Jordan cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 19 January 2025.

Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Jordan. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 1172 places in Jordan that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Jordan is Amman.

246338Umm al WalīdUm el Walid,Um el Walīd,Umm al Walid,Umm al Walīd,Umm el Walid,Umm el Walīd,am alwlyd,أم الوليدJOAmman31.6479635.894310Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11241637Al Yusrá al JadīdahAl Yusra al Jadidah,Al Yusrá al Jadīdah,alysry aljdydt,اليسرى الجديدةJOMadaba31.7378835.761560Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11129558FaqārisFaqaris,Faqāris,fqars,فقارسJOIrbid32.264335.603350Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250247Aş ŞawāliḩahAs Sawalihah,Aş Şawāliḩah,Es Sawaliha,Eṣ Ṣawāliḥa,alswalht,الصوالحةJOBalqa32.1828135.62240Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250739Al Bunayyāt al JanūbīyahAl Bunayyat,Al Bunayyat al Janubiyah,Al Bunayyāt,Al Bunayyāt al Janūbīyah,Beneyat,Buneiyat,Buneiyāt,El Buneiyat Janubiah,El Buneiyat South,albnyat aljnwbyt,البنيّات الجنوبيةJOAmman31.87935.888160Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250084Zumlat aţ TarqīAz Zumlah,Ez Zumla,Zumlat at Tarqi,Zumlat aţ Tarqī,zmlt altrqy,زملة الطرقيJOMafraq32.4647136.216880Asia/Ammanpopulated place
8560120Uraynibah ash SharqīyahUraynibah ash Sharqiyah,Uraynibah ash Sharqīyah,arynbt alshrqyt,أرينبة الشرقيةJOAmman31.6470935.978870Asia/Ammanpopulated place
246430Umm ad DajājUm ed Dajaj,Um ed Dajāj,Umm ad Dajaj,Umm ad Dajāj,am aldjaj,أم الدجاجJOKarak31.2162335.658190Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12141858Khallat WardahKhallat Wardah,khlt wrdt,خلة وردةJOAjlun32.3733835.76560Asia/Ammanpopulated place
246725SūfSuf,Sūf,swf,سوفJOJerash32.3137235.8371312942Asia/Ammanpopulated place
249498FayfāFayfa,Fayfa’,Fayfā,Fayfā’,Fifa,Fifah,Fifi,Fīfah,Fīfā,fyfa,فيفاJOKarak30.9359335.451360Asia/Ammanpopulated place
7015869Al Ma‘mūrahAl Ma`murah,Al Ma‘mūrah,المعمورةJOKarak30.9187435.46050Asia/Ammanpopulated place
247772NaḩlahNahla,Nahlah,Naḩlah,nhlt,نحلةJOJerash32.2744735.828940Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12141359Al ḨārithīyahAl Harithiyah,Al Ḩārithīyah,alharthyt,الحارثيةJOKarak31.0487735.687130Asia/Ammanpopulated place
246817Shūnat Ibn ‘AdwānShunat Ibn `Adwan,Shūnat Ibn ‘Adwān,shwnt abn ʿdwan,شونة ابن عدوانJOAmman31.8333335.80Asia/Ammanpopulated place
248728Kafr JāyizKafr Ja’iz,Kafr Jayiz,Kafr Jāyiz,Kafr Jā’iz,Kufr Jayez,Kufr Jayiz,Kufr Jāyiz,kfr jayz,كفر جايزJOIrbid32.6223735.828380Asia/Ammanpopulated place
245913ZaḩḩūmZahhum,Zahum,Zaḩḩūm,zhwm,زحومJOKarak31.1705335.761630Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12141644Umm al GhizlānUmm al Ghizlan,Umm al Ghizlān,am alghzlan,أم الغزلانJOIrbid32.4522735.862260Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250449Al YazīdīyahAl Yazidiyah,Al Yazīdīyah,El Yazidiya,El Yazīdīya,El Yesidiye,El Yezidiye,Khirbat el Yazidiya,Khirbat el `Azidiyeh,Khirbat el ‘Azidîyeh,alyzydyt,اليزيديةJOBalqa32.058635.774040Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11265431Al KhaşāşAl Khasas,Al Khaşāş,alkhsas,الخصاصJOBalqa31.7769935.597520Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250436‘AmmūrīyāKhirbat `Ammuriya,Khirbat ‘Ammūriya,`Ammuriya,عموريا,‘AmmūrīyāJOMadaba31.5604335.824840Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11264240Ar RaḩmānīyahAr Rahmaniyah,Ar Raḩmānīyah,alrhmanyt,الرحمانيةJOJerash32.1571535.869080Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10641282Al BustānahAl Bustanah,Al Bustānah,albstant,البستانةJOMafraq32.243236.528130Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250651Al ‘ĪsāwīyahAl `Isawiyah,Al ‘Īsāwīyah,El `Isawiya,El ‘Īsāwiya,العيساويةJOKarak31.0551435.662340Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250784Al ‘AdasīyahAdasiyah,Al `Adasiyah,Al ‘Adasīyah,El `Adasiye,El ‘Adasiye,`Adasiya,alʿdsyt,العدسية,‘AdasîyaJOIrbid32.6670635.624380Asia/Ammanpopulated place
