Czechia cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV, XML, SQL, JSON format


Last update : 19 January 2025.

Number of cities

Below is a list of 100 prominent cities in Czechia. Each row includes a city's latitude, longitude, region and other variables of interest. This is a subset of all 16215 places in Czechia that you'll find in our World Cities Database. You're free to use the data below for personal or commercial applications. The data below can be downloaded in .csv, .json, .xml and .sql formats. Notable Cities: The capital of Czechia is Prague.

3063795Týn nad BečvouThein,Tyn,TýnCZOlomouckýOkres Přerov49.5169517.61806859Europe/Praguepopulated place
3066615RudaDeutsch-Eisenberg,Nemecka Ruda,Německá Ruda,RudaCZMoravskoslezskýOkres Bruntál49.8629817.18810Europe/Praguepopulated place
3062847VískaCZVysočinaOkres Havlíčkův Brod49.7703115.65256183Europe/Praguepopulated place
3072804KřečoviceCZLiberecký krajOkres Semily50.5482215.287170Europe/Praguepopulated place
3068365PetroviceCZCentral BohemiaOkres Benešov49.553914.716450Europe/Praguepopulated place
3072233LedkovCZKrálovéhradecký krajOkres Jičín50.3452415.234280Europe/Praguepopulated place
3067740PouštěCZCentral BohemiaOkres Příbram49.7877114.242890Europe/Praguepopulated place
3062220Vysoké BřeznoOber PriesenCZÚstecký krajOkres Most50.4638413.573440Europe/Praguepopulated place
3079019BorekCZCentral BohemiaOkres Příbram49.7122913.946680Europe/Praguepopulated place
3072015LhotkaLhotkaCZPardubickýOkres Ústí nad Orlicí49.9263316.43940Europe/Praguepopulated place
3069080Olbramovice VesOlbramovice VesCZCentral BohemiaOkres Benešov49.6729914.640320Europe/Praguepopulated place
3066285SedlištěCZVysočinaOkres Žďár nad Sázavou49.6483316.228570Europe/Praguepopulated place
3072657KrnovCZOlomouckýOkres Olomouc49.6964317.206070Europe/Praguepopulated place
3068598PánovPanov,PánovCZVysočinaOkres Žďár nad Sázavou49.3153816.28590Europe/Praguepopulated place
3077307DachovDachovCZJihočeský krajOkres Prachatice49.0568613.917560Europe/Praguepopulated place
3067200RadimoviceCZLiberecký krajOkres Liberec50.6263515.08207233Europe/Praguepopulated place
3068392PetřínyCZCentral BohemiaOkres Benešov49.7352414.941940Europe/Praguepopulated place
3075284Horní NěmčiceHorni Nemcice,Horní Němčice,Nemcice,NěmčiceCZPlzeň RegionOkres Klatovy49.2746213.26980Europe/Praguepopulated place
3079713BabinCZVysočinaOkres Pelhřimov49.3413215.080690Europe/Praguepopulated place
3077373ČíštěvesCZKrálovéhradecký krajOkres Hradec Králové50.2888315.73183116Europe/Praguepopulated place
3076067HabříHaberzieCZÚstecký krajOkres Ústí nad Labem50.620513.943880Europe/Praguepopulated place
3070276MostkoviceCZOlomouckýOkres Prostějov49.4721517.052121313Europe/Praguepopulated place
3075264Horní PertolticeHorni Pertoltice,Horní Pertoltice,Ober BerzdorfCZLiberecký krajOkres Liberec50.9814815.086690Europe/Praguepopulated place
3067591PřemelovskoCZVysočinaOkres Havlíčkův Brod49.6870915.23830Europe/Praguepopulated place
3062007ZahradaCZSouth MoravianOkres Brno-venkov49.3766716.362980Europe/Praguepopulated place
3072321Lány na DůlkuCZPardubickýOkres Pardubice50.0333315.683330Europe/Praguepopulated place
3069317Nový DvůrNeuhofCZÚstecký krajOkres Ústí nad Labem50.8140Europe/Praguepopulated place
3066567RusováReichsdorf,Reischdorf,Rusova,RusováCZÚstecký krajOkres Chomutov50.4484113.164590Europe/Praguepopulated place
3079298BítovBitov,Bítov,WitowaCZPlzeň RegionOkres Plzeň-sever49.69513.096740Europe/Praguepopulated place
3074637HvozdečkoCZOlomouckýOkres Olomouc49.6890716.928940Europe/Praguepopulated place
