Qatar cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 20 January 2025.

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Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Qatar. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 177 places in Qatar that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Qatar is Doha.

289682Ra’s Abū FinţāsRa’s Abu Fintas,Ra’s Abū Finţās,ras aabu fintas,رَأْس أَبُو فِنْطَاسQABaladīyat ad Dawḩah25.2040151.617640Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289863As Sulaymī al GharbīAs Sulaymi Khalifah Bin Hamad,As Sulaymi al Gharbi,As Sulaymī Khalīfah Bin Ḩamad,As Sulaymī al Gharbī,aalsulaymi khalifat bin hamad,alslymy alghrby,السليمي الغربي,اَلسُّلَيْمِي خَلِيفَة بِن حَمَدQAAl Khor25.8680151.202630Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289959Al KhīsahAl Khisah,Al Khīsah,aalkhisat,alkhyst,الخيسة,اَلْخِيسَةQABaladīyat az̧ Z̧a‘āyin25.4164451.459050Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442547An NaşrānīyahAn Nasraniyah,An Naşrānīyah,alnsranyt,النصرانيةQAAl-Shahaniya25.40751.076940Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289913Al WukayrAl Wukair,Al Wukayr,aalwukayr,alwkyr,الوكير,اَلْوُكَيْرQAAl Wakrah25.1510751.537185146Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11206523Jarayān al BaţnahJarayan al Batnah,Jarayān al Baţnah,jryan albtnt,جريان البطنةQABaladīyat ar Rayyān25.107851.152980Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289603Umm al ‘AmadUmm al `Amad,Umm al ‘Amad,أم العمد,أُمّ اَلْعَمَدQABaladīyat Umm Şalāl25.4906551.39770Asia/Qatarpopulated place
290009Al BuraythātAl Buraydat,Al Buraydāt,Al Buraythat,Al Buraythāt,albrythat,alburaydat,البريثات,البُرَيْدَاتQAAl-Shahaniya25.4589450.956780Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11206633Jumaylīyat an Na‘īmJumayliyat an Na`im,Jumaylīyat an Na‘īm,جميلية النعيمQAAl-Shahaniya25.6341351.080780Asia/Qatarpopulated place
443240Abū KharābAbu Kharab,Abū Kharāb,aabu kharab,أَبُو خَرَابQAAl Khor25.709851.589710Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289516Umm ‘UbayrīyahUmm A’birieh,Umm A’birieh,Umm `Abiriyah,Umm `Ubayriyad,Umm `Ubayriyah,Umm ‘Ubayrīyad,Umm ‘Ubayrīyah,Umm ‘Ābirīyah,أم عبيرية,أُمّ عَابِرِيَّةQABaladīyat Umm Şalāl25.4936651.375440Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289604Umm al Afā‘īUmm al Afa`i,Umm al Afā‘ī,أم الأفاعي,أُمّ اَلأَفَاعِيQABaladīyat ar Rayyān25.3587951.333570Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289975Al JumaylīyahAl Jamaliya,Al Jamliyah,Al Jamlīyah,Al Jumaliyah,Al Jumayliyah,Al Jumaylīyah,Jimaliyah,Jimalīyah,aaljumayliat,aljmylyt,الجميلية,اَلْجُمَيْلِيَّةQAAl-Shahaniya25.6106851.091081788Asia/Qatarpopulated place
443259Umm al Quhāb al QadīmahUmm al Quhab al Qadimah,Umm al Quhab al `Atiq,Umm al Quhāb al Qadīmah,Umm al Quhāb al ‘Atīq,am alqhab alqdymt,أم القهاب القديمة,أُمّ القُهَاب العَتِيقQAAl-Shahaniya25.500650.979550Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289978Al JubaylAl Jubayl,aaljubayl,اَلْجُبَيْلQAAl Khor25.7013351.585410Asia/Qatarpopulated place
