Oman cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 13 December 2024.

Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Oman. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 5294 places in Oman that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Oman is Muscat.

286531As SayḩAs Sayh,As Sayḥ,As Sayḩ,Sayh,Sayḩ,alsyh,السّيحOMAd Dakhiliyah23.0274558.011450Asia/Muscatpopulated place
288344Al FilayjAl Filayj,Fulayj,alflyj,الفليجOMSoutheastern Governorate22.4283359.361510Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11556094ThantītīThantiti,Thantītī,`Araqi,thntyty,ثنتيتي,عراقي,‘ArāqīOMDhofar16.8266253.436740Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11917296RahnūtRahnut,Rahnūt,rhnwt,رهنوتOMDhofar17.0378553.96330Asia/Muscatpopulated place
287270Al Mawāliḩ al JanūbīyahAl Mawalih al Janubiyah,Al Mawalih al Janubiyyah,Al Mawāliḥ al Janūbiyyah,Al Mawāliḩ al Janūbīyah,Mawalih,Mawāliḩ,almwalh aljnwbyt,الموالح الجنوبيّةOMMuscat23.6049658.228820Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11845287Ḩājir Awlād ḨammādHajir Awlad Hammad,hajr awlad hmad,حاجر أولاد حماد,Ḥājir Awlād Ḥammād,Ḩājir Awlād ḨammādOMAd Dakhiliyah22.4715857.976440Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11774100Ad DashtAd Dasht,aldsht,الدّشتOMMusandam Governorate26.0540756.233130Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11782152Al ‘UqdahAl `Uqdah,Al ‘Uqdah,العقدةOMAl Buraimi24.2677155.865140Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11917283Af‘ūrAf`ur,Af‘ūr,أفعورOMDhofar17.2222154.497140Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11846650Al QaḩamAl Qaham,Al Qaḥam,Al Qaḩam,alqhm,القحمOMNortheastern Governorate22.5732359.03150Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11773473NāţibahNatibah,Nāţibah,Nāṭibah,natbt,ناطبةOMMusandam Governorate25.921756.361610Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11785573Qarn ar RuwaybīyahQarn ar Ruwaybiyah,Qarn ar Ruwaybiyyah,Qarn ar Ruwaybīyah,qrn alrwybyt,قرن الرويبيةOMAd Dhahirah23.6455556.372660Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11801928Mu‘ayrīdMi`ayrid,Mi‘ayrīd,Mu`ayrid,Mu‘ayrīd,معيريدOMAd Dakhiliyah23.218256.667120Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11763491Al MaghlīlīAl Maghlili,Al Maghlīlī,almghlyly,المغليليOMMusandam Governorate25.9012156.210730Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11804899Al QufayşīAl Qifaysi,Al Qifayṣī,Al Qufaysi,Al Qufayşī,alqfysy,القفيصيOMAl Batinah South23.3316357.505070Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11830681MasīḩMasih,Masīḩ,Misayh,Misayḥ,msyh,مسيحOMAd Dakhiliyah22.543656.851790Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11800016Al KhaḑārīAl Khadari,Al Khaḍārī,Al Khaḑārī,alkhdary,الخضاريOMAd Dhahirah23.5029456.564120Asia/Muscatpopulated place
289281Al ḨājirAl Hajar,Al Hajir,Al H̱ājar,Al Ḩājir,HajarOMMuscat23.5166758.350Asia/Muscatpopulated place
289146Al MusayqahAl Masayqah,Al Musayqah,almsyqt,المسيقةOMAd Dhahirah23.8946856.444490Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11800556Ḩayl al MurayrHayl al Murayr,hyl almryr,حيل المرير,Ḥayl al Murayr,Ḩayl al MurayrOMAd Dakhiliyah23.3889256.921860Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11739011Rakkat ar RawāshidRakkat ar Rawashid,Rakkat ar Rawāshid,Rikkat ar Rawashid,Rikkat ar Rawāshid,rkt alrwashd,ركّة الرّواشدOMAl Batinah North24.0734256.508780Asia/Muscatpopulated place