3066206SendražCZKrálovéhradecký krajOkres Náchod50.3676116.2020891Europe/Praguepopulated place
3066351ŠeborovSeborov,ŠeborovCZVysočinaOkres Žďár nad Sázavou49.3580315.935370Europe/Praguepopulated place
3061721ŽďárCZJihočeský krajOkres Písek49.2331214.22783233Europe/Praguepopulated place
3077121Dlouhá StráňLangenbergCZMoravskoslezskýOkres Bruntál49.9599817.500862Europe/Praguepopulated place
3074006KajetínKajetin,KajetínCZJihočeský krajOkres Tábor49.3286314.822770Europe/Praguepopulated place
3074841HřenskoHerrnskretschen,Khrensko,ХренскоCZÚstecký krajOkres Děčín50.8744114.2425267Europe/Praguepopulated place
3069840NerozhoviceCZPardubickýOkres Chrudim49.8918315.679060Europe/Praguepopulated place
3071125MálkovMalkov,Molgau,MálkovCZPlzeň RegionOkres Tachov49.6479412.67960Europe/Praguepopulated place
3075669HodiškovCZVysočinaOkres Žďár nad Sázavou49.5034916.03805142Europe/Praguepopulated place
3073663Klášterská LhotaMonchsdorf,MönchsdorfCZKrálovéhradecký krajOkres Trutnov50.5596915.66358185Europe/Praguepopulated place
3063968TrnováTirnau,TrnowaCZCentral BohemiaOkres Praha-západ49.9154414.3577297Europe/Praguepopulated place
3074761HrušticeHrustice,Hruštice,WadetstiftCZJihočeský krajOkres Český Krumlov48.6833314.116670Europe/Praguepopulated place
12122871PlešivecCZJihočeský krajOkres Český Krumlov48.8012614.311370Europe/Praguepopulated place
3068548PašinoviceCZJihočeský krajOkres České Budějovice48.8740214.531190Europe/Praguepopulated place
3076938DolinyCZJihočeský krajOkres České Budějovice49.2715214.411340Europe/Praguepopulated place
3075953HarrachovGarrakhov,Harachovas,Kharakhov,ha la huo fu,halahopeu,Гаррахов,Харахов,哈拉霍夫,하라호프CZLiberecký krajOkres Semily50.7720915.431411700Europe/Praguepopulated place
3074742HubovHubovCZJihočeský krajOkres Tábor49.5014714.489580Europe/Praguepopulated place
3079020BorekBorek,WurkenCZPlzeň RegionOkres Tachov49.6361912.777930Europe/Praguepopulated place
3070503MlaziceMlasitz,MlaziceCZCentral BohemiaOkres Mělník50.3723614.477190Europe/Praguepopulated place
3070150MyšticeMichzenCZÚstecký krajOkres Litoměřice50.5722314.183690Europe/Praguepopulated place
3066753RoškopovCZKrálovéhradecký krajOkres Jičín50.5164215.475370Europe/Praguepopulated place
3075388Horní FořtHorni Fort,Horní Fořt,OberforstCZOlomouckýOkres Jeseník50.3771117.0150Europe/Praguepopulated place
3064040TřeniceCZCentral BohemiaOkres Beroun49.8565813.827560Europe/Praguepopulated place
3074780Hrubý SkalníkCZZlínOkres Vsetín49.3518.033330Europe/Praguepopulated place
3079034BoračCZSouth MoravianOkres Brno-venkov49.4008216.36111307Europe/Praguepopulated place
3069136OdryOdrauCZMoravskoslezskýOkres Nový Jičín49.6625517.830847395Europe/Praguepopulated place
3078793BratroniceBratroniceCZCentral BohemiaOkres Mladá Boleslav50.2998514.955410Europe/Praguepopulated place
3075203Horní SmržovCZSouth MoravianOkres Blansko49.6182616.57698141Europe/Praguepopulated place
3067549PřezeticePresteritz,Prezetice,PřezeticeCZÚstecký krajOkres Chomutov50.413.333330Europe/Praguepopulated place
3067601PřehořovCZJihočeský krajOkres Tábor49.247614.75623332Europe/Praguepopulated place
3069492Nové HradyNeuschlossCZPardubickýOkres Ústí nad Orlicí49.8516816.1438295Europe/Praguepopulated place
3073082Kout na ŠumavěKauthCZPlzeň RegionOkres Domažlice49.4025513.002081140Europe/Praguepopulated place
3072402KyjovKhaa,KyjovCZÚstecký krajOkres Děčín50.9144114.46290Europe/Praguepopulated place
3069848NeradovCZJihočeský krajOkres Strakonice49.4166713.983330Europe/Praguepopulated place