407168Al ManākhirAl Manakhir,Al Manākhir,almnakhr,المناخرJOAmman31.8933336.077440Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12144811Al BīrahAl Birah,Al Bīrah,albyrt,البيرةJOZarqa32.1633336.003680Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11242674Al ‘ĀlīyahAl `Aliyah,Al ‘Ālīyah,العاليةJOMadaba31.5261535.777980Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11242583An NāmīyahAn Namiyah,An Nāmīyah,alnamyt,الناميةJOMadaba31.549335.673260Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11264489Al MaydānAl Maydan,Al Maydān,almydan,الميدانJOZarqa32.1348935.894260Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12141978Al MuşalláAl Musalla,Al Muşallá,almsly,المصلىJOJerash32.2993335.841150Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10861897Umm al MahābīshUmm al Mahabish,Umm al Mahābīsh,am almhabysh,أم المهابيشJOJerash32.2380135.933310Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250080Az ZuţţAz Zutt,Az Zuţţ,Ez ZuttJOKarak31.1938935.691390Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250089Az Zarrā‘ahAz Zarra`ah,Az Zarrā‘ah,Ez Zarra`a,Ez Zarrā‘a,Khirbat az Zarra`ah,Khirbat az Zarrā‘ah,Khirbat ez Zarra’a,Khirbat ez Zarrā’a,alzraʿt,الزراعة,الزّرّاعةJOAjlun32.2478235.720230Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10641030Al ‘ĀqibAl `Aqib,Al ‘Āqib,العاقبJOMafraq32.2739936.411040Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10861892Ţawāḩīn al ‘UdwānTawahin al `Udwan,Ţawāḩīn al ‘Udwān,طواحين العدوانJOZarqa32.1996635.989050Asia/Ammanpopulated place
248955‘Irāq al Amīr`Iraq al Amir,`Iraq el Amir,‘Iraq el Amīr,‘Irāq al AmīrJOAmman31.918735.755480Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10636659As Sa‘īdīyahAs Sa`idiyah,As Sa‘īdīyah,السعيديةJOMafraq32.271736.442280Asia/Ammanpopulated place
249527FārahFara,Farah,Fāra,Fārah,fart,فارةJOAjlun32.3643235.665290Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250650Al ‘IzzīyahAl `Azziyah,Al `Izziyah,Al ‘Azzīyah,Al ‘Izzīyah,El `Azziya,El ‘Azziya,alʿzyt,العزية,العزيّةJOIrbid32.5276135.601950Asia/Ammanpopulated place
251051Abū al LawqasAbu al Lawqas,Abu el Lauqas,Abu el-Luqas,Abū al Lawqas,Abū el Lauqas,abw allwqs,أبو اللوقسJOIrbid32.6358435.887460Asia/Ammanpopulated place
8560356Al MabrūkahAl Mabrukah,Al Mabrūkah,almbrwkt,المبروكةJOAmman31.6516535.929270Asia/Ammanpopulated place
248543Ar RuqqahAr Ruqqah,Khirbat ar Ruqqah,Khirbat er Ruqqa,alrqt,الرقةJOIrbid32.4645535.651510Asia/Ammanpopulated place
246966ŞarrūtSarrut,srwt,Şarrūt,صروتJOZarqa32.1455535.960690Asia/Ammanpopulated place
247925Al MukhayzinAl Mukhayzin,El Mukheizina,Khirbat al Mukhayzin,Khirbat el Mukheizin,almkhyzn,المخيزنJOMafraq32.2781836.117660Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250693Al ḨannānahAl Hannanah,Al Ḩannānah,Hannana,alhnant,الحنانة,ḤannānaJOTafielah30.7945435.594050Asia/Ammanpopulated place
248283Al MajdalāAl Majdala,Al Majdalā,Madjala,Majdala,Majdalā,Mejdela,almjdla,المجدلاJOBalqa31.9717335.692210Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11241790Al FāliḩahAl Falihah,Al Fāliḩah,alfalht,الفالحةJOMadaba31.6466435.775250Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11241272Al Quray‘ahAl Quray`ah,Al Quray‘ah,القريعةJOAmman31.8025335.815830Asia/Ammanpopulated place
