285783Kondé YaokroKonde Yaokro,Kondé Yaokro,Kouondeyaoukro,KouondéyaoukroCILacs7.0862-5.231080Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2290247DiagnoaCIGôh-Djiboua5.97411-5.832310Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2279801YagagoCIBas-Sassandra4.95-6.183330Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2287293KatoKatoCIWoroba8.48821-6.829360Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2282969OnayoOnahio,OnayoCIGôh-Djiboua6.26815-6.301970Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2281403SomadougouSomadougou,SomaduguCISavanes9.39861-4.650650Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2288095GrazraCISassandra-Marahoué7.51726-5.931190Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2282512Petit BouaCIBas-Sassandra4.73672-7.036290Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2282065SondiémangaSandiemanga,Sandiémanga,Sondiemanga,SondiémangaCILacs6.31266-4.694450Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8031668Komoé KonanCIAbidjan5.44619-3.943240Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
7850621DouébaCIMontagnes7.35551-7.602380Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2283468NiébodaCIGôh-Djiboua6.12337-5.63390Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2287848IguilaCIZanzan7.72474-3.226410Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2291502BlawaraCISavanes8.94992-5.65160Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2284616ManégodoCIMontagnes7.685-7.188890Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2284637MananbriManabri,MananbriCIWoroba8.66595-6.614870Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2286404KongolaKongola,KongoundaCIVallée du Bandama7.77323-5.463730Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2279767YaloCIZanzan9.34583-3.243270Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2287597KalifadougouCIWoroba8.15-5.766670Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2284436MéblalaM’beblala,Mbleblala,Mbléblala,Meblala,Méblala,M’béblalaCIDenguélé9.9531-7.138080Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2281527SobaCIMontagnes7.80556-7.317310Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2281238SokourabaSokouraba,SoukourabaCIDenguélé10.05662-7.620850Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2290564DadjoCIZanzan9.5497-3.48680Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2288693GbambiassoGbambiasso,GbonmbyassoCISavanes9.77063-6.368840Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2286486KondoCIZanzan9.57414-3.133560Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8033125OsséiCILagunes5.66222-3.708650Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2282306PoundyaPoundia,PoundyaCISavanes9.04097-5.812250Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2279283ZodofoumaCIWoroba8.42862-8.06030Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2292927AndianouCIVallée du Bandama7.73774-5.614160Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2282585Péhouin IICIGôh-Djiboua5.99758-5.536760Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2288162GouraloCIWoroba8.03429-7.210320Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2280107TyésérilaTiesserila,Tiésserila,Tyeserila,TyésérilaCIDenguélé9.94282-7.644580Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2280128TyengakahaTiengakaha,TyengakahaCISavanes9.32808-5.545470Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2597352NimgahaCISavanes9.15083-6.722070Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2281966Kouakou SarakakroKouakou Sarakakro,SarakakroCIVallée du Bandama7.41864-5.017010Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2287731KabolokoroGobolele,Gobolélé,Kabolokoro,Kobeleo,Kobolokoro,KobéléoCISavanes9.45252-5.978510Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2279545ZaakroCILacs6.59968-5.070860Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2280005Vrouho UnVoiouo,Vrouho Un,VrouoCISassandra-Marahoué7.67807-6.670130Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2291921BédiferCILagunes6.51917-3.813330Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2291011BorozonbaCIWoroba8.394-5.836610Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2292949AmoukoukroCILacs7.11557-3.628340Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8032747Ouédraogo RabisabaCILagunes5.93267-4.324520Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
7857537SropanCIMontagnes6.88822-7.489940Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2288736GatasoCIWoroba8.19592-7.591420Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8032815Tebi DouhouaCILagunes5.96134-4.285080Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2292085GbapleuBapleu,GbapleuCIMontagnes6.47983-7.165280Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
7883972Akessé NguissankroCILacs7.50744-4.814220Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2293191AkakroCILacs6.64354-5.107130Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2288092GrèdeCIBas-Sassandra5-7.016670Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8032473Ntakpé DèdouCILagunes5.93382-4.422980Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2292129BanononCISavanes9.43887-4.740170Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2284749MaféCILacs7.3446-5.049780Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2282094SanakorosoCIWoroba8.17878-6.146710Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2280370ToubakoCIWoroba8.23313-7.734660Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2290658BroutaBrohouta,BroutaCISassandra-Marahoué7.24953-6.184510Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2285338LawasoCIWoroba8.16571-7.495950Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8031546KouassiCIAbidjan5.48014-4.093610Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2284712MahidioCIGôh-Djiboua6.19124-5.963840Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2290699BrohouanBrohan,Brohouan,BroinCISassandra-Marahoué6.767-6.512750Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2286242KossandougouCILacs7.71427-4.174740Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2282173SakassouCIVallée du Bandama7.6844-4.927330Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2597129SahhoumanSahhouman,SahomaCIComoé5.39816-3.14070Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2280139TyémokoCIWoroba8.05-5.716670Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2284157MoussobadougouMoussobadougouCILacs7.73673-4.258370Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2288942FonondaraFonondara,FononlaraCISavanes9.47083-6.271390Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2293202AkakofikroCILacs7.14132-3.99870Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2291022BorotapiaCISassandra-Marahoué6.49704-6.546150Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2284160MousosoMousoso,MoussossoCIWoroba8.35-5.80Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2293013Alaka SakassouAlaka Sakassou,Alouko SakassouCIVallée du Bandama7.78125-5.385560Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8033119YapiCILagunes5.65317-3.73640Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
8031406AdoumanganAdoumanga,Adoumangan,Diesse,DiesséCILagunes5.20504-4.389020Africa/Abidjanpopulated place
2290512Dakouri DagoliliéCIGôh-Djiboua5.97914-5.749850Africa/Abidjanpopulated place