3078185ČejeticeCejetice,Gross Cejtitz,ČejeticeCZCentral BohemiaOkres Mladá Boleslav50.4133914.886120Europe/Praguepopulated place
3073309KoncovinaCZPardubickýOkres Chrudim49.7666716.133330Europe/Praguepopulated place
3067337PukšiceCZVysočinaOkres Havlíčkův Brod49.7714315.610820Europe/Praguepopulated place
3070621MimovCZPlzeň RegionOkres Domažlice49.5014713.058450Europe/Praguepopulated place
3072629KrsovGirschowa,KrsovCZPlzeň RegionOkres Plzeň-sever49.892213.058310Europe/Praguepopulated place
3063144Velký MalahovGross MalowaCZPlzeň RegionOkres Domažlice49.6235712.95533262Europe/Praguepopulated place
3073288KonojedyCZÚstecký krajOkres Litoměřice50.6289914.350720Europe/Praguepopulated place
3061702ŽďárecCZPardubickýOkres Chrudim49.8547315.635910Europe/Praguepopulated place
3076043HájGrafengrun,Grafengrün,Haj,HájCZKarlovarský krajOkres Cheb49.9639612.540640Europe/Praguepopulated place
3064061TřebskoCZCentral BohemiaOkres Příbram49.6256613.96754202Europe/Praguepopulated place
3066011Sklená Hut’CZPlzeň RegionOkres Rokycany49.8206413.633790Europe/Praguepopulated place
3078690BřezinyBirkigt,Breziny,BřezinyCZÚstecký krajOkres Děčín50.7609614.258170Europe/Praguepopulated place
3070630MiloviceCZSouth MoravianOkres Břeclav48.8524916.69814463Europe/Praguepopulated place
3067866Polní VoděradyCZCentral BohemiaOkres Kolín49.9923115.09523135Europe/Praguepopulated place
3077463ChyliceCZPlzeň RegionOkres Rokycany49.7085213.646950Europe/Praguepopulated place
3061547ŽelkoviceCZKrálovéhradecký krajOkres Hradec Králové50.3277715.749460Europe/Praguepopulated place
3067927PokojoviceCZVysočinaOkres Třebíč49.2196415.7423587Europe/Praguepopulated place
3061392ZlatenkaCZVysočinaOkres Pelhřimov49.4234515.0585546Europe/Praguepopulated place
3073412KoječínCZVysočinaOkres Havlíčkův Brod49.5487815.477760Europe/Praguepopulated place
3074803HrotoviceHrottowitzCZVysočinaOkres Třebíč49.107716.060671780Europe/Praguepopulated place
3071283MačiceCZPlzeň RegionOkres Klatovy49.2258413.677810Europe/Praguepopulated place
3073243KořeniceCZCentral BohemiaOkres Kolín49.9771115.14086563Europe/Praguepopulated place
3064694ŠuláciCZZlínOkres Vsetín49.3333318.166670Europe/Praguepopulated place
3075908HavraníHavrani,Havraní,Rabstejn,RabštejnCZLiberecký krajOkres Česká Lípa50.6815714.363630Europe/Praguepopulated place
3070680MiletínkyMiletinky,Miletínky,PaulusCZJihočeský krajOkres Prachatice48.9230614.085820Europe/Praguepopulated place
3073533KněžiceKnezitz,KněžitzCZCentral BohemiaOkres Nymburk50.2572115.33536483Europe/Praguepopulated place
3064143TovačovTobitschau,Tovachov,Tovacova,Tovačova,tuo wa qiao fu,Товачов,托瓦喬夫CZOlomouckýOkres Přerov49.4308317.287952605Europe/Praguepopulated place
3062819ViticeCZCentral BohemiaOkres Kolín50.03114.91451976Europe/Praguepopulated place
3067451ProlohProlochCZKrálovéhradecký krajOkres Rychnov nad Kněžnou50.2474216.303110Europe/Praguepopulated place
3064185TlučnáCZPlzeň RegionOkres Plzeň-sever49.7242513.235342482Europe/Praguepopulated place
3079597BedřichovBedrichov,Bedřichov,FriedrichschlagCZJihočeský krajOkres České Budějovice48.7592414.724320Europe/Praguepopulated place
3069630Nová VesNova Ves,Nová VesCZVysočinaOkres Pelhřimov49.3138715.049270Europe/Praguepopulated place
3069931NekmířCZPlzeň RegionOkres Plzeň-sever49.8580813.26314410Europe/Praguepopulated place
3074124JiřičkyJiricky,JiřičkyCZVysočinaOkres Pelhřimov49.5570615.159090Europe/Praguepopulated place
3075775HlinnáCZÚstecký krajOkres Litoměřice50.5723614.10668180Europe/Praguepopulated place
3073843KarlíkCZCentral BohemiaOkres Praha-západ49.935414.25951329Europe/Praguepopulated place