248729Kafr HūdāKafr Huda,Kafr Hudah,Kafr Hūdah,Kafr Hūdā,Kufr Huda,Kufr Hude,Kufr Hūda,kfr hwda,كفر هوداJOBalqa32.0744835.70190Asia/Ammanpopulated place
249589Dulaylat al ḨamāyidahDeleilet el-Hemaide,Dulaylat al Hama’idah,Dulaylat al Hamayidah,Dulaylat al Ḩamāyidah,Dulaylat al Ḩamā’idah,Duleilat el Hamayida,Duleilat el Ḥamāyida,Duleilit el Hamayida,Duleilit el Hamāyida,Khirbat ed-Deleilat el-Gharbiyeh,Khirbat ed-Deleilât el-Gharbîyeh,dlylt alhmaydt,دليلة الحمايدةJOMadaba31.6193335.790580Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10630633Al ‘UrqūbAl `Urqub,Al ‘Urqūb,العرقوبJOMafraq32.4553136.188050Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11254322Al SuwaysahAl Suwaysah,alswyst,السويسةJOAmman31.9487835.764350Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11129562Wādī ar RayyānWadi ar Rayyan,Wādī ar Rayyān,wady alryan,وادي الريانJOIrbid32.3844735.585030Asia/Ammanpopulated place
245853ZimālZemal,Zimal,Zimāl,zmal,زمالJOIrbid32.5064535.735440Asia/Ammanpopulated place
249768DaḩlDahal,Dahel,Dahl,Daḩal,Daḩl,Khirbat Dahal,Khirbat Dahl,Khirbat Daḩl,dhl,دحلJOMafraq32.2734935.975180Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12144796Al QadamAl Qadam,alqdm,القدمJOMafraq32.3159936.070280Asia/Ammanpopulated place
246682SūmiyāSomia,Sumiya,Sūmiyā,swmya,سومياJOBalqa32.1606835.784320Asia/Ammanpopulated place
248382Ma’anAhamant,MPQ,Ma’an,Ma`an,Ma‘ān,معانJOMa’an30.1962435.7340550350Asia/Ammanseat of a first-order administrative division
248311Aş ŞafāwīAs Safawi,Aş Şafāwī,Mahattat al Hafif,Mahattat el Hafif,Maḥaṭṭat el Hafīf,Maḩaţţat al Ḩafīf,alsfawy,الصفاويJOMafraq32.1939837.121950Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12142168Zaqrīţ al FawqāZaqrit al Fawqa,Zaqrīţ al Fawqā,zqryt alfwqa,زقريط الفوقاJOJerash32.2911335.862750Asia/Ammanpopulated place
7015814Al FayşalīyahAl Faysaliyah,Al Fayşalīyah,alfyslyt,الفيصليةJOMa’an30.4843735.632760Asia/Ammanpopulated place
248532Khirbat aş ŞālūsKhirbat as Salus,Khirbat aş Şālūs,Khirbat es Salus,Khirbat eṣ ṢālūsJOAjlun32.3080535.764290Asia/Ammanpopulated place
7015796Shayz̧amShayzam,Shayz̧am,shyzm,شيظمJOTafielah30.8664435.679090Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250777Al ‘AmaqahAl `Amaqah,Al ‘Amaqah,El `Amaqa,El `Ameqe,El ‘Amaqa,El ‘Ameqe,`Amaqa,العمقة,‘AmaqaJOKarak31.0562435.701660Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250153Aydūn Banī ḨasanAidun,Aidūn,Aydun,Aydun Bani Hasan,Aydūn,Aydūn Banī Ḩasan,Eidun,aydwn,aydwn bny hsn,أيدون بني حسن,ايدونJOMafraq32.3090736.17630Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11242272Tajammu‘ al Musay‘idātTajammu` al Musay`idat,Tajammu‘ al Musay‘idāt,تجمع المسيعداتJOMadaba31.5875335.793890Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12141044Al BulaydahAl Bulaydah,alblydt,البليدةJOKarak31.2703635.565980Asia/Ammanpopulated place
249712DawqarahDauqara,Dawgarah,Dawqarah,Doqara,dwqrt,دوقرةJOIrbid32.6002935.739120Asia/Ammanpopulated place
248559Sayl al ḨammahAl Hammah,Al Ḩammah,El Hamma,Khirbat al Hammah,Khirbat al Ḩammah,Khirbat el Hamma,Khirbat el Ḥamma,Sayl al Hammah,Sayl al Ḩammah,alhmt,syl alhmt,الحمة,سيل الحمةJOIrbid32.4694935.597860Asia/Ammanpopulated place
7015848RuwāthRuwath,Ruwāth,rwath,رواثJOTafielah30.716635.635580Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250602Al KufayrAl Kufayr,El Kfeir,El Kufeir,Kufeir,alkfyr,الكفيرJOJerash32.2128835.929770Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250535Al MarrazahAl Marrazah,Al Mazra`,Al Mazra‘,El Marraza,almrzt,المرزةJOIrbid32.4121935.588190Asia/Ammanpopulated place
