Spain cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 13 December 2024.

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Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Spain. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 22946 places in Spain that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Spain is Madrid.

6545126ValdelavillaESCastille and LeónProvincia de Soria41.97072-2.203790Europe/Madridpopulated place
3126297CardellCardellESAragonProvincia de Huesca41.49590.205820Europe/Madridpopulated place
3129327ArteosArteosESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.18289-5.697260Europe/Madridpopulated place
3123382O PauESGaliciaProvincia de Ourense42.16667-8.083330Europe/Madridpopulated place
3130686AlbarellosAlbarellos,AlbarrellosESGaliciaProvincia de Ourense41.94903-7.495390Europe/Madridpopulated place
2516531Huerta MayorCaserio Huerta Mayor,Caserío Huerta Mayor,Huerta MayorESValenciaProvincia de Alicante38.7-0.483330Europe/Madridpopulated place
3130683AlbarellosESGaliciaProvincia da Coruña43.02223-9.082470Europe/Madridpopulated place
3112649PumaresESGaliciaProvincia de Ourense42.40447-6.859710Europe/Madridpopulated place
2522130AlcazarejosAlcazarejos,Caserio Alcazarejos,Caserío AlcazarejosESCastille-La ManchaProvincia de Albacete39.16667-1.583330Europe/Madridpopulated place
3126234CarracedoESGaliciaProvincia de Ourense42.43285-7.768480Europe/Madridpopulated place
3124566CornesCornesESGaliciaProvincia da Coruña42.84271-9.036190Europe/Madridpopulated place
3120068JunqueirasJunqueiras,San SalvadorESGaliciaProvincia de Pontevedra42.3-8.483330Europe/Madridpopulated place
3105626VillafelizESCastille and LeónProvincia de León42.94742-5.982780Europe/Madridpopulated place
3112981Pozuelos del ReyESCastille and LeónProvincia de Palencia42.26788-4.98050Europe/Madridpopulated place
3117288Mas del OlmoMas del OlmoESValenciaProvíncia de València40.06667-1.166670Europe/Madridpopulated place
3122893Espejo de TeraEspejo de TeraESCastille and LeónProvincia de Soria41.8847-2.486530Europe/Madridpopulated place
3130472AldeaviejaESCastille and LeónProvincia de Salamanca40.80457-6.211940Europe/Madridpopulated place
3107272UncitiUncitiESNavarreProvincia de Navarra42.74801-1.50123229Europe/Madridpopulated place
3126170KarrikaCarrica,KarrikaESBasque CountryGipuzkoa43.28348-1.853450Europe/Madridpopulated place
2519561ChaparrosCaserio Cortijo de los Chaparros,Caserío Cortijo de los Chaparros,ChaparrosESCastille-La ManchaProvincia de Albacete38.58333-2.433330Europe/Madridpopulated place
3117370MarrubioMarrubio,San Andres,San AndrésESGaliciaProvincia de Ourense42.3-7.466670Europe/Madridpopulated place
3118491LestaLesta,San Andres,San AndrésESGaliciaProvincia da Coruña43.11667-8.450Europe/Madridpopulated place
3109640Santiago de la RequejadaSantiago de la RequejadaESCastille and LeónProvincia de Zamora42.10166-6.556520Europe/Madridpopulated place
2518891DehesillaCortijo Dehesilla,DehesillaESExtremaduraProvincia de Badajoz38.63498-6.968620Europe/Madridpopulated place
8504747AmadoresESCanary IslandsProvincia de Las Palmas27.79186-15.722210Atlantic/Canarypopulated place
2514206ManchuelasCaserio Manchuelas,Caserío Manchuelas,ManchuelasESAndalusiaProvincia de Cádiz36.71667-6.40Europe/Madridpopulated place
3129109AyesaESNavarreProvincia de Navarra42.57154-1.422040Europe/Madridpopulated place
3118023Los CortijosCaserio Los Cortijos,Caserío Los Cortijos,Los CortijosESCastille-La ManchaProvincia de Cuenca40.16497-1.484730Europe/Madridpopulated place
3126636CándanoESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.55-6.30Europe/Madridpopulated place
2565136Llanos de San JuanESAndalusiaProvincia de Sevilla37.04539-6.008380Europe/Madridpopulated place
3117983Los MesonesESCastille and LeónProvincia de Salamanca41.08333-5.983330Europe/Madridpopulated place
3111884RialpRialb,RialpESCataloniaProvíncia de Lleida42.443541.13537276Europe/Madridpopulated place