**Exploring Czechia: A Geographer's Journey**


Czechia, nestled in the heart of Central Europe, is a land of rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. As a geographer, delving into the geographical intricacies of Czechia offers a fascinating journey through its cities, regions, and unique geographic features. In this article, we embark on a quest to obtain data on the cities of Czechia, including their regions and departments, as well as the latitude and longitude coordinates of each city.

Unveiling Czech Urban Centers**

The cities of Czechia are a tapestry of architectural marvels, historical landmarks, and modern urban developments. From the medieval charm of Prague, the capital city, to the baroque splendor of Český Krumlov and the industrial hub of Ostrava, each urban center tells a story of Czechia's past and present. By obtaining data on the cities of Czechia, we gain insights into patterns of urbanization, population distribution, and economic activity across the country's diverse urban landscape.

Mapping Latitude and Longitude Coordinates**

The latitude and longitude coordinates of Czechia's cities provide crucial spatial information for geographic analysis and cartographic representation. From the rolling hills of Moravia to the rugged terrain of Bohemia, these coordinates delineate the geographic extent of each city and its relationship to the surrounding landscape. By mapping latitude and longitude data, geographers can visualize spatial patterns, analyze geographic trends, and identify areas of environmental significance for conservation and land use planning.

Exploring Czech Regions and Departments**

Czechia is divided into regions, each with its own distinct character and geographical features. From the wine-growing region of South Moravia to the spa towns of Karlovy Vary, the country's regions offer a diverse array of landscapes and cultural heritage. By obtaining data on the regions and departments of Czechia, geographers can delve into the spatial distribution of these environmental features and understand their implications for human settlement, agriculture, and natural resource management.

Challenges and Opportunities**

Despite its natural beauty and cultural richness, Czechia faces a range of geographical challenges, from environmental degradation and urban sprawl to demographic shifts and economic disparities. By obtaining data on the cities, regions, and departments of Czechia, geographers can contribute to evidence-based decision-making and policy formulation, addressing issues such as sustainable development, spatial planning, and regional inequality. By understanding the geographic context of these challenges, policymakers can develop more resilient strategies for enhancing the country's environmental sustainability and quality of life.


In conclusion, the geography of Czechia offers a captivating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty waiting to be explored and understood. By obtaining data on the cities, regions, and departments of Czechia, geographers can unravel the spatial dynamics and complexities that shape the Czech landscape and way of life. As stewards of Czechia's geographical heritage, it is our responsibility to use this knowledge to inform decision-making, promote sustainable development, and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of this extraordinary country for future generations to cherish and enjoy.

download world databases cities Czechia

Download data files for Czechia's cities in CSV, SQL, XML and JSON formats

Exploring the Geography of Czechia: A Geographer’s Insight into Urban and Regional Data

Czechia, or the Czech Republic, is a landlocked country in Central Europe known for its historical cities, diverse landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. As a geographer, I find it compelling to explore the intricate geographical and administrative makeup of this fascinating country. From its capital, Prague, to the smaller towns scattered across its regions, Czechia’s cities are shaped by their geography, history, and socio-political divisions. By analyzing the geographical data of these cities, we can gain a deeper understanding of the forces that have shaped the country’s development and current organization.