249928Bayt Zir‘ahBayt Zir`ah,Bayt Zir‘ah,Beit Zer`a,Beit Zer‘a,Beit Zira,بيت زرعةJOAmman31.8283235.849180Asia/Ammanpopulated place
247162Sab‘ AşīrKawm ar Riff,Sab` Asir,Sab` Issir,Sab` Siyar,Sab‘ Aşīr,Sab‘ Işşīr,Sab‘ Şiyar,kwm alrf,سبع اصير,كوم الرفJOMafraq32.3384536.464030Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12141647ḨāţimHatim,hatm,حاطم,ḨāţimJOIrbid32.4061435.89210Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10861858Al MujaddilAl Majdal,Al Mujaddil,almjdl,المجدلJOZarqa32.1567636.188610Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11048880SweimehJOBalqa31.7170735.5880600Asia/Ammanpopulated place
6946409Karak CityAl-Karak,Karak,Kerak,КаракJOKarak31.1636835.7620493021678Asia/Ammanseat of a first-order administrative division
11428685RukbanRakban,Rikban,alrukban,alruqban,الرُّقبان,الرُّكبانJOMafraq33.3140538.7034220085000Asia/Ammanpopulated place
247015ŞammāSamma,Sammeh,sma,Şammā,صماJOIrbid32.5710235.689848926Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10630637Al ḨirshAl Hirsh,Al Ḩirsh,alhrsh,الحرشJOMafraq32.4379136.052190Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11313770Wādī an NāqahWadi an Naqah,Wādī an Nāqah,wady alnaqt,وادي الناقةJOBalqa32.0817935.722140Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12141349Al ḨadabahAl Hadabah,Al Ḩadabah,alhdbt,الحدبةJOKarak31.0583635.712430Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11129531FuḑaynFudayn,Fuḑayn,fdyn,فضينJOIrbid32.5628735.610090Asia/Ammanpopulated place
251024Abū az ZīghānAbu az Zighan,Abu ez Zighan,Abu ez Zighān,Abū az Zīghān,abw alzyghan,ابو الزيغانJOBalqa32.1883335.640790Asia/Ammanpopulated place
248572Al QaşabahAl Qasabah,Al Qaşabah,Khirbat Abu as Sus,Khirbat Abu es Sus,Khirbat Abū aş Şūş,Khirbat Abū es Sūs,alqsbt,القصبةJOMafraq32.2911236.048870Asia/Ammanpopulated place
249643DibbīnDibbin,Dibbīn,dbyn,دبينJOJerash32.2568135.826420Asia/Ammanpopulated place
11049559Hamat Gaderhmt gdr,חמת גדרJOIrbid32.6843135.666170Asia/Ammanpopulated place
250725Al FākhirahAl Fakhirah,Al Fākhirah,El Fakhiya,El Fākhiya,Khirbat el Fakhra,Khirbat el Fākhra,alfakhrt,الفاخرةJOAjlun32.2444735.733440Asia/Ammanpopulated place
7015797Abū BannāAbu Bana,Abu Banna,Abū Bannā,Abū Banā,abw bna,ابو بناJOTafielah30.8746235.682780Asia/Ammanpopulated place
249900Bīr ḨamadBi’r Hamad,Bir Hamad,Bi’r Ḩamad,Bīr Ḩamad,byr hmd,بئر حمد,بير حمدJOMa’an30.0893535.364870Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10861657Bānī HāshimBani Hashim,Bānī Hāshim,bny hashm,بني هاشمJOMafraq32.1614136.798030Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10861894Umm RāmiḩUmm Ramih,Umm Rāmiḩ,am ramh,أم رامحJOJerash32.2125135.96870Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10682405Ar RīshahAr Rishah,Ar Rīshah,alrysht,الريشةJOMafraq32.5456839.037590Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10630645Al ḨārūzAl Haruz,Al Ḩārūz,alharwz,الحاروزJOMafraq32.3922136.093580Asia/Ammanpopulated place
12141892Al YābisahAl Yabisah,Al Yābisah,alyabst,اليابسةJOAjlun32.3600435.795840Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10636658Al FayşalīyahAl Faysaliyah,Al Fayşalīyah,alfyslyt,الفيصليةJOMafraq32.2888136.491570Asia/Ammanpopulated place
246787Al ḨarfūshīyahAl Harfushiyah,Al Ḩarfūshīyah,Sih Duhaiyim,Sih Duhayyim,Sīh Duhaiyim,Sīḩ Duhayyim,alhrfwshyt,الحرفوشيةJOMafraq32.4798236.191920Asia/Ammanpopulated place
10861978Al Mushayrifah al WusţáAl Mushayrifah al Wusta,Al Mushayrifah al Wusţá,almshyrft alwsty,المشيرفة الوسطىJOJerash32.374835.993270Asia/Ammanpopulated place