390016Ad DīrḩīAd Dirhi,Ad Dīrḥī,Ad Dīrḩī,Dirhi,Dirhī,Umm Saghrain,Umm Şaghraīn,aldyrhy,الدّيرحيOMMusandam Governorate25.6494556.176410Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11763542Ra‘lat al YāsRa`lat al Yas,Ra‘lat al Yās,رعلة الياسOMMusandam Governorate25.9671156.206190Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11982010As SarḩātAs Sarhat,As Sarḩāt,alsrhat,السرحاتOMNortheastern Governorate22.4287258.609180Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11960026AktītahAktitah,Aktītah,aktytt,اكتيتةOMDhofar17.2270154.236240Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11800564Ḩayl BuşayrHayl Bisayr,Hayl Busayr,hyl bsyr,حيل بصير,Ḥayl Biṣayr,Ḩayl BuşayrOMAd Dakhiliyah23.415856.972610Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11950513AshīdūtAshidut,Ashīdūt,ashydwt,أشيدوتOMDhofar17.1126454.438240Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11806485BarmalahBarmalah,brmlt,برملةOMAd Dakhiliyah23.233457.045880Asia/Muscatpopulated place
287243Al Mazra‘ al ḨadrīAl Mazra` al Hadri,Al Mazra‘ al Ḥadrī,Al Mazra‘ al Ḩadrī,Mazra` al Hadri,Mazra‘ al Ḩadrī,المزرع الحدريOMMuscat23.4348758.563160Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11732199Al QuţaynahAl Qitaynah,Al Qiṭaynah,Al Qutaynah,Al Quţaynah,alqtynt,القطينةOMAl Batinah North24.6757356.367680Asia/Muscatpopulated place
412156Al BībānAl Biban,Al Bībān,Biban,Bībān,albyban,البيبانOMAd Dakhiliyah23.0927457.730750Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11806594Ţawī QawqawTawi Qawqaw,twy qwqw,Ţawī Qawqaw,طوي قوقو,Ṭawī QawqawOMAd Dakhiliyah23.059257.40830Asia/Muscatpopulated place
8558689AshamşīrAshamsir,Ashamşīr,ashmsyr,أشمصيرOMDhofar17.2068854.409170Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11959609ThaqinThaqin,thqn,ثقنOMDhofar17.2183154.577540Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11739060Al HaylAl Hayl,alhyl,الهيلOMAl Batinah North24.0557356.67930Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11845569ŞabşūbSabsub,sbswb,Şabşūb,صبصوب,ṢabṣūbOMNortheastern Governorate22.0945758.29090Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11806824Al KhudadAl Khidad,Al Khudad,alkhdd,الخددOMAl Batinah South23.1469157.760540Asia/Muscatpopulated place
289426Ad DarīzAd Dariz,Ad Darīz,Ad Diriz,Ad Dirīz,Dariz,Darīz,aldryz,الدريزOMAd Dhahirah23.3178456.615010Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11806882Ţawī an NişfTawi an Nisf,Tawi an Nusf,twy alnsf,Ţawī an Nişf,طوي النّصف,Ṭawī an NuṣfOMAd Dakhiliyah23.2489357.941480Asia/Muscatpopulated place
12013403Sall Kumzār al KabīrSall Kumzar al Kabir,Sall Kumzār al Kabīr,sl kmzar alkbyr,سل كمزار الكبيرOMMusandam Governorate26.3346556.428690Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11960522UfayḑāḑAfaydad,Afayḑāḑ,Ufaydad,Ufayḑāḑ,afydad,أفيضاضOMDhofar17.1081754.177730Asia/Muscatpopulated place
8512301Sayḩ al ḨasanātSayh al Hasanat,Sayḩ al Ḩasanāt,syh alhsnat,سيح الحسناتOMSoutheastern Governorate22.4991859.459120Asia/Muscatpopulated place
412152Al Qasha‘Al Qasha`,Al Qashar,Al Qasha‘,Al Qāshār,القشعOMAd Dakhiliyah23.0663257.663310Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11800516Qarn al KabshQarn al Kabsh,qrn alkbsh,قرن الكبشOMAd Dakhiliyah23.3669356.686670Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11845915Al ‘ĀbiyahAl `Abiyah,Al `Abyah,Al ‘Ābiyah,Al ‘Ābyah,العابيةOMNortheastern Governorate22.5788458.971850Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11960527A‘arnūtA`arnut,A‘arnūt,أعرنوتOMDhofar17.1293854.166540Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11814875Al ḨaddAl Had,Al Hadd,Al Ḥad,Al Ḩadd,alhd,الحدOMSoutheastern Governorate21.2946259.086940Asia/Muscatpopulated place