443255Umm QarnAbu Qarn,Abū Qarn,Umm Qarn,aabu qarn,am qrn,أم قرن,أَبُو قَرْنQAAl-Shahaniya25.2989951.005360Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11205982Umm al MaqārīnUmm al Maqarin,Umm al Maqārīn,am almqaryn,أم المقارينQAAl-Shahaniya25.1702151.185510Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289569Umm al QuhābUmm al Qahab,Umm al Qahāb,Umm al Quhab,Umm al Quhāb,am alqhab,aum aalquhab,أم القهاب,أُمّ اَلْقُهَابQAAl-Shahaniya25.3741151.293330Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289888Ar RayyānAl Raiyan,Al Rayyan,Ar Rayyan,Ar Rayyān,Raiyan,alryan,ar-Rayyan,الريانQABaladīyat ar Rayyān25.2919451.42444272465Asia/Qatarseat of a first-order administrative division
289532Umm QarnUmm Jurn,Umm Qarn,am qrn,aum jurn,aum qarn,أم قرن,أُمّ جُرْن,أُمّ قَرْنQABaladīyat az̧ Z̧a‘āyin25.5526751.4310Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289739Madīnat ash ShamālMadinat ash Shamal,Madīnat ash Shamāl,mdynt alshmal,مدينة الشمالQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.1293351.20095267Asia/Qatarseat of a first-order administrative division
406683Az ZighābAz Zighab,Az Zighāb,Zaghab,Zaghāb,alzghab,zaghab,الزغاب,زَغَابQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.1077851.239650Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442524Muḩayriqat Janūb aş Şu‘lūkīyahMuhayriqah,Muhayriqat Janub as Su`lukiyah,Muḩayriqah,Muḩayriqat Janūb aş Şu‘lūkīyah,muhayriqat,محيرقة جنوب الصعلوكية,مُحَيْرِقَةQAAl Khor25.809451.056080Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11207338Umm ‘AnīqUmm `Aniq,Umm ‘Anīq,أم عنيقQAAl Khor25.713951.531570Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289962Al KhawrAl Khawr,Al Khor,Al’-Khor,Al-Chaur,Al-Khaur,Chauras,Khaur Shaqiq,Khaur al-Mahanidah,Khawr Shaqiq,Khawr Shaqīq,Khor,Khor Shaqiq,Khor Shaqīq,Khor-al-Mahandah,Khor-al-Mahāndah,Municipio de Jor,Shakik,alkhwr,alkhwr waldkhyrh,alkhwr waldkhyrt,alkoleu,Аль-Хор,Хор,الخور,الخور و الدخیرہ,الخور والدخيرة,الخور والدخیره,알코르QAAl Khor25.6838951.5058318923Asia/Qatarseat of a first-order administrative division
289915Al WakrahAl Wakrah,Al Waqra,Al Waqrah,Wakra,Wakrah,Waqra,alwkrt,الوكرةQAAl Wakrah25.1715151.6033726436Asia/Qatarseat of a first-order administrative division
289877Ash ShīḩānīyahAl Shahaniyah,Ash Shahaniyah,Ash Shayhaniyah,Ash Shayḩānīyah,Ash Shaḩānīyah,Ash Shihaniyah,Ash Shīḩānīyah,aalshahaniat,alshyhanyt,الشيحانية,اَلشَّحَانِيَّةQAAl-Shahaniya25.3708851.222648380Asia/Qatarseat of a first-order administrative division
289847Az̧ Z̧a‘āyinAd Da`ayin,Al Da`ain,Al Da‘ain,Al Dha’Sin,Al Dha’Sin,Az Za`a’in,Az Za`ayim,Az Za`ayin,Az̧ Z̧a‘āyim,Az̧ Z̧a‘āyin,Az̧ Z̧a‘ā’in,Aḑ Ḑa‘āyin,Dha`ain,Dha`an,Dha‘ain,Dha‘an,Edh Dha’ain,Edh Dha’ain,الضعاين,الظعاينQABaladīyat az̧ Z̧a‘āyin25.5774451.483060Asia/Qatarseat of a first-order administrative division
442533Umm BirkahUmm Birkah,am brkt,aum birkat,أم بركة,أُمّ بِرْكَةQAAl Khor25.747251.450820Asia/Qatarpopulated place
10371855Al ‘UţūrīyahAl `Uturiyah,Al ‘Uţūrīyah,العطوريةQAAl-Shahaniya25.5129451.211380Asia/Qatarpopulated place
12219681Jarī KhabābJari Khabab,Jarī Khabāb,jry khbab,جري خبابQABaladīyat Umm Şalāl25.5061951.383650Asia/Qatarpopulated place
398806Abū SamrahAbu Samrah,Abū Samrah,abw smrt,أبو سمرةQABaladīyat ar Rayyān24.743750.83174938Asia/Qatarpopulated place