**Exploring Jordan: A Geographer's Perspective**


Embarking on an exploration of Jordan's geographical landscape is akin to delving into a realm where ancient history, diverse terrains, and vibrant cultures converge in the heart of the Middle East. As a geographer driven by a passion for unraveling the mysteries of our planet's landscapes, delving into the spatial dynamics of Jordan offers an intriguing journey. In this narrative, we embark on a quest to obtain geographical data encompassing the cities, regions, and districts of Jordan, with a keen focus on uncovering the latitude and longitude coordinates of each urban center.

Discovering Jordan: Crossroads of Civilization**

Jordan, situated at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, is a land steeped in history and natural beauty. From the ancient rock-carved city of Petra to the otherworldly landscapes of Wadi Rum, the geography of Jordan is as diverse as it is captivating. Beyond its physical features lie vibrant cities, bustling markets, and a rich cultural tapestry shaped by centuries of civilizations. As we set out to explore its urban centers and rural settlements, we are immersed in a world of wonder and discovery.

Navigating Administrative Divisions: Understanding Jordan's Territorial Organization**

Within Jordan's administrative framework lie divisions that offer insights into the country's governance and spatial organization. From the governorates of Amman and Petra to the districts of Irbid and Aqaba, each administrative unit plays a crucial role in shaping Jordan's geography. Delving deeper into the regions and districts of Jordan allows us to gain a deeper understanding of its cultural heritage, economic dynamics, and environmental landscapes.

Data Quest: Unveiling Latitude and Longitude Coordinates**

Central to our exploration is the quest to obtain precise geographic coordinates, unlocking the spatial essence of Jordan's cities and settlements. Latitude and longitude data serve as our guiding compass, leading us through the bustling streets of urban centers and the serene landscapes of rural communities. From the historic citadel of Amman to the ancient ruins of Jerash, each set of coordinates reveals a new facet of Jordan's geographical diversity.

Interpreting Insights: From Data to Geographic Understanding**

As data accumulates, meticulously gathered and analyzed, patterns emerge, offering insights into Jordan's urban development, population distribution, and environmental characteristics. Through the lens of geographic data, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate interplay between human activity and the natural environment. From the fertile valleys of the Jordan Rift Valley to the arid deserts of the Eastern Desert, Jordan's geography reflects a rich tapestry of ecological diversity and human adaptation.