288986AsjudīAsjudi,AsjudīOMAl Buraimi24.0166756.250Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11909520JifjīfJifjif,Jifjīf,jfjyf,جفجيفOMDhofar17.2237654.566540Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11844941As SidrīyahAs Sidriyah,As Sidriyyah,As Sidrīyah,alsdryt,السدريةOMNortheastern Governorate22.6822258.279590Asia/Muscatpopulated place
8560964Irhan UfayrāqIrhan Ufayraq,Irhan Ufayrāq,Rahan Afayraq,Rahan Afayrāq,arhn afyraq,إرهن أفيراقOMDhofar17.252554.190290Asia/Muscatpopulated place
286465ShanuţShanut,ShanuţOMAd Dakhiliyah23.1162957.660070Asia/Muscatpopulated place
412246ḨulayfahHulayfah,ḨulayfahOMSoutheastern Governorate22.118459.40380Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11785439Qarn ḐankQarn Dank,Qarn Ḍank,Qarn Ḑank,qrn dnk,قرن ضنكOMAd Dhahirah23.5047556.239350Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11773483Al KhabbahAl Khabbah,alkhbt,الخبةOMMusandam Governorate25.9536756.410570Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11832248An NabbāghAn Nabbagh,An Nabbāgh,alnbagh,النبّاغOMAd Dakhiliyah22.7781457.877190Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11844986An Nahdah al JanūbīyahAn Nahdah al Janubiyah,An Nahdah al Janubiyyah,An Nahdah al Janūbiyyah,An Nahdah al Janūbīyah,alnhdt aljnwbyt,النهدة الجنوبيةOMAd Dakhiliyah22.3962557.130070Asia/Muscatpopulated place
12026997Khawr az̧ Z̧abīKhawr az Zabi,Khawr az̧ Z̧abī,khwr alzby,خور الظبيOMAl Batinah North24.2338856.844530Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11845881QurayḩātQirayhat,Qirayḥāt,Qurayhat,Qurayḩāt,qryhat,قريحاتOMNortheastern Governorate22.7100358.64820Asia/Muscatpopulated place
8559004QayştāQaisata,Qaysta,Qayştā,qysta,قيصتاOMDhofar17.2136354.067140Asia/Muscatpopulated place
287914Al Ḩafrī as SūrAl Hafri as Sur,Al Ḥafrī as Sūr,Al Ḩafrī as Sūr,Hifri,alhfry alswr,الحفري السور,ḨifrīOMAl Batinah South23.7150757.830250Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11829794Al GhubrahAl Ghubrah,alghbrt,الغبرةOMMuscat23.3024258.568150Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11806577Al KhamrīAl Khamri,Al Khamrī,alkhmry,الخمريOMAd Dakhiliyah23.0118157.494280Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11763514Wa‘ab ‘AbdahWa`ab `Abdah,Wa‘ab ‘Abdah,وعب عبدةOMMusandam Governorate25.7856.214010Asia/Muscatpopulated place
288432Al ‘Awhī’Auhi,Al `Awhi,Al ‘Awhī,Falaj al `Awhi,Falaj al ‘Awhī,Uhi,`Awhi,العوهي,‘Awhī,’AuhiOMAl Batinah North24.4020256.668930Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11739461Al MazjahAl Mazjah,almzjt,المزجةOMAl Batinah North23.9991356.683530Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11968048Aţ ŢayyārīAt Tayyari,Aţ Ţayyārī,altyary,الطياريOMAl Wusta Governorate19.6364157.620630Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11960571MadrakahMadrakah,mdrkt,مدركةOMAl Wusta Governorate18.9833257.78650Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11909593MikbārMikbar,Mikbār,mkbar,مكبارOMDhofar17.1608554.546620Asia/Muscatpopulated place
287122Al MuqaydiḩAl Miqaydah,Al Miqaydaḥ,Al Muqaydih,Al Muqaydiḩ,Muqaydan,almqydh,المقيدحOMAd Dakhiliyah23.3002356.655460Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11959991AktharnūtAktharnut,Aktharnūt,akthrnwt,اكثرنوتOMDhofar17.0782554.065770Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11909514TadhnāmTadhnam,Tadhnām,tdhnam,تذنامOMDhofar17.072554.550420Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11774104Khabbat ŢannahKhabbat Tannah,Khabbat Ţannah,Khabbat Ṭannah,khbt tnt,خبّة طنّةOMMusandam Governorate26.0014456.234270Asia/Muscatpopulated place