2509474VillatorcasVillatorcasESValenciaProvíncia de Castelló39.83333-0.433330Europe/Madridpopulated place
3108199TejerizasTejerizasESCastille and LeónProvincia de Soria41.50492-2.566190Europe/Madridpopulated place
3128412BecharroBecharroESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.53333-6.9833339Europe/Madridpopulated place
2519963Casas ColoradasESMurciaMurcia38.1709-1.654770Europe/Madridpopulated place
3115145OllaresOllaresESGaliciaProvincia de Pontevedra42.8202-8.228190Europe/Madridpopulated place
3126100CasapapíoCasapapio,CasapapíoESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.25107-5.54460Europe/Madridpopulated place
6544437GuadacorteESAndalusiaProvincia de Cádiz36.1946-5.4290Europe/Madridpopulated place
3127815BordejéBordeje,BordejéESCastille and LeónProvincia de Soria41.44912-2.505120Europe/Madridpopulated place
3114855OrzonagaOrzonagaESCastille and LeónProvincia de León42.85258-5.542410Europe/Madridpopulated place
3116629MogrovejoMogrovejoESCantabriaProvincia de Cantabria43.14567-4.710150Europe/Madridpopulated place
2519984Casar de TalaveraCasar de TalaveraESCastille-La ManchaProvince of Toledo39.96295-4.917980Europe/Madridpopulated place
3118111LongalendoESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.17594-5.678710Europe/Madridpopulated place
3115426NocedaESGaliciaProvincia de Lugo43.52292-7.158190Europe/Madridpopulated place
2512296Pradochano y RiobermejoCaserio Pradochano y Riobermejo,Caserío Pradochano y Riobermejo,Pradochano y RiobermejoESExtremaduraProvincia de Cáceres40.00411-6.181090Europe/Madridpopulated place
3108102TiermasTiermasESAragonProvincia de Zaragoza42.61713-1.123760Europe/Madridpopulated place
3114931OrléOrle,OrléESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.19736-5.324920Europe/Madridpopulated place
2518178El RetornoCaserio El Retorno,Caserío El Retorno,El RetornoESCastille-La ManchaProvincia de Albacete39.36667-1.40Europe/Madridpopulated place
3117746MadiedoESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.41546-5.393090Europe/Madridpopulated place
3122874EspinaEl Espinal,Espina,EspinalESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.50813-5.381510Europe/Madridpopulated place
3107735TorresTorresESCastille and LeónProvincia de Burgos42.94564-3.466090Europe/Madridpopulated place
3127229CabezoCabezoESExtremaduraProvincia de Cáceres40.44945-6.187590Europe/Madridpopulated place
11994489EntrerríosESExtremaduraProvincia de Badajoz38.99485-5.722220Europe/Madridpopulated place
3122326FondodevillaFondodevillaESAsturiasProvince of Asturias42.93572-6.753430Europe/Madridpopulated place
2516158La BoqueraCaserio La Boquera,Caserío La Boquera,La BoqueraESValenciaProvincia de Alicante38.34684-0.902150Europe/Madridpopulated place
3106225VejorísVejoris,VejorísESCantabriaProvincia de Cantabria43.20573-3.919460Europe/Madridpopulated place
2510339Torre-AgicampeCortijada Agicampe,Cortijo La Torre de Agricampe,Torre-AgicampeESAndalusiaProvincia de Granada37.20733-4.099790Europe/Madridpopulated place
3117196MatafoyadaESAsturias40.51667-6.883330Europe/Lisbonpopulated place
2515133La VeguetaLa Vegueta,La VueguetaESCanary IslandsProvincia de Las Palmas29.05057-13.650630Atlantic/Canarypopulated place
2515551La RomanaESValenciaProvincia de Alicante38.36667-0.90Europe/Madridpopulated place
3125178ChavínChavin,Chavín,Santa Maria,Santa MaríaESGaliciaProvincia de Lugo43.61667-7.583330Europe/Madridpopulated place
3110960Sama de AbajoSama de AbajoESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.50753-5.872890Europe/Madridpopulated place
3109867Santa FeCaserio Santa Fe,Caserío Santa Fé,Santa FeESCataloniaProvíncia de Barcelona41.783332.466670Europe/Madridpopulated place
3123381El PardoEhl’-Pardo,El Pardo,Эль-ПардоESMadridProvincia de Madrid40.51454-3.772536853656Europe/Madridpopulated place
3124331CoutoESGaliciaProvincia de Lugo43.50061-7.24330Europe/Madridpopulated place
3112226Rebollar de los OterosRebollar,Rebollar de los OterosESCastille and LeónProvincia de León42.4123-5.449710Europe/Madridpopulated place