**Exploring Ivory Coast: A Geographer's Perspective**


As a geographer, delving into the geographical intricacies of Ivory Coast offers a captivating journey through its cities, regions, and natural landscapes. In this article, we embark on an exploration to obtain data on Ivory Coast's cities, including their regions and departments, as well as the latitude and longitude coordinates of each city. Through this lens, we uncover the spatial dynamics, cultural heritage, and environmental characteristics that define this fascinating country.

Mapping Ivory Coast's Urban Landscape**

Ivory Coast's urban landscape is characterized by a diverse array of cities and towns, each contributing to the country's economic development and cultural vibrancy. From the bustling metropolis of Abidjan, the economic capital, to the historic town of Grand-Bassam and the agricultural center of Bouaké, mapping Ivory Coast's urban centers provides insights into population distribution, infrastructure development, and urbanization trends. By analyzing the spatial distribution of cities and towns, geographers can identify patterns of urban growth, socioeconomic disparities, and environmental challenges facing Ivory Coast's urban areas.

Exploring Ivory Coast's Regions and Departments**

Beyond its urban centers, Ivory Coast is divided into several regions and departments, each with its own distinct geographical features and cultural heritage. From the lush forests of Comoé National Park in the east to the savannahs of the north and the coastal plains of the south, exploring Ivory Coast's regions offers a glimpse into its rich natural diversity and historical significance. By mapping the administrative boundaries of regions and departments, geographers can analyze patterns of land use, resource allocation, and environmental management, contributing to informed decision-making and sustainable development planning.

Obtaining Latitude and Longitude Data**

Accurate geographical coordinates are essential for navigating Ivory Coast's diverse terrain, from its dense forests to its expansive coastline. Obtaining latitude and longitude data for each city enables geographers to create detailed maps, conduct spatial analysis, and monitor environmental changes over time. By mapping the geographical coordinates of Ivory Coast's cities, geographers can contribute to disaster management, urban planning, and infrastructure development efforts, ensuring the efficient use of resources and the protection of Ivory Coast's natural heritage.


In conclusion, exploring Ivory Coast's geographical landscape offers a fascinating journey through its cities, regions, and natural environments. By obtaining data on Ivory Coast's cities, including their regions and departments, as well as latitude and longitude coordinates, geographers can uncover insights into the country's spatial dynamics, cultural heritage, and environmental characteristics. Let us continue to explore and analyze Ivory Coast's geographic features, contributing to our understanding of this dynamic and evolving country.