412905As SamīdahAs Samidah,As SamīdahOMAl Batinah North24.01556.752780Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11948854MaḩfayrMahfayr,Maḩfayr,mhfyr,محفيرOMDhofar17.0637954.552410Asia/Muscatpopulated place
287002NazabNazabOMDhofar17.1333354.516670Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11739442Ḩayl aş ŞayHayl as Say,hyl alsy,حيل الصي,Ḥayl aṣ Ṣay,Ḩayl aş ŞayOMAl Batinah North23.7797456.733830Asia/Muscatpopulated place
285944Yaḩī RisākhYahi Risakh,Yahi Rizakh,Yaḩī RisākhOMDhofar17.4833354.550Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11959643ḨākābHakab,hakab,حاكاب,ḨākābOMDhofar17.1080954.683790Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11835227Ash ShubayhātAsh Shibayhat,Ash Shibayhāt,Ash Shubayhat,Ash Shubayhāt,alshbyhat,الشّبيهاتOMNortheastern Governorate22.8878558.301020Asia/Muscatpopulated place
412906Ţawī al QarīnātTawi al Qarinat,Ţawī al QarīnātOMAl Batinah North24.007556.741390Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11804783Aş ŞuraymahAs Sarimah,As Suraymah,Aş Şuraymah,Aṣ Ṣarīmah,alsrymt,الصّريمةOMAl Batinah South23.7488257.730370Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11804904Ar RajmahAr Rajmah,alrjmt,الرّجمةOMAl Batinah South23.302257.554690Asia/Muscatpopulated place
285979Al WāsiţAl Wasit,Al Wasut,Al Wāsiţ,Al Wāsuṭ,Wasit,Wāsiţ,alwast,الواسطOMAd Dakhiliyah22.9413957.592890Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11909645ArdafArdaf,ardf,أردفOMDhofar17.1692754.249670Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11785406As SayyāḩAs Sayyah,As Sayyāḥ,As Sayyāḩ,alsyah,السياحOMAd Dhahirah23.9366156.260660Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11845190MuşaybīkhMusaybikh,Muşaybīkh,Muṣaybikh,msybykh,مصيبيخOMNortheastern Governorate22.4547559.096150Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11827935Ḩillat as SidrahHillat as Sidrah,hlt alsdrt,حلّة السّدرة,Ḥillat as Sidrah,Ḩillat as SidrahOMMuscat23.5775858.527820Asia/Muscatpopulated place
288583Az̧ Z̧āhirAz Zahir,Az Zahur,Az̧ Z̧āhir,Aẓ Ẓāhur,Dahr,Dhahir,Dhahr,Dhāhir,Zahir,Z̧āhir,alzahr,الظّاهر,ḐahrOMAl Buraimi24.3021456.128770Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11773427ShabbShab,Shabb,shb,شبOMMusandam Governorate25.8592356.266540Asia/Muscatpopulated place
286038‘Irf`Irf,`Urf,عرف,‘Irf,‘UrfOMSoutheastern Governorate20.2485858.733930Asia/Muscatpopulated place
411712Al Murayfa‘ahAl Murayf`ah,Al Murayfa`ah,Al Murayfa‘ah,Al Murayf‘ah,Murayfi`,Murayfī‘,المريفعةOMAd Dhahirah23.3196156.431060Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11774077Al ḨarāqahAl Haraqah,Al Harraqah,Al Ḥarrāqah,Al Ḩarāqah,alhraqt,الحراقةOMMusandam Governorate26.1989356.244540Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11960093Hayāl al KhitānHayal al Khitan,Hayāl al Khitān,hyal alkhtan,هيال الختانOMAl Wusta Governorate20.427357.183050Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11829798Ash Shuway‘īAsh Shuway`i,Ash Shuway‘ī,الشّويعيOMMuscat23.2774558.623670Asia/Muscatpopulated place
412904Al Qishay‘Al Qashi`,Al Qashī‘,Al Qishay`,Al Qishay‘,القشيعOMAl Batinah North24.1863256.862530Asia/Muscatpopulated place
8536498Sayḩ Māl RakhyūtSayh Mal Rakhyut,Sayḩ Māl Rakhyūt,syh mal rkhwt,سيح مال رخوتOMDhofar16.7886253.372130Asia/Muscatpopulated place
11780534Sayḩ al MadāmSayh al Madam,Sayḥ al Madām,Sayḩ al Madām,syh almdam,سيح المدامOMAl Buraimi24.9046155.816050Asia/Muscatpopulated place
413402AqarḩanawtAqarhanawt,Aqarḩanawt,aqrhnwt,أقرحنوتOMDhofar17.1148954.626270Asia/Muscatpopulated place
8558783‘Ayn`Ayn,عين,‘AynOMDhofar17.23154.144790Asia/Muscatpopulated place