Geographical Structure: Understanding Czechia’s Cities and Regions

Czechia is divided into 14 administrative regions, each of which contains several cities, towns, and villages. These regions are fundamental to understanding how the country is governed and how its infrastructure and resources are distributed. Each region has its own unique characteristics, influenced by factors such as geography, economic activity, and historical context.

The largest city, Prague, serves as the country’s capital and is the central hub for culture, politics, and business. However, it is important to note that the other cities in Czechia, such as Brno, Ostrava, and Plzeň, also play critical roles in the country’s development. These cities contribute to the economy, culture, and identity of their respective regions.

By obtaining detailed geographical data on Czechia’s cities, it is possible to map their locations within their regions and understand their connections to the surrounding areas. Whether looking at the industrial heart of Ostrava in the northeast or the historical city of Olomouc in the east, this data provides a clearer picture of the geographical organization of the country and the relationships between its cities.

Latitude and Longitude: A Key to Mapping Czechia’s Cities

For geographers, having precise latitude and longitude data for each city in Czechia is essential. Latitude and longitude coordinates are fundamental for accurately mapping cities, understanding their spatial relationships, and performing detailed geographical analysis. Whether you are studying urbanization patterns, population distribution, or transportation networks, latitude and longitude data are critical tools for any geographic study.

Each city in Czechia, from the bustling capital of Prague to the quieter towns in the countryside, has its own unique geographical coordinates. These coordinates allow geographers to examine how cities are positioned relative to one another and assess how their location influences their development. For example, cities located near borders, such as Ústí nad Labem or Karlovy Vary, may experience different socio-economic dynamics compared to those located further inland.

The precise geographical coordinates of each city also provide invaluable insights for urban planning, infrastructure development, and environmental studies. By examining the relationship between cities and their natural surroundings, geographers can identify patterns of growth, resource distribution, and environmental challenges.

Accessing Data in Multiple Formats: Flexibility for Analysis

Obtaining geographical data on Czechia’s cities in various formats is essential for researchers, urban planners, and developers. The ability to access this data in CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML formats ensures that it can be used in a variety of contexts, from simple mapping to more complex spatial analysis.

CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is commonly used for organizing and analyzing data in spreadsheet software, making it easy to sort and filter cities based on different criteria, such as population size or geographical location. SQL (Structured Query Language) is useful for managing large datasets in databases, allowing users to run complex queries and perform advanced analyses. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) are both highly flexible formats that are commonly used for web applications and geographic information systems (GIS).

These formats are designed to be easily integrated into a variety of software tools and platforms, making them accessible to users with different needs and expertise. Whether you are conducting research, developing software, or planning urban infrastructure projects, the availability of Czechia’s data in these formats provides the flexibility to work with the information in a way that suits your specific needs.

For example, researchers studying population growth in Czech cities can use the CSV format to organize city data, while urban planners can utilize the SQL format to analyze transportation patterns across regions. Developers working on custom GIS applications can integrate the JSON or XML data into their systems to visualize and analyze the country’s geographic landscape.

Unlocking the Potential of Czechia’s Geographic Data

Czechia’s geographical landscape, from the Bohemian Forest to the Moravian plains, offers a wealth of opportunities for analysis. The ability to access detailed data on the cities, regions, and their latitude and longitude coordinates provides geographers, researchers, and planners with the tools they need to explore the country in depth.

This data is crucial for a variety of applications, including urban development, infrastructure planning, environmental studies, and more. By obtaining this data in flexible formats such as CSV, SQL, JSON, and XML, users can tailor their analysis to suit their specific objectives and uncover new insights into Czechia’s geographical organization.

With accurate and accessible data, we can better understand the relationships between cities, regions, and the natural landscape of Czechia. This knowledge is invaluable for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the country’s geography and its potential for future development. Whether for academic research, urban planning, or simply exploring Czechia’s urban and regional structure, this data is an essential resource for anyone interested in the country’s geography.

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