3107790TorregrosaTorregrosaESCataloniaProvíncia de Lleida41.580340.828640Europe/Madridpopulated place
3119583La InfiestaESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.4048-5.317380Europe/Madridpopulated place
3126596CanedoESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.54982-6.575490Europe/Madridpopulated place
2510198TrasmontañaESCanary IslandsProvincia de Las Palmas28.13444-15.518020Atlantic/Canarypopulated place
3108210TejedalESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.30323-5.252130Europe/Madridpopulated place
2515227Las Siete CasasCaserio Las Siete Casas,Caserío Las Siete Casas,Las Siete Casas,Siete CasasESValenciaProvincia de Alicante38.14319-1.015420Europe/Madridpopulated place
2511684RoyosCaserio Royos,Caserío Royos,Rollos de Arriba,Royos,Royos de ArribaESMurciaMurcia37.92858-2.055150Europe/Madridpopulated place
3111401RomaelleESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.46986-6.86930Europe/Madridpopulated place
3115381NohalesNohalesESCastille-La ManchaProvincia de Cuenca40.08333-2.166670Europe/Madridpopulated place
2512047Rambla de los LobosCortijada La Rambla de los Lobos,Rambla de los LobosESAndalusiaProvincia de Granada37.62707-3.228570Europe/Madridpopulated place
3112657PujedaPugeda,PujedaESGaliciaProvincia de Lugo42.91556-7.842130Europe/Madridpopulated place
2511439San BenitoSan BenitoESCastille-La ManchaProvincia de Ciudad Real38.5649-4.67710Europe/Madridpopulated place
3122554Ferral del BernesgaFerral de Bernesga,Ferral del BernesgaESCastille and LeónProvincia de León42.61544-5.660260Europe/Madridpopulated place
3112721As Pontes de García RodríguezAs Pontes De Garcia Rodriguez,As Pontes De García Rodríguez,As Pontes de Garcia Rodriguez,As Pontes de García RodríguezESGaliciaProvincia da Coruña43.45266-7.8517811431Europe/Madridpopulated place
3129520ArmarizESGaliciaProvincia de Ourense42.3743-7.723860Europe/Madridpopulated place
2509403YécharCaserio Yechar,Caserio de Yechar,Caserío Yéchar,Caserío de Yéchar,Yechar,YécharESMurciaMurcia38.07406-1.441320Europe/Madridpopulated place
3110200San PedroESCantabriaProvincia de Cantabria43.21876-3.529060Europe/Madridpopulated place
3114167PazosESGaliciaProvincia da Coruña42.79369-8.467720Europe/Madridpopulated place
3116607MoldesMoldesESCastille and LeónProvincia de León42.63352-6.961170Europe/Madridpopulated place
2511267San PedroCaserio San Pedro,Caserío San PedroESAndalusiaAlmería36.90346-1.980760Europe/Madridpopulated place
3130055AnduergaAnduergaESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.45863-5.923920Europe/Madridpopulated place
3119660LagostelleLagostelle,San JuanESGaliciaProvincia de Lugo43.18333-7.90Europe/Madridpopulated place
3119289La OlmedaLa OlmedaESCastille and LeónProvincia de Soria41.54682-3.073960Europe/Madridpopulated place
3104848Villasabariego de UciezaVillasabariego de UciezaESCastille and LeónProvincia de Palencia42.38034-4.572850Europe/Madridpopulated place
3106212Vilella de CincaVelilla de Cinca,Vilella de Cinca,Vilella de Cinca / Velilla de CincaESAragonProvincia de Huesca41.586770.25983435Europe/Madridpopulated place
3125180ChaveánChavean,ChaveánESGaliciaProvincia de Ourense42.33089-7.357570Europe/Madridpopulated place
3124129CuencabuenaCuencabuenaESAragonProvincia de Teruel41.00508-1.24950Europe/Madridpopulated place
2514738Los CurrosCaserio Los Curros,Caserío Los Curros,Los CurrosESAndalusiaAlmería36.7809-3.023570Europe/Madridpopulated place
3131095AbedulesAbedulesESAsturiasProvince of Asturias43.5324-5.479380Europe/Madridpopulated place
3130821Aguilar de EbroAguilar de EbroESAragonProvincia de Zaragoza41.52141-0.56405378Europe/Madridpopulated place
3112873PrebelloESGaliciaProvincia de Lugo42.97821-6.903810Europe/Madridpopulated place
2513121Olula del RíoOlulaESAndalusiaAlmería37.35445-2.297546244Europe/Madridpopulated place
2516130La CaleruelaCortijada La Caleruela,La CaleruelaESAndalusiaProvincia de Jaén38.04259-3.096990Europe/Madridpopulated place