393295Umm QurūnAl Maqran,Umm Qurun,Umm Qurūn,aalmaqran,aum qurun,أُمّ قُرُون,اَلْمَقْرَنQABaladīyat ar Rayyān25.2335851.330430Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11207875Gharāfat ar RayyānGharafat ar Rayyan,Gharāfat ar Rayyān,ghraft alryan,غرافة الريانQAAl-Shahaniya25.2383551.246170Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289625SumaysimahAs Sumaisma,Somaismah,Sumaisima,Sumaisimah,Sumaisma,Sumaismah,Sumaysimah,smysmt,sumaysimat,سميسمة,سُمَيْسِمَةQABaladīyat az̧ Z̧a‘āyin25.5782351.483190Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11208399‘Adhbah ash Shamālīyah`Adhbah al Jadidah,`Adhbah ash Shamaliyah,عذبة الشمالية,‘Adhbah al Jadīdah,‘Adhbah ash ShamālīyahQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.0709851.304530Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289568Aş Şunay‘As Sunay`,Aş Şunay‘,Umm al Quhab,Umm al Quhab `Abd Allah Bin Nasir,Umm al Quhāb,Umm al Quhāb ‘Abd Allāh Bin Nāşir,أُمّ القُهَاب عَبْد اللَّٰه بِن نَاصِر,الصنيعQAAl-Shahaniya25.492750.96480Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289530Umm QaynUmm Qayn,aum qayn,أُمّ قَيْنQAAl Khor25.7129151.498870Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11207760Al BāhiyahAl Bahiyah,Al Bāhiyah,albahyt,الباهيةQAAl Wakrah25.1282951.418590Asia/Qatarpopulated place
406674Al Wa‘bAl Wa`b,Al Wa‘b,اَلْوَعْبQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.1156151.226030Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11207583Burj BarzānBurj Barzan,Burj Barzān,brj brzan,برج برزانQABaladīyat Umm Şalāl25.5246951.303650Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289749Al Kharsa‘ahAl Kharsa`ah,Al Kharsa‘ah,Al Khursa`ah,Al Khursa‘ah,Khursa`at al Bahat,Khursa‘at al Bahat,الخرسعة,اَلْخُرْسَعَةQAAl-Shahaniya25.2673850.967940Asia/Qatarpopulated place
12219790Mu‘aydhir al MashāfMu`aydhir al Mashaf,Mu‘aydhir al Mashāf,معيذر المشافQAAl-Shahaniya25.4180451.263990Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442536As SāmirīyahAs Samiriyah,As Sāmirīyah,aalsaamiriat,اَلسَّامِرِيَّةQAAl-Shahaniya25.4913151.222390Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11206340Al ‘ĀmirīyahAl `Amiriyah,Al ‘Āmirīyah,العامريةQABaladīyat ar Rayyān24.8216351.076730Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11206506Umm QarnUmm Qarn,am qrn,أم قرنQABaladīyat ar Rayyān25.0929751.133210Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289997Al GhārīyahAl Ghariyah,Al Ghariyeh,Al Ghārīyah,Ghariyah,Ghārīyah,aalghariat,algharyt,الغارية,اَلْغَارِيَّةQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.0799651.357450Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289973Al Qa‘ābīyahAl Ka`biyah,Al Ka‘bīyah,Al Qa`abiyah,Al Qa‘ābīyah,القعابية,اَلْقَعَابِيَّة,اَلْكَعْبِيَّةQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.0696851.245310Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289813DukhānAl Khathiyah,Dukhan,Dukhkhan,Dukhkhān,Dukhān,Ghariyat Adkhan,Ghariyat Dukhan,Ghāriyat Adkhān,Ghāriyat Dukhān,dukhan,دُخَانQAAl-Shahaniya25.4248550.782277250Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289873As SamrīyahAs Samiriyah,As Samriyah,As Samrīyah,As