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Download data files for Ivory Coast's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Unlocking the Geographic Landscape of Ivory Coast: The Value of Data for Urban and Regional Development

Ivory Coast (also known as Côte d'Ivoire) is a West African nation known for its vibrant culture, rich natural resources, and rapidly developing urban centers. From the bustling metropolis of Abidjan to the more tranquil cities nestled within its tropical forests, Ivory Coast’s diverse geography and urban growth patterns present unique challenges and opportunities for geographers, urban planners, and policymakers. The country’s complex landscape—ranging from coastal plains and savannas to mountainous regions—demands careful planning and resource management, which can be informed through detailed geographic data.

Understanding the distribution of cities, their regions, and the associated administrative units in Ivory Coast is essential for crafting sustainable development strategies. The ability to obtain comprehensive geographic data—such as the locations of cities and towns, their regional and departmental affiliations, and their precise latitude and longitude coordinates—can significantly enhance decision-making. This information, when accessible in versatile formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, helps integrate geographic data into tools for analysis and urban planning, enabling a more informed approach to development and resource allocation across the nation.

The Administrative Structure of Ivory Coast: Regions and Municipalities

Ivory Coast is divided into 14 administrative regions and a number of smaller departments and municipalities. Abidjan, the economic capital, is not only the largest city but also the country's industrial and commercial center. It is situated in the southern coastal region of Ivory Coast and is home to most of the nation’s economic activity. Other key cities, such as Bouaké, Daloa, and San Pedro, serve as critical hubs for the agricultural and mining sectors, as well as regional administrative centers.

The regions and departments in Ivory Coast are divided into smaller administrative units, with each region contributing to the country’s socio-economic landscape in unique ways. For instance, the western region is known for its cocoa and coffee production, while the central region is more reliant on agriculture and forestry. Understanding how these cities and regions are connected, both geographically and economically, is crucial for policymakers aiming to balance the development of rural and urban areas.

Obtaining data on the cities, regions, and departments of Ivory Coast is crucial for understanding the disparities in infrastructure, services, and economic growth across the country. For example, Abidjan is highly urbanized and faces challenges related to overpopulation, traffic congestion, and environmental sustainability. In contrast, other regions, like the northern savannah regions, require significant investments in infrastructure, healthcare, and education to meet the growing needs of their rural populations. Geographic data on cities and regions allows for a more targeted approach to addressing these challenges.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Ivory Coast's Cities for Strategic Planning

Latitude and longitude coordinates are fundamental for accurately mapping cities, towns, and regions in Ivory Coast. The diverse geography of the country—characterized by coastal regions, forests, savannas, and mountainous areas—means that understanding the exact locations of cities is critical for a variety of purposes, including transportation, urban planning, and disaster management.

For example, Abidjan, located along the Gulf of Guinea, is a bustling coastal city with strategic access to international shipping routes. Knowing the city’s exact coordinates enables planners to map its transportation networks, including roads, railways, and airports, which are essential for trade and logistics. Similarly, geographic data for cities in the interior of Ivory Coast, such as Yamoussoukro or Bouaké, helps to assess connectivity, infrastructure needs, and access to key services.

Precise geographic data also allows urban planners to optimize the allocation of resources, such as water supply, electricity, and waste management systems, ensuring that urban growth is met with sufficient infrastructure. Furthermore, knowing the locations of cities and towns enables disaster preparedness teams to plan evacuation routes and deploy resources in case of natural disasters, such as flooding or tropical storms, which can affect both urban and rural areas.

The Role of Data Formats in Geographic Analysis

To fully leverage geographic data in Ivory Coast, it must be accessible in formats that can be easily integrated into a wide variety of analysis tools, geographic systems, and decision-making platforms. Formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML ensure that the data is usable across different applications, from spreadsheets to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to web-based platforms.

- **CSV (Comma-Separated Values)** is an excellent format for organizing large datasets in a simple, tabular structure. For instance, data on the cities of Ivory Coast, including their populations, infrastructure, and geographic coordinates, can be stored in CSV files. Researchers and planners can easily manipulate and analyze this data using spreadsheet software or data analysis tools.