Challenges and Reflections: Navigating the Geographical Terrain**

Yet, our journey is not without its challenges. The arid climate and scarce water resources of Jordan pose unique obstacles in obtaining accurate geographical data. From navigating through rugged mountains to accessing information from remote villages, the pursuit of geographic knowledge demands patience, perseverance, and a deep respect for the country's natural heritage.


In conclusion, Jordan stands as a beacon of history, culture, and natural beauty in the Middle East. Through the lens of geographic data acquisition, we embark on a journey to unravel the spatial intricacies of this dynamic country. As we delve deeper into Jordan's cities and settlements, armed with geographical coordinates and a spirit of inquiry, we are reminded of the profound interconnectedness between data and geographic understanding, paving the way for new discoveries and insights in the field of geography.

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Geospatial Analysis of Jordan: Leveraging Geographic Data for Sustainable Growth

Jordan, a country located in the heart of the Middle East, is characterized by its unique geographical features, ranging from the deserts of Wadi Rum to the fertile Jordan Valley. With a population of over 10 million and a rapidly developing economy, Jordan's geography plays a pivotal role in shaping its urban, agricultural, and industrial landscapes. For geographers, urban planners, and policy analysts, understanding the spatial distribution of cities, regions, and departments in Jordan is crucial for promoting sustainable growth and managing the country’s resources effectively.

To develop efficient urban systems, mitigate environmental challenges, and improve regional development, it is essential to have access to reliable geographic data. Detailed information about the locations of Jordan’s cities, regions, and departments, along with latitude and longitude coordinates, is vital for understanding patterns of urbanization, economic activity, and infrastructure needs. By obtaining this data in formats like CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, decision-makers can integrate it into planning systems, making it easier to visualize trends and make informed decisions that benefit both urban and rural areas.

Administrative Structure of Jordan: Regions and Cities

Jordan is divided into 12 governorates (provinces), each with its own distinct geography and socio-economic characteristics. These governorates are further subdivided into districts and municipalities, with each region contributing to the broader development of the country. Amman, the capital and largest city, is the political, economic, and cultural heart of Jordan. It serves as a hub for commerce, government, and international relations.

Other significant cities include Zarqa, Irbid, and Aqaba, which are strategically located along trade routes and contribute to Jordan's industrial and commercial activities. Aqaba, situated on the Red Sea, serves as the country's main port, while cities like Irbid and Mafraq are close to Syria and Iraq, making them key centers for regional trade and logistics.

Understanding the distribution of these cities and their relationship to surrounding regions is essential for planners and policymakers. Geographic data about cities and regions provides valuable insights into resource allocation, infrastructure planning, and the delivery of services. By integrating data about the locations of cities, parishes, and administrative districts, stakeholders can better plan for sustainable economic development, improved transportation networks, and equitable distribution of services.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Jordan for Strategic Development

Latitude and longitude coordinates are fundamental for mapping and spatial analysis. In Jordan, where the landscape varies from the deserts in the east to the fertile lands of the Jordan River Valley in the west, precise geographic coordinates enable the identification of key areas for infrastructure, environmental management, and disaster response.

For example, the city of Amman, located in the northwest, benefits from easy access to both neighboring countries and the Mediterranean coast. By knowing the exact geographic coordinates of Amman, urban planners can optimize its transportation and utility networks, ensuring that infrastructure can efficiently connect the capital to other major cities, such as Zarqa and Irbid. Similarly, understanding the geographic location of Aqaba allows for the strategic planning of port facilities and the transportation of goods across the region.

Latitude and longitude data can also inform the analysis of natural resources, including water, energy, and agricultural land. The location of key water sources, such as the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, helps policymakers manage water resources, ensuring sustainable use in the face of growing demand. These geographic coordinates provide the foundation for geographic information systems (GIS) that enable planners to visualize and analyze spatial data, identify areas in need of development, and optimize the allocation of resources.

Flexible Data Formats for Geographic Analysis

To ensure the effective use of geographic data, it must be available in formats that are both flexible and accessible across various platforms. By making data available in CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML formats, geographers and urban planners can easily incorporate this data into mapping systems, databases, and analytical tools.