Sāmirīyah,aalsaamiriat,alsmryt,السمرية,اَلسَّامِرِيَّةQAAl-Shahaniya25.3646451.28070Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289741LishāLisha,Lishā,Līshā,lisha,lsha,لشا,لِيشَاQAMadīnat ash Shamāl25.9578451.071630Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289606Umm al AbāriqUmm al Abarig,Umm al Abariq,Umm al Abāriq,aum aalaabariq,أُمّ اَلأَبَارِقQABaladīyat Umm Şalāl25.4774851.360710Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289525Musay‘īdMesaieed,Musay`id,Musay‘īd,Umm Sa’id,Umm Sa`ad,Umm Sa‘ad,Umm Sa‘īd,أم سعيد,مسيعيدQAAl Wakrah24.9922651.550675769Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442552Sahlat al MarkhAs Sahlah,Sahlat al Markh,aalsahlat,shlt almrkh,اَلسَّهْلَة,سهلة المرخQAAl-Shahaniya25.161851.164570Asia/Qatarpopulated place
12219824Umm QarīnUmm Qarin,Umm Qarīn,am qryn,ام قرينQAAl Khor25.6092551.390320Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289559Umm aş ŞuwabUmm as Suwab,Umm aş Şuwab,aum aalsuwab,أُمّ اَلصُّوَبQABaladīyat ar Rayyān25.0686451.078170Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289565Umm ash ShubrumUmm ash Shubrum,aum aalshubrum,أُمّ اَلشُّبْرُمQAAl-Shahaniya25.1638651.221320Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289716Mu‘aydhir Rawḑat RāshidMu`aydhir,Mu`aydhir Abu ad Dawm,Mu`aydhir Rawdat Rashid,Mu‘aydhir,Mu‘aydhir Abū ad Dawm,Mu‘aydhir Rawḑat Rāshid,معيذر روضة راشد,مُعَيْذِر أَبُو اَلدَّوْمQABaladīyat ar Rayyān25.261751.396840Asia/Qatarpopulated place
406687Umm aş ŞūfUmm as Suf,Umm aş Şūf,am alswf,aum aalsuwf,أم الصوف,أُمّ اَلصُّوفQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.0714651.210830Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442537Abū ŞuwayyAbu Suwayy,Abū Şuwayy,aabu suay,أَبُو صُوَيّQAAl-Shahaniya25.69751.259750Asia/Qatarpopulated place
290014Al ‘ArīshAl `Arish,Al `Uraysh,Al ‘Arīsh,Al ‘Uraysh,`Araish,العريش,اَلْعَرِيش,‘AraishQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.0510251.056890Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289884Ar RuwaysAr Ru’ays,Ar Ruwais,Ar Ruways,Ar Ru’ays,Ruwais,aalruways,alrwys,الرويس,اَلرُّؤَيْسQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.1397851.214933334Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289879Ash ShafallaḩīyahAsh Shafallahiyah,Ash Shafallaḩīyah,Shafilahiyah,aalshafalahiat,اَلشَّفَلَّحِيَّةQAAl Khor25.6492351.369530Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442528Al KhurayşAl Khurays,Al Khurayş,aalkhurays,alkhrys,الخريص,اَلْخُرَيْصQAAl Khor25.8569451.435830Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289592Umm al ‘Iz̧āmUmm al `Izam,Umm al ‘Iz̧ām,أُمّ اَلْعِظَامQAAl-Shahaniya25.3127151.004510Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289968Al KharrārahAl Kharrarah,Al Kharrārah,aalkharaarat,alkhrart,الخرارة,اَلْخَرَّارَةQAAl Wakrah24.9032551.17582179Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11206491Al WusaylAl Wusayl,alwsyl,الوسيلQABaladīyat ar Rayyān24.9722150.986230Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289995Al GhashshāmīyahAl Ghashamiya,Al Ghashamiyah,Al Ghashshamiyah,Al Ghashshāmīyah,Al Ghashāmīyah,Ghashamiyah,Ghashāmīyah,aalghashaamiat,alghshamyt,الغشامية,اَلْغَشَّامِيَّةQAMadīnat ash Shamāl25.9851351.32830Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289955Al KhuraybAl Khurayb,alkhurayb,الخُرَيْبQAAl-Shahaniya25.4356851.220190Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11206632Jumaylīyat ash ShahwānJumayliyat ash Shahwan,Jumaylīyat ash Shahwān,jmylyt alshhwan,جميلية الشهوانQAAl-Shahaniya25.6201651.08270Asia/Qatarpopulated place