**Exploring the Geographical Diversity of Spain: A Personal Perspective**

Nestled in the southwestern corner of Europe, Spain is a land of rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and diverse geography. As a geographer delving into the intricacies of this vibrant nation, acquiring data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates unveils a tapestry of geographical diversity and historical significance. Let us embark on a journey to uncover the geographical nuances of Spain.

Introduction: Spain's Geographical Tapestry**

Spain, a country renowned for its passionate culture, flamenco rhythms, and architectural marvels, is also a geographical wonderland. From the snow-capped peaks of the Pyrenees in the north to the sun-kissed beaches of the Costa del Sol in the south, Spain's diverse landscapes offer a treasure trove of geographical wonders waiting to be explored.

Unveiling the Cities: From Madrid to Barcelona**

Acquiring data on the cities of Spain provides invaluable insights into the country's urban landscape, population distribution, and economic vitality. From the bustling capital city of Madrid to the cosmopolitan hub of Barcelona, each city tells its own story of history, culture, and development. Gathering data on the regions and departments encompassing these cities offers a deeper understanding of Spain's administrative divisions and cultural diversity.

Mapping Latitude and Longitude: Navigating Spain's Geographic Extremes**

Obtaining latitude and longitude data for each city in Spain enables geographers to map the country's geographic extremes, from the northern reaches of A Coruña to the southern tip of Almería. These coordinates serve as navigational markers for travelers, researchers, and explorers seeking to traverse Spain's varied terrain and understand its geographical complexity.

Exploring Spain's Natural Beauty: From the Mountains to the Coast**

Beyond its cities, Spain boasts breathtaking natural landscapes, including majestic mountain ranges, lush forests, and picturesque coastlines. Acquiring data on the latitude and longitude of these natural wonders allows geographers to analyze patterns of biodiversity, study the effects of climate change, and assess the impact of human activity on Spain's delicate ecosystems.