- **CSV (Comma-Separated Values)** is a simple yet effective format for organizing geographic data in tabular form. Data on Jordan’s cities, population sizes, and infrastructure details can be stored in CSV files, making it easy to import and manipulate this data in spreadsheet software or basic data analysis programs. Researchers can identify trends such as urban growth, infrastructure needs, and demographic changes by analyzing CSV data.

- **SQL (Structured Query Language)** is used for managing large datasets in relational databases. By storing geographic data in SQL databases, users can run advanced queries to uncover patterns and insights. SQL is ideal for organizing large-scale data related to Jordan’s cities, regions, and departments, and allows planners to analyze relationships between cities and their economic or environmental characteristics. For example, SQL databases can be used to track changes in regional population sizes, economic output, or infrastructure capacity.

- **JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)** is commonly used in web applications and APIs for transmitting data. JSON allows developers to create dynamic web applications or mapping systems that can integrate real-time geographic data. For Jordan, JSON could be used to display the locations of cities, regions, and key infrastructure on interactive maps, giving users the ability to explore geographic data interactively.

- **XML (Extensible Markup Language)** is used for structuring hierarchical data. For geographic data, XML can be used to organize cities, regions, and districts in a way that highlights their relationships to each other. XML facilitates data exchange between systems and can be used to ensure compatibility across platforms, such as between GIS tools and government databases.

Urban Planning and Infrastructure Development

Jordan's urban growth, particularly in Amman, requires careful planning to ensure that infrastructure keeps pace with population growth. With a growing demand for housing, transportation, and public services, urban planners need access to detailed geographic data to prioritize development projects and ensure the effective use of land.

Understanding the geographic layout of Jordan's cities and regions helps planners design efficient transportation systems, such as public transit routes and road networks, that connect urban areas to rural communities. For example, by analyzing the geographic data of Amman and its surrounding suburbs, planners can design transit routes that reduce traffic congestion and improve access to essential services like healthcare and education.

Furthermore, geographic data can guide the expansion of infrastructure in Jordan’s rural areas, such as the expansion of water and electricity grids, or the construction of roads to improve connectivity. In regions like the Badia (eastern desert), where population density is lower, understanding geographic locations allows planners to identify where investments in infrastructure are needed to support sustainable development.

Resource Management and Environmental Sustainability

Jordan’s natural resources are limited, and sustainable management of these resources is vital to the country’s long-term development. Geographic data helps in managing resources like water, land, and energy by providing accurate spatial information on their distribution.

Water scarcity is one of Jordan’s most pressing challenges, and geographic data on the locations of aquifers, rivers, and reservoirs is critical for efficient water management. By mapping these resources, authorities can ensure that water is allocated equitably across urban and rural areas and that conservation efforts are focused on areas with the highest need.

In addition to water management, geographic data helps manage the country’s agricultural land, which is primarily located in the Jordan Valley. Understanding the location of fertile land and mapping crop yields allows for better decision-making regarding agricultural practices, irrigation systems, and land use. Geographic data can also support efforts to monitor and preserve natural ecosystems, such as forests or wetlands, which are crucial for maintaining biodiversity and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Disaster Preparedness and Risk Mitigation

Jordan is subject to various natural risks, including earthquakes, floods, and desertification. Geographic data is essential for disaster preparedness, helping authorities identify vulnerable areas and plan appropriate mitigation strategies. By mapping areas prone to seismic activity, such as the Jordan Valley, planners can ensure that buildings and infrastructure are designed to withstand earthquakes. Additionally, geographic data helps in planning flood control systems and designing infrastructure that can manage extreme weather events.

Given the country’s vulnerability to environmental change, geographic data also plays a critical role in climate resilience. By analyzing data on environmental shifts, such as desertification in the eastern Badia region, authorities can implement policies that prevent land degradation and promote sustainable land use.


Geographic data on Jordan’s cities, regions, and departments, including precise latitude and longitude coordinates, is vital for urban planning, resource management, environmental sustainability, and disaster preparedness. By obtaining this data in formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, planners, researchers, and policymakers can make informed decisions that ensure Jordan’s development is sustainable, equitable, and resilient. The use of geographic data enables Jordan to address its unique challenges and make strategic decisions for its future growth and prosperity.

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