12219679Abā an NajmAba an Najm,Abā an Najm,aba alnjm,ابا النجمQABaladīyat Umm Şalāl25.5340451.369920Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289550Umm az Zubār ash SharqīyahUmm az Zabar,Umm az Zubar,Umm az Zubar ash Sharqiyah,Umm az Zubār,Umm az Zubār ash Sharqīyah,am alzbar alshrqyt,aum aalzubar,أم الزبار الشرقية,أُمّ اَلزُّبَارQAAl-Shahaniya25.1749351.278240Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289859As SuwayḩilīyahAl Suwaihiliya,Al Suwaihiliyah,Al Suwaiḩiliya,As Suwayhiliyah,As Suwayḩilīyah,Suwaihaliyah,Suwaihalīyah,aalsuwayhiliat,alswyhlyt,السويحلية,اَلسُّوَيْحِلِيَّةQAAl-Shahaniya25.7667351.018280Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289985Al ḨasanīyahAl Hasaniyah,Al Husayniyah,Al Hussainiyah,Al Ḩasanīyah,Al Ḩusaynīyah,aalhusayniat,alhsnyt,الحسنية,اَلْحُسَيْنِيَّةQAAl-Shahaniya25.3398451.295820Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289922Jaww al ‘UwaynahAl `Uwaynah,Al ‘Uwaynah,Jaww al `Uwaynah,Jaww al ‘Uwaynah,العُوَيْنَة,جو العوينةQAAl-Shahaniya25.4466250.958150Asia/Qatarpopulated place
12219791Mu‘aydhir ad DasmMu`aydhir ad Dasm,Mu‘aydhir ad Dasm,معيذر الدسمQAAl-Shahaniya25.3916251.268360Asia/Qatarpopulated place
443253Umm aḑ Ḑa‘ah KhawzānKhawzan,Khawzān,Umm ad Da`ah Khawzan,Umm aḑ Ḑa‘ah Khawzān,khawzan,أم الضعة خوزان,خَوْزَانQAAl-Shahaniya25.4803150.940520Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289862As Sulaymī Suḩaym Bin ḨamadAs Sulaymi Suhaym Bin Hamad,As Sulaymī Suḩaym Bin Ḩamad,aalsulaymi suhaym bin hamad,اَلسُّلَيْمِي سُحَيْم بِن حَمَدQAAl Khor25.8811251.179180Asia/Qatarpopulated place
12219687Abū QarnAbu Qarn,Abū Qarn,abw qrn,ابو قرنQABaladīyat Umm Şalāl25.4307951.345980Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11205933As Sahlah ash ShamālīyahAs Sahlah ash Shamaliyah,As Sahlah ash Shamālīyah,alshlt alshmalyt,السهلة الشماليةQAAl-Shahaniya25.1777851.162040Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289523Umm Şalāl MuḩammadUmm Salal Mohammad,Umm Salal Muhammad,Umm Ses Salal,Umm Silal Mohammed,Umm Slal Mohammed,Umm es Salal,Umm es Slal,Umm Şalāl Muḩammad,am slal mhmd,aum salaal muhamad,أم صلال محمد,أُمّ صَلاَل مُحَمَّدQABaladīyat Umm Şalāl25.4152451.4064729391Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289857Ath ThaqabAl Thagab,Al Thaqab,Ath Thagab Oasis,Ath Thaghab,Ath Thaqab,Thaghab,aalthaqab,اَلثَّقَبQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.0315351.115120Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442521As Sulaymī ash SharqīAs Sulaymi Qasim Bin Hamad,As Sulaymi ash Sharqi,As Sulaymī Qāsim Bin Ḩamad,As Sulaymī ash Sharqī,aalsulaymi qasim bin hamad,alslymy alshrqy,السليمي الشرقي,اَلسُّلَيْمِي قَاسِم بِن حَمَدQAAl Khor25.8831551.219740Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289869Makīn al FatīyahAs Sidriyah,As Sidrīyah,Makin,Makin al Fatiyah,Makīn,Makīn al Fatīyah,Sidriyat Makin,Sidrīyat Makīn,aalsidriat,makin,mkyn alftyt,sidriat makin,اَلسِّدْرِيَّة,سِدْرِيَّة مَكِين,مكين الفتية,مَكِينQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.0329351.16470Asia/Qatarpopulated place