Conclusion: Embracing Spain's Geographical Diversity**

As geographers, delving into the data of Spain's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates offers a profound appreciation for the country's geographical diversity and cultural richness. It is a land where history meets geography, where tradition blends with innovation, and where the past informs the present. Through the lens of geography, Spain reveals itself as a country of boundless exploration, discovery, and wonder, inviting travelers and scholars alike to unravel its geographical tapestry and experience its beauty firsthand.

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Download data files for Spain's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Exploring the Geography of Spain: The Importance of Geographic Data for Urban Development

Spain, a country located in southwestern Europe, is known for its diverse landscapes, rich history, and dynamic cities. From the snow-capped peaks of the Pyrenees to the sun-soaked beaches of the Mediterranean, Spain’s geography is as varied as its culture. This geographical diversity has played a crucial role in shaping the country’s cities, regions, and economic development. For geographers, urban planners, and policymakers, obtaining detailed geographic data about Spain’s cities, regions, and departments is essential for making informed decisions about sustainable development, resource management, and infrastructure planning. This article explores the geography of Spain, while emphasizing the significance of geographic data in supporting effective urban planning, conservation, and development strategies.

Spain’s Geography: A Diverse and Multifaceted Landscape

Spain’s geography is defined by its variety of natural features, which include mountain ranges, fertile plains, coastal regions, and islands. Located on the Iberian Peninsula, Spain shares borders with France, Portugal, Andorra, and Gibraltar. The country’s diverse topography has shaped its climate, culture, and urban development.

The northern part of Spain is home to the rugged Cantabrian Mountains, which offer dramatic landscapes and a cooler, wetter climate. To the south, the vast central plateau, known as the Meseta, is a large, flat expanse that influences both the climate and agricultural patterns in the country. In contrast, the Mediterranean coast to the east features a warmer, drier climate with a rich history of trade and tourism. The southern region, with its iconic Andalusian landscapes, includes both mountainous areas and fertile valleys that have long been hubs of agriculture.

The Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands off the coast of North Africa add further diversity to Spain’s geography. These islands are vital to Spain’s tourism sector, offering pristine beaches, volcanic landscapes, and diverse ecosystems. Spain’s geography is not just a source of natural beauty; it also defines the distribution of resources, settlement patterns, and economic activities across the country.

Regions, Cities, and Administrative Divisions of Spain

Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities, which are further divided into provinces and municipalities. These regions and provinces play an essential role in the governance and administration of the country, with each community having varying degrees of autonomy. Each of these divisions reflects the geographical, cultural, and historical characteristics of the region.

Madrid, the capital city, is located in the heart of Spain, on the central plateau. As the political, economic, and cultural center of the country, Madrid is not only the largest city in Spain but also one of the most important urban centers in Europe. It serves as the focal point for government institutions, financial services, and cultural heritage.

Other key cities in Spain include Barcelona, located on the northeastern Mediterranean coast, which serves as a major port and economic hub. The region of Catalonia, of which Barcelona is the capital, is one of the wealthiest and most industrialized in Spain. Valencia, Seville, and Bilbao also play central roles in the economic and cultural landscape, with each city offering distinct geographical features and cultural identities.

The regions of Andalusia, Galicia, and the Basque Country stand out for their unique cultural, historical, and linguistic attributes. While Andalusia is known for its agriculture and tourism, Galicia’s rugged coast and green countryside provide a different economic and cultural landscape. The Basque Country, located in the north, is famous for its mountainous terrain and has a distinct language and identity. These regions, along with the rest of Spain’s provinces, contribute to the country’s rich cultural mosaic and influence the development and distribution of infrastructure, resources, and services.