- **SQL (Structured Query Language)** allows for the management and querying of large geographic datasets. By storing data about the cities, regions, and departments of Ivory Coast in SQL databases, users can perform complex queries to analyze trends in urbanization, economic activity, and infrastructure development. SQL’s querying capabilities also make it ideal for extracting specific geographic data based on different criteria, such as city population size or proximity to key natural resources.

- **JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)** is commonly used for web applications and APIs. JSON provides a lightweight and flexible way to store and transmit geographic data. Developers can use JSON to create interactive maps, real-time data visualizations, or mobile applications that allow users to explore the geographic data of Ivory Coast in an engaging and intuitive way.

- **XML (Extensible Markup Language)** is well-suited for organizing hierarchical data. For Ivory Coast, XML can be used to structure the relationships between cities, regions, and administrative units. This format is particularly useful for data exchange, allowing for seamless integration across different platforms, systems, and applications.

Urban Development and Infrastructure Planning in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast's rapid urbanization, particularly in Abidjan, presents both opportunities and challenges. As the country continues to industrialize and modernize, understanding the geographic distribution of cities and regions is critical for planning infrastructure, public services, and transportation networks.

Accurate geographic data allows urban planners to optimize the placement of infrastructure, such as roads, schools, healthcare facilities, and utility networks, ensuring that resources are distributed equitably across both urban and rural areas. For instance, the urban sprawl in Abidjan calls for innovative solutions to improve mobility, reduce traffic congestion, and provide adequate housing for the growing population. Geographic data can guide the creation of new residential areas, the expansion of the public transport network, and the development of green spaces.

Moreover, geographic data on rural regions helps to address the infrastructure gaps in underserved areas. By knowing the precise location of towns and villages in the northern and western regions of Ivory Coast, planners can identify areas in need of essential services, such as clean water, electricity, and access to healthcare. This targeted approach ensures that development is inclusive and meets the needs of all communities, regardless of their urban or rural status.

Environmental Management and Sustainability in Ivory Coast

As a country rich in natural resources, Ivory Coast must balance its economic growth with environmental sustainability. From its rainforests and cocoa farms to its coastal zones and biodiversity, geographic data plays a pivotal role in managing the country’s natural heritage and ensuring its sustainable use.

Geographic data can help monitor deforestation, soil erosion, and water resource management, providing insights into the impact of agricultural activities and urbanization on the environment. For example, mapping the location of forests, water bodies, and protected areas can help policymakers design conservation strategies to protect the country’s biodiversity. Additionally, geographic data helps track the impact of climate change, including changes in rainfall patterns, temperature, and sea levels, which can affect agricultural production and coastal populations.

Sustainable agriculture is another key area where geographic data is vital. By understanding the location of key agricultural regions and mapping the available resources, policymakers can promote practices that maximize crop yield while minimizing environmental degradation. Geographic data supports decision-making related to the preservation of soil quality, the management of water resources, and the promotion of environmentally friendly farming practices.

Disaster Risk Management and Preparedness

Ivory Coast is susceptible to natural disasters, including floods, storms, and droughts. Geographic data plays an important role in disaster risk management, helping authorities assess vulnerability and plan response strategies.

For instance, knowing the geographic coordinates of cities like Abidjan or San Pedro helps authorities design disaster response plans and allocate resources effectively. Mapping flood-prone areas along the Bandama River or coastal regions allows planners to develop flood control systems and ensure that critical infrastructure is built to withstand extreme weather events. Geographic data also supports the creation of early warning systems, enabling timely evacuation and rescue operations during storms or other natural hazards.


Geographic data about Ivory Coast’s cities, regions, and departments—including precise latitude and longitude coordinates—is essential for managing the country’s urbanization, infrastructure, environmental sustainability, and disaster preparedness. By obtaining this data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, policymakers, urban planners, and researchers can integrate this information into their planning processes, making more informed decisions that promote sustainable growth, resource management, and resilience. As Ivory Coast continues to develop, geographic data will be a key tool in ensuring that its cities and regions thrive in a way that benefits all its citizens.

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