290039Abū SidrahAbu Sidrah,Abū Sidrah,Bu Sidrah,Busidreh,Bū Sidrah,aabu sidrat,abw sdrt,bu sidrat,أبو سدرة,أَبُو سِدْرَة,بُو سِدْرَةQAAl-Shahaniya25.725151.001920Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442531SimsimahSimsimah,simsimat,smsmt,سمسمة,سِمْسِمَةQAAl Khor25.7950851.404790Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289917Al WabrahAl Wabrah,aalwabrat,alwbrt,الوبرة,اَلْوَبْرَةQAAl-Shahaniya25.3390551.173330Asia/Qatarpopulated place
290030DohaAd Dawha,Ad Dawhah,Ad Dawḩa,Ad Dawḩah,Ad Doha,Ad Dowhah,Ad-Dauha,Ad-Dawhah,Ad-Dawḩah,DOH,Daeuha,Dauha,Dauhá,Dawha,Dawhat al Qatar,Dawḥa,Dawḩat al Qaţar,Dewhe,Do’ha,Doh,Doha,Doho,Dokha,Dokhae,Dokho,Dooxa,Doʻha,Doḥa,Duoha,Däuha,Ntocha,aaldawhat,aldwhh,aldwht,deaha,do ha,doha,dohara,duo ha,dwhh,toka,Ντόχα,Дохæ,Доха,Дохо,Доҳа,Доһа,Դոհա,דאכא,דוחא,דוחה,الدوحة,الدوحه,اَلدَّوْحَة,دوحه,دوحہ,دوحە,دوھا,دەوحە,दोहा,দোহা,দোহার,ਦੋਹਾ,தோகா,ದೊಹಾ,ദോഹ,โดฮา,དྷོ་ཧ།,ဒိုဟာမြို့,დოჰა,ዶሃ,ドーハ,多哈,도하QABaladīyat ad Dawḩah25.2854551.53096344939Asia/Qatarcapital of a political entity
442529Mazra‘at al MājidahAl Majidah,Al Mājidah,Mazra`at al Majidah,Mazra‘at al Mājidah,aalmajidat,اَلْمَاجِدَة,مزرعة الماجدةQAAl Khor25.8726751.25780Asia/Qatarpopulated place
393296Wādī JallālWadi Jallal,Wādī Jallāl,wadi jalaal,وَادِي جَلاَّلQAAl Wakrah25.030651.276110Asia/Qatarpopulated place
290020‘AdhbahAdhbah,Al `Adhbah,Al ‘Adhbah,`Adhbah,اَلْعَذْبَة,عذبة,‘AdhbahQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.0515151.318740Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289698Nu‘ayjahAn Nu`ayiah,An Nu‘ayiah,Na’aijah,Naeeja,Naeejeh,Na’aijah,Nu`aija,Nu`auah,Nu`ayjah,Nu‘aija,Nu‘auah,Nu‘ayjah,نُعَيْجَةQABaladīyat ad Dawḩah25.2461751.532270Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289520Rawḑat ShamīmRawdat Shamim,Rawḑat Shamīm,Umm Shamim,Umm Shamīm,aum shamim,rwdt shmym,أُمّ شَمِيم,روضة شميمQAAl-Shahaniya25.2266151.176080Asia/Qatarpopulated place
406682Umm ŞabbāḩUmm Sabbah,Umm Şabbāḩ,aum sabaah,أُمّ صَبَّاحQAMadīnat ash Shamāl26.1109451.189660Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442541Tinbak ash Sharqīyah al QadīmahTinbak,Tinbak ash Sharqiyah al Qadimah,Tinbak ash Sharqīyah al Qadīmah,tinbak,tnbk alshrqyt alqdymt,تنبك الشرقية القديمة,تِنْبَكQABaladīyat az̧ Z̧a‘āyin25.6111951.472330Asia/Qatarpopulated place
12219693Ath ThamīdAth Thamid,Ath Thamīd,althmyd,الثميدQABaladīyat ar Rayyān25.3565851.37920Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289963Al KhaţţīyahAl Khatiyah,Al Khattiyah,Al Khaţīyah,Al Khaţţīyah,alkhatiyat,الخَطِّيَّةQAAl-Shahaniya25.4186750.787580Asia/Qatarpopulated place
289545Umm GhuwaylīnahUmm Ghuwaylina,Umm Ghuwaylinah,Umm Ghuwaylīnah,Umm Ghuwaylīnā,aum ghuaylinat,أُمّ غُوَيْلِينَةQAAl-Shahaniya25.5871651.149860Asia/Qatarpopulated place
11207267Ar RuḩayyahAr Ruhayyah,Ar Ruḩayyah,alrhyt,الرحيةQABaladīyat az̧ Z̧a‘āyin25.6406351.463130Asia/Qatarpopulated place
442553MukaynisMukaynis,mukaynis,مُكَيْنِسQABaladīyat ar Rayyān25.1224351.217750Asia/Qatarpopulated place