The Role of Geographic Data in Understanding Spain’s Development

Geographic data is a crucial tool for understanding how Spain’s cities, regions, and natural features are interconnected. Obtaining data about the location of cities, their regions, and their departments is key to supporting urban planning, resource management, and infrastructure development. By having detailed geographic data about the latitude and longitude of each city, along with information about administrative boundaries, transportation networks, and environmental resources, decision-makers can better understand the spatial relationships that define Spain’s urban growth and development.

Geographic data can be obtained in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, which are ideal for integration into Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS enables the creation of detailed spatial models, maps, and analytical tools that can inform decisions in a wide range of areas, from urban planning to environmental conservation. These data formats allow for the flexible use and sharing of geographic information, enabling better coordination between local, regional, and national governments, as well as businesses and researchers.

Practical Applications of Geographic Data in Spain

The use of geographic data in Spain extends across numerous sectors, including urban development, agriculture, tourism, and environmental protection. The availability of accurate and detailed geographic data is essential for ensuring that Spain’s development is sustainable, equitable, and environmentally responsible.

1. **Urban Planning and Infrastructure**: As Spain’s cities continue to grow, geographic data plays a key role in urban planning and infrastructure development. By mapping out the locations of housing, businesses, transportation networks, and public services, planners can ensure that urban growth is efficient, sustainable, and equitable. Geographic data can also help identify areas that require additional infrastructure, such as roads, utilities, and green spaces, to meet the needs of growing populations.

2. **Agricultural Resource Management**: Agriculture is an essential industry in many of Spain’s regions, particularly in Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, and the Ebro Valley. Geographic data is vital for managing water resources, optimizing land use, and monitoring crop production. By tracking rainfall patterns, soil conditions, and irrigation systems, farmers can make informed decisions that improve productivity and reduce environmental impact. Geographic data also supports sustainable practices, such as soil conservation and the protection of agricultural biodiversity.

3. **Tourism and Coastal Development**: Spain’s tourism industry, particularly along its Mediterranean and Atlantic coastlines, benefits from geographic data. By understanding the spatial relationships between tourist destinations, infrastructure, and natural attractions, businesses and policymakers can develop tourism strategies that promote sustainable visitation. Geographic data helps plan for infrastructure development, manage visitor flows, and protect natural landscapes, ensuring that Spain’s tourism sector remains a significant driver of economic growth without harming the environment.

4. **Environmental Conservation**: Spain is home to a wide variety of ecosystems, from the dry landscapes of Castilla-La Mancha to the lush forests of Galicia and the wetlands of the Ebro Delta. Geographic data is essential for managing these natural resources and ensuring their conservation. By monitoring deforestation, pollution, and biodiversity, environmental agencies can make informed decisions about land use and conservation efforts. GIS tools allow for the creation of protected areas, the monitoring of endangered species, and the assessment of the impact of climate change on Spain’s ecosystems.

Unlocking Spain’s Future with Spatial Data

As Spain continues to face challenges related to urbanization, climate change, and resource management, geographic data will become increasingly important for ensuring that the country’s development remains sustainable. By obtaining and using detailed geographic data about cities, regions, and natural features, policymakers, urban planners, and researchers can make better-informed decisions that address these challenges and support future growth.

With geographic data available in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, stakeholders can integrate these tools into a variety of applications, from city planning to environmental research. These flexible formats enable collaboration, data sharing, and more comprehensive analysis, allowing for more effective decision-making across sectors and regions.


Spain’s diverse geography, from its vibrant cities to its rural plains and coastal regions, plays a central role in shaping the country’s economic and cultural identity. The availability of detailed geographic data on Spain’s cities, regions, and natural features is essential for making informed decisions that support sustainable growth, resource management, and environmental protection. Geographic data, available in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, empowers policymakers and researchers to develop effective strategies for urban development, agriculture, tourism, and conservation. By leveraging geographic data, Spain can navigate the future with confidence, ensuring its continued prosperity while preserving its natural beauty and cultural heritage.

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