**Exploring Oman: A Geographer's Perspective**

Nestled on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman is a land of captivating landscapes, rich history, and cultural diversity. From the rocky deserts of the interior to the pristine beaches of the coastline, Oman's geography offers a wealth of opportunities for exploration and discovery. As a geographer delves into the data of Oman's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, a fascinating narrative emerges, highlighting the country's unique features and dynamic environment. Join us on a journey to uncover the geographical intricacies of Oman.

Discovering Urban Centers**

Oman's urban centers serve as focal points of economic activity, cultural exchange, and social interaction. From the bustling capital city of Muscat to the historic town of Nizwa, these urban areas are vibrant hubs of commerce, education, and innovation. For a geographer, obtaining data on Oman's cities involves not only mapping their geographical coordinates but also understanding the socio-economic dynamics, urban planning initiatives, and cultural significance of each urban center within the context of the country's geography.

Mapping Regional Diversity**

Beyond its urban centers, Oman boasts a diverse range of geographical regions, each with its own distinct topography, climate, and natural resources. From the rugged mountains of Jebel Akhdar to the vast deserts of the Empty Quarter, the country's landscape is characterized by contrasts and extremes. Oman is divided into administrative regions, each with its own unique features and developmental challenges. The quest for data extends beyond numerical coordinates, encompassing the study of regional development, environmental conservation efforts, and the preservation of cultural heritage across Oman's varied terrain.

Navigating Latitude and Longitude**

In the pursuit of geographical understanding, latitude and longitude serve as essential tools for navigating Oman's diverse landscape. From the northern city of Sohar to the southern town of Salalah, each geographical coordinate offers insights into Oman's spatial distribution, climate patterns, and land use dynamics. For a geographer, acquiring accurate latitude and longitude data is essential for understanding spatial relationships, environmental gradients, and human-environment interactions across Oman's dynamic geography.

Exploring Human-Environment Interactions**

Oman's geography plays a fundamental role in shaping human activities and environmental dynamics. From sustainable water management practices in the arid regions to the conservation of biodiversity in coastal ecosystems, Oman's geographical landscape reflects a delicate balance between human societies and the natural environment. As a geographer, the quest for data extends beyond physical geography, encompassing the study of land degradation processes, climate change impacts, and socio-economic adaptation strategies in Oman's dynamic environment.

Conclusion: Embracing Oman's Geography**

In the tapestry of Oman's geography, the quest for data serves as a gateway to understanding the country's rich cultural heritage, environmental diversity, and sustainable development challenges. As we unravel the geographical nuances of this Arabian gem, let us not only seek coordinates on a map but also embrace the spirit of exploration, discovery, and appreciation for Oman's geography, which lies at the crossroads of tradition, innovation, and natural beauty.

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Download data files for Oman's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Understanding the Geography of Oman: A Comprehensive Data-Driven Approach

Oman, situated on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, is a country with a rich and varied geography, from its vast deserts to rugged mountain ranges and pristine coastlines. Oman’s diverse landscape not only defines its physical beauty but also plays a pivotal role in its economic activities, settlement patterns, and resource management. As a geographer, the challenge lies in understanding how Oman’s cities and regions are distributed across this unique topography, and how geographic data can be used to assess urbanization, environmental conservation, and infrastructure development. Comprehensive data on Oman’s cities, regions, and departments is vital for this analysis, providing insights into how human settlements interact with natural landscapes and resources.

The Geographical and Administrative Layout of Oman

Oman is divided into 11 governorates, each offering a distinct geographic and cultural identity. These include the capital governorate of Muscat, which is the political, economic, and cultural hub of the country, as well as governorates like Dhofar, Al Batinah, and Al Dakhiliyah. Oman’s geography includes expansive deserts, particularly the Rub’ al Khali (Empty Quarter) in the southern regions, vast stretches of coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman, and the Hajar mountain range, which divides the country into northern and southern regions.

The governorates themselves are further subdivided into regions and departments, each with specific local characteristics. For instance, Muscat is home to the largest urban concentrations, while other governorates such as Al Dakhiliyah or Dhofar represent a mix of rural agricultural areas and smaller towns. Understanding the geography of Oman at both the governorate and local level is crucial for assessing urban expansion, regional disparities, and the distribution of natural resources.

Latitude and Longitude: Pinpointing Oman’s Cities and Regions

Latitude and longitude coordinates are essential for accurate mapping and spatial analysis of cities and regions within Oman. These coordinates allow geographers to pinpoint the precise locations of urban areas, towns, and regions, facilitating detailed geographic analysis that can inform urban planning, infrastructure development, and resource management.