**Unveiling Qatar: Exploring the Geographical Dynamics**

Nestled on the northeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar stands as a testament to the fusion of modernity and tradition amidst a unique geographical landscape. As a geographer delves into the quest for data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, a narrative of dynamic urbanization, environmental challenges, and cultural heritage unfolds, offering insights into the multifaceted identity of this small yet significant nation.

Urban Centers of Qatar: The Pulse of Modernity**

Qatar's cities are not merely urban centers but bustling hubs of commerce, culture, and innovation. From the vibrant capital of Doha, with its towering skyscrapers and bustling souqs, to the historic town of Al Wakrah and the burgeoning city of Al Khor, each urban center offers a glimpse into the country's rapid urbanization and economic growth. Acquiring data on these cities unveils their demographic trends, economic activities, and cultural landmarks, painting a vivid picture of Qatar's urban landscape amidst the arid desert terrain.

Regions and Departments of Qatar: Navigating the Desert Plains**

Beyond the cities, Qatar's regions and departments showcase the country's diverse geographical features, from the sandy deserts of the interior to the pristine coastline along the Arabian Gulf. From the sprawling expanses of the North and South Shamal regions to the cultural heritage sites of Al Daayen and Umm Salal, each region boasts its own unique landscape and cultural significance. Gathering data on these regions provides valuable insights into land use patterns, environmental conservation efforts, and the preservation of Qatar's natural heritage amidst rapid urban development.

Latitude and Longitude of Qatar: Mapping the Desert Terrain**

For a geographer, obtaining precise latitude and longitude data for each city of Qatar is essential for understanding its geographical layout and spatial distribution. These coordinates serve as navigational tools, guiding explorers through the country's vast desert terrain and cultural landmarks. From the majestic sand dunes of the Inland Sea to the mangrove forests of Al Thakhira and the rocky outcrops of Jebel Jassassiyeh, each point on the map signifies a unique geographical feature and cultural landmark, shaping Qatar's identity as a land of contrasts and cultural diversity.

Conclusion: Embracing Qatar's Geographical Tapestry**

In the pursuit of data on Qatar's cities, regions, and geographical coordinates, a deeper narrative emerges — one of geographical diversity, cultural heritage, and urban development. It is a narrative that celebrates the country's modernity, while also acknowledging the challenges of environmental sustainability and cultural preservation. As a geographer, unraveling this tapestry of geographical dynamics is not just a scholarly pursuit but a journey of discovery and appreciation for the unique complexities of Qatar's landscape and cultural heritage.

Qatar beckons — a land of exploration, innovation, and cultural richness, waiting to be understood, cherished, and celebrated for its geographical marvels and cultural treasures.

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Download data files for Qatar's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Geographical Exploration of Qatar: Unlocking Its Cities and Spatial Data

Qatar, a country of intrigue, presents itself as an eclectic mix of modernity and tradition. The nation’s rapidly growing infrastructure, combined with its unique geographical layout, makes it an exciting subject of study for geographers and data enthusiasts alike. This article explores the geographical essence of Qatar, with a particular focus on its cities, regions, and the data that defines them. Whether you're involved in urban planning, data science, or simply intrigued by Qatar's spatial dynamics, this exploration offers the opportunity to obtain valuable insights into the country’s cities and their intricate connections to the surrounding regions.

Mapping Qatar: The Heart of the Arabian Peninsula

Qatar sits at the northeastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, bordered by the Persian Gulf on three sides. The country is characterized by its flat terrain, arid climate, and coastal deserts, but also by a bustling capital city—Doha—that acts as both the political and economic center of the nation. Beyond Doha, Qatar is divided into several municipalities, each with its unique geographical attributes and urban features. The geographical distribution of cities across these municipalities reflects the varying levels of development, from the ultra-modern skyline of the capital to the more rural areas in the southern parts.

Cities of Qatar: Regional Data and Urban Dynamics

Qatar is divided into eight main municipalities, with each city serving a distinct purpose in the national landscape. The cities are often characterized by their proximity to key infrastructure, whether ports, oilfields, or educational institutions. For instance, Doha, the largest city, is not only the cultural and business hub but also a geographical anchor that ties the various regions of Qatar together. Each of these cities has its own set of administrative divisions, including regions and departments, which are essential for understanding the spatial and demographic distribution of the country.

As you delve deeper into the geographical structure of Qatar, you will notice that these cities and their regions form a complex network, each influenced by historical, economic, and political factors. Understanding this network requires access to granular data about the cities, including information on their specific regions and departments.

Accessing Spatial Data: A Gateway to Understanding Qatar's Geography

To truly grasp the geography of Qatar, one must have access to detailed spatial data that covers the cities, their regions, and their departments. Geographical data is not merely about points on a map; it’s about understanding the relationships between these points and how they shape the development of the country.

By obtaining the latitude and longitude of each city in Qatar, along with additional data about their regions and departments, geographers and urban planners can create highly detailed maps that reflect both the physical and administrative realities of the country. This data serves as the foundation for many analytical projects, from urban growth projections to environmental studies and infrastructure development.

Such data can be collected in various formats, including CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML. These formats are widely used for their ease of integration into geographic information systems (GIS) and other data analysis platforms, allowing for dynamic, real-time exploration of Qatar’s cities. For example, the latitude and longitude coordinates of each city can be integrated into mapping software to generate interactive maps that allow users to explore the geographical relationships between different cities and regions.

Why Geographical Data Matters: Practical Applications in Qatar

The geographical data of Qatar is not only useful for academic purposes; it also has significant practical applications. Urban planning and resource management, for instance, rely heavily on precise geographic information to ensure sustainable development and efficient distribution of resources. By understanding the spatial data of Qatar's cities and regions, planners can make informed decisions about where to invest in infrastructure, public services, and transportation networks.

Furthermore, businesses looking to enter the Qatari market can leverage this data to identify key areas for growth and expansion. Understanding the geographical layout of Qatar, from its urban centers to rural areas, helps businesses make strategic decisions about where to set up operations or target specific demographics.

Obtaining and Using Qatar’s Geographic Data

For those looking to explore Qatar’s geography in greater detail, it’s essential to access accurate and up-to-date data about the country’s cities and regions. Through a comprehensive database, one can obtain crucial information on each city's geographical coordinates, administrative boundaries, and much more. This data is invaluable for anyone involved in geographic research, spatial analysis, or planning projects related to Qatar.

By accessing the data in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, users can seamlessly integrate this information into various platforms for further analysis. These data formats are flexible and adaptable, making it easy to manipulate and visualize the information according to specific needs.


Qatar’s geography offers a fascinating study, with its dynamic cities and regions forming a complex web of interconnected spaces. The ability to access detailed geographical data about the country is crucial for anyone interested in understanding the spatial relationships that shape its development. From urban planning to business strategy, the applications of this data are vast. Whether you're a geographer, urban planner, or data analyst, having access to accurate and comprehensive data about Qatar’s cities—down to their latitude and longitude—opens up new opportunities for exploration and insight into one of the most rapidly evolving countries in the world.

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