For example, knowing the latitude and longitude of Muscat enables researchers to assess its position relative to other major cities, such as Salalah in the south and Sohar in the north. These coordinates also help evaluate Muscat’s proximity to critical infrastructure, such as ports, airports, and highways. The same applies to other cities, with precise coordinates enabling the identification of potential growth areas, the monitoring of urbanization patterns, and the development of transportation networks.

Latitude and longitude data also allow geographers to analyze the relationship between cities and their surrounding environments, such as how urban centers are influenced by nearby deserts, mountain ranges, or coastal areas. This geographic data is vital for understanding how Oman’s unique landscape shapes human settlements, resource availability, and the challenges related to environmental management.

The Need for Flexible Geographic Data Formats

For geographic data to be truly useful in decision-making processes, it must be accessible in multiple formats that can be easily integrated into various analysis systems and research tools. Providing geographic data on Oman’s cities, regions, and departments in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML allows for greater flexibility, making the data accessible to researchers, urban planners, and developers for different types of analyses.

- **CSV (Comma-Separated Values):** CSV files offer a simple yet effective format for organizing geographic data in tabular form. They are particularly useful for storing data such as city names, population figures, geographic coordinates, and other relevant metrics. Researchers can easily import CSV files into spreadsheets or mapping software for initial analysis, making it a perfect tool for quick access to basic geographic information.

- **SQL (Structured Query Language):** SQL is ideal for working with large datasets and performing complex queries. Researchers and planners can use SQL to query geographic data to track trends in urbanization, evaluate the distribution of resources, and assess infrastructure needs across Oman’s regions. SQL also supports spatial queries, enabling detailed analysis of geographic features such as urban growth, natural resource allocation, and transportation patterns.

- **JSON (JavaScript Object Notation):** JSON is a lightweight format widely used in web applications and dynamic systems. By offering geographic data in JSON, developers can create interactive web tools and real-time systems that allow users to explore Oman’s geography and urban development. JSON’s flexibility and ease of integration make it an ideal format for interactive maps and online platforms that display live updates on population, infrastructure, and other metrics.

- **XML (Extensible Markup Language):** XML is a versatile format ideal for storing and sharing complex, hierarchical geographic data. It is especially useful for managing and organizing large datasets, such as administrative divisions, transportation networks, and environmental data. XML ensures that data can be exchanged and processed across different platforms, supporting collaborative projects and large-scale research efforts.

By providing data in these various formats, the geographic data on Oman’s cities and regions can be seamlessly integrated into research projects, urban planning models, and environmental monitoring tools. This flexibility ensures that the data can be used in a variety of contexts, from government planning to scientific research.

A Comprehensive Database for Oman’s Geography

For anyone interested in studying the geography of Oman, access to a comprehensive and detailed database is essential. This database should include essential information on the cities, regions, and departments of Oman, along with latitude and longitude coordinates, population figures, and infrastructure data. With such a database, researchers, planners, and policymakers can examine the relationships between urbanization, resource distribution, and environmental factors.

For instance, comparing data from Muscat with other major cities like Nizwa or Salalah can provide valuable insights into regional differences in terms of infrastructure, economic activities, and population density. Understanding how these urban areas interact with Oman’s natural environment is key for designing effective policies and ensuring balanced development.

Furthermore, offering the geographic data in multiple formats—CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML—ensures that it can be applied to a wide range of research, analysis, and planning needs. Whether for analyzing regional disparities, tracking urban expansion, or developing sustainable infrastructure projects, this data provides a foundation for evidence-based decision-making and future planning.


Oman’s diverse geography, from its mountain ranges to its coastal cities and vast deserts, presents unique opportunities and challenges for geographers and urban planners. By obtaining accurate geographic data on the cities, regions, and departments—including their latitude and longitude coordinates—researchers and policymakers can gain a deeper understanding of the country’s spatial dynamics. Offering this data in flexible formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML ensures that it is accessible and adaptable for a variety of purposes, from infrastructure development to environmental conservation. A data-driven approach to understanding Oman’s geography helps inform sustainable development, urban planning, and resource management, guiding the country toward a balanced and prosperous future.

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With the aim of delivering reliable information, based on quality sources such as Geoname, we, a team of passionate geographers, have created this site. To enable you to obtain databases at very